"Cos she couldn't go to the city,she's most worked herself to death.She's done all the dirty,hard jobs she could find.She's fixing her grape juice now.""Sure!"cried Mrs.Comstock."When a woman is disappointed she always works like a dog to gain sympathy!""Well,Uncle Wesley and I are sympathizing all we know how,without her working so.I've squeezed until I almost busted to get the juice out from the seeds and skins.That's the hard part.Now,she has to strain it through white flannel and seal it in bottles,and it's good for sick folks.Most wish I'd get sick myself,so I could have a glass.It's so good!"Elnora glanced swiftly at her mother.
"I worked so hard,"continued Billy,"that she said if I would throw the leavings in the woods,then I could come after you to see about the bugs.Do you want to go?""We will all go,"said Mrs.Comstock."I am mightily interested in those bugs myself."From afar commotion could be seen at the Sinton home.
Wesley and Margaret were running around wildly and peculiar sounds filled the air.
"What's the trouble?"asked Philip,hurrying to Wesley.
"Cholera!"groaned Sinton."My hogs are dying like flies."Margaret was softly crying."Wesley,can't I fix something hot?Can't we do anything?It means several hundred dollars and our winter meat.""I never saw stock taken so suddenly and so hard,"said Wesley."I have 'phoned for the veterinary to come as soon as he can get here."All of them hurried to the feeding pen into which the pigs seemed to be gathering from the woods.Among the common stock were big white beasts of pedigree which were Wesley's pride at county fairs.Several of these rolled on their backs,pawing the air feebly and emitting little squeaks.A huge Berkshire sat on his haunches,slowly shaking his head,the water dropping from his eyes,until he,too,rolled over with faint grunts.A pair crossing the yard on wavering legs collided,and attacked each other in anger,only to fall,so weak they scarcely could squeal.A fine snowy Plymouth Rock rooster,after several attempts,flew to the fence,balanced with great effort,wildly flapped his wings and started a guttural crow,but fell sprawling among the pigs,too helpless to stand.
"Did you ever see such a dreadful sight?"sobbed Margaret.
Billy climbed on the fence,took one long look and turned an astounded face to Wesley.
"Why them pigs is drunk!"he cried."They act just like my pa!"Wesley turned to Margaret.
"Where did you put the leavings from that grape juice?"he demanded.
"I sent Billy to throw it in the woods."
"Billy----"began Wesley.
"Threw it just where she told me to,"cried Billy.
But some of the pigs came by there coming into the pen,and some were close in the fence corners.""Did they eat it?"demanded Wesley.
"They just chanked into it,"replied Billy graphically.
"They pushed,and squealed,and fought over it.
You couldn't blame 'em!It was the best stuff I ever tasted!""Margaret,"said Wesley,"run 'phone that doctor he won't be needed.Billy,take Elnora and Mr.Ammon to see the bugs.Katharine,suppose you help me a minute."Wesley took the clothes basket from the back porch and started in the direction of the cellar.Margaret returned from the telephone.
"I just caught him,"she said."There's that much saved.
Why Wesley,what are you going to do?"
"You go sit on the front porch a little while,"said Wesley.
"You will feel better if you don't see this.""Wesley,"cried Margaret aghast."Some of that wine is ten years old.There are days and days of hard work in it,and I couldn't say how much sugar.Dr.Ammon keeps people alive with it when nothing else will stay on their stomachs.""Let 'em die,then!"said Wesley."You heard the boy,didn't you?""It's a cold process.There's not a particle of fermentation about it.""Not a particle of fermentation!Great day,Margaret!Look at those pigs!"Margaret took a long look."Leave me a few bottles for mince-meat,"she wavered.
"Not a smell for any use on this earth!You heard the boy!He shan't say,when he grows to manhood,that he learned to like it here!"Wesley threw away the wine,Mrs.Comstock cheerfully assisting.
Then they walked to the woods to see and learn about the wonderful insects.The day ended with a big supper at Sintons',and then they went to the Comstock cabin for a concert.Elnora played beautifully that night.When the Sintons left she kissed Billy with particular tenderness.
She was so moved that she was kinder to Philip than she had intended to be,and Elnora as an antidote to a disappointed lover was a decided success in any mood.
However strong the attractions of Edith Carr had been,once the bond was finally broken,Philip Ammon could not help realizing that Elnora was the superior woman,and that he was fortunate to have escaped,when he regarded his ties strongest.Every day,while working with Elnora,he saw more to admire.He grew very thankful that he was free to try to win her,and impatient to justify himself to her.
Elnora did not evince the slightest haste to hear what he had to say,but waited the week she had set,in spite of Philip's hourly manifest impatience.When she did consent to listen,Philip felt before he had talked five minutes,that she was putting herself in Edith Carr's place,and judging him from what the other girl's standpoint would be.That was so disconcerting,he did not plead his cause nearly so well as he had hoped,for when he ceased Elnora sat in silence.
"You are my judge,"he said at last."What is your verdict?""If I could hear her speak from her heart as I just have heard you,then I could decide,"answered Elnora.