

Next in the scale of impatience came the group of believers in Socialist agitation among the masses, with a view to overturning the existing Government and putting themselves in its place as soon as the masses were sufficiently organised to play the part destined for them. Between them and the Anarchists the essential points of difference were that they admitted the necessity of some years of preparation, and they intended, when the Government was overturned, not to preserve indefinitely the state of anarchy, but to put in the place of autocracy, limited monarchy, or the republic, a strong, despotic Government thoroughly imbued with Socialistic principles. As soon as it had laid firmly the foundations of the new order of things it was to call a National Assembly, from which it was to receive, I presume, a bill of indemnity for the benevolent tyranny which it had temporarily exercised.

Impatience a few degrees less intense produced the next group, the partisans of pacific Socialist propaganda. They maintained that there was no necessity for overthrowing the old order of things till the masses had been intellectually prepared for the new, and they objected to the foundation of the new regime being laid by despots, however well-intentioned in the Socialist sense. The people must be made happy and preserved in a state of happiness by the people themselves.

In the last place came the least impatient of all, the Social Democrats, who differ widely from all the preceding categories.

All previous revolutionary groups had systematically rejected the idea of a gradual transition from the bourgeois to the Socialist regime. They would not listen to any suggestion about a constitutional monarchy or a democratic republic even as a mere intermediate stage of social development. All such things, as part and parcel of the bourgeois system, were anathematised. There must be no half-way houses between present misery and future happiness;

for many weary travellers might be tempted to settle there in the desert, and fail to reach the promised land. "Ever onward" should be the watchword, and no time should be wasted on the foolish struggles of political parties and the empty vanities of political life.

Not thus thought the Social Democrat. He was much wiser in his generation. Having seen how the attempts of the impatient groups had ended in disaster, and knowing that, if they had succeeded, the old effete despotism would probably have been replaced by a young, vigorous one more objectionable than its predecessor, he determined to try a more circuitous but surer road to the goal which the impatient people had in view. In his opinion the distance from the present Russian regime protected by autocracy to the future Socialist paradise was far too great to be traversed in a single stage, and he knew of one or two comfortable rest-houses on the way. First there was the rest-house of Constitutionalism, with parliamentary institutions. For some years the bourgeoisie would doubtless have a parliamentary majority, but gradually, by persistent effort, the Fourth Estate would gain the upper hand, and then the Socialist millennium might be proclaimed. Meanwhile, what had to be done was to gain the confidence of the masses, especially of the factory workers, who were more intelligent and less conservative than the peasantry, and to create powerful labour organisations as material for a future political party.

This programme implied, of course, a certain unity of action with the constitutionalists, from whom, as I have said, the revolutionists of the old school had stood sternly aloof. There was now no question of a formal union, and certainly no idea of a "union of hearts," because the Socialists knew that their ultimate aim would be strenuously opposed by the Liberals, and the Liberals knew that an attempt was being made to use them as a cat's-paw; but there seemed to be no reason why they of the two groups should not observe towards each other a benevolent neutrality, and march side by side as far as the half-way house, where they could consider the conditions of the further advance.

When I first became acquainted with the Russian Social Democrats I

imagined that their plan of campaign was of a purely pacific character; and that they were, unlike their predecessors, an evolutionary, as distinguished from a revolutionary, party.

Subsequently I discovered that this conception was not quite accurate. In ordinary quiet times they use merely pacific methods, and they feel that the Proletariat is not yet sufficiently prepared, intellectually and politically, to assume the great responsibilities which are reserved for it in the future.

Moreover, when the moment comes for getting rid of the Autocratic Power, they would prefer a gradual process of liquidation to a sudden cataclysm. So far they may be said to be evolutionaries rather than revolutionaries, but their plan of campaign does not entirely exclude violence. They would not consider it their duty to oppose the use of violence on the part of the more impatient sections of the revolutionists, and they would have no scruples about utilising disturbances for the attainment of their own end.

Public agitation, which is always likely in Russia to provoke violent repression by the authorities, they regard as necessary for keeping alive and strengthening the spirit of opposition; and when force is used by the police they approve of the agitators using force in return. To acts of terrorism, however, they are opposed on principle.

Who, then, are the Terrorists, who have assassinated so many great personages, including the Grand Duke Serge? In reply to this question I must introduce the reader to another group of the revolutionists who have usually been in hostile, rather than friendly, relations with the Social Democrats, and who call themselves the Socialist-Revolutionaries (Sotsialisty-


  • 陆传


  • 天魔之道


  • 中国蓝剑特种部队


  • 天使VS恶魔的情人


    她是众人眼中的恶魔,他是众人眼中的天使,可是只有她知道,谁才是真正的恶魔!天使的面具蒙骗了众人. 。一定要撕下他的天使假面具,可是,现在是什么情况。为了她而回来,什么意思啊!不懂呢?在美国念念不忘的人,让他决定丢下一切回来找她,可是她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以。既然她想玩,好啊,那就陪她玩玩吧! 可是,到底还是他的错,让她负伤离开。再见面时已经是五年后了,五年后的一切还会如初吗?这次是不是就可以幸福的在一起了!爱情的世界,两个人刚刚好,可是太多人掺与的爱情,注定不会有好的结局!赵灵依一个快乐而聪明的狡黠女孩,喜欢多管闲事,喜欢恶整人,智商180的她,是个漂亮而善良的小女生,却因为自己的恶整同学在剀汐高中由天使变成恶魔,魔鬼的脸蛋,魔鬼的身材,魔鬼的心肠。尹轩,赵灵依的双胞胎哥哥,早几分钟出生,却比赵灵依高出很多,是个恋妹严重的人,过度的保护欲,让赵灵依威胁利诱不许让别人知道他们是兄妹。爱妹如他,又怎会不答应,外号冰山王子。荆凤雅,赵灵依的好朋友兼死党,私生女。曾经她的世界只有黑暗,是她给她带来了阳光,一直保护自己的人。从没有想过,原来她也会那么脆弱的躺在病床上。心痛的滴血,暗下决定,以后换她来保护她。所以,她要变强,强到可以为她遮风挡雨,就像曾经的她。陈枫一个智商200的天才帅气男生,一次意外的咬人事件,让他念念不忘的小女生。美国的生活很好,可是缺了她,他的世界少了一片阳光,放弃一切回来,只为寻找那个让他牵挂十年的女孩。只是再见面时,她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以,他一定要重新追回她,陈枫,剀汐高中的天使王子,也是商场上以冷血的性情和果断的经商手法而闻名的“恶魔”。杰森,美国约翰家族的接班人,陈枫从小一起长大的对手兼死党。对于陈枫的突然离开,杰森好奇的跟在陈枫后面回了中国,顺便带了条小尾巴回来。第一次见到赵灵依,杰森的心突然沦陷了,这一刻他相信中国的那句一见钟情了。没想到的是,她居然是sky 的梦中情人,为了她,sky居然丢下一切回来找她。和sky的赌约只是一个气话,没说出口的是,早在他第一次见到依依时,就已经喜欢上了她。这次不管如何,他都不会放手的。帅气而阳光的杰森剀汐的阳光王子。
  • 枫叶降临


  • 盛世婚宠:总裁的私有宠儿


  • 笔花医镜


  • 天狩记


  • 狂暴剑公子


  • 弑神诛魔传

