

If there was any one among the leaders who took a more sober, prosaic view of things he was denounced as an ignoramus and a reactionary. Willingly or unwillingly, everybody had to swim with the current. Roads and bridges were not entirely neglected, but the efforts in that direction were confined to the absolutely indispensable. For such prosaic concerns there was no enthusiasm, and it was universally recognised that in Russia the construction of good roads, as the term is understood in Western Europe, was far beyond the resources of any Administration. Of the necessity for such roads few were conscious. All that was required was to make it possible to get from one place to another in ordinary weather and ordinary circumstances. If a stream was too deep to be forded, a bridge had to be built or a ferry had to be established; and if the approach to a bridge was so marshy or muddy that vehicles often sank quite up to the axles and had to be dragged out by ropes, with the assistance of the neighbouring villagers, repairs had to be made. Beyond this the efforts of the Zemstvo rarely went. Its road-building ambition remained within very modest bounds.

As for the impoverishment of the peasantry and the necessity of improving their system of agriculture, that question had hardly appeared above the horizon. It might have to be dealt with in the future, but there was no need for hurry. Once the rural population were educated, the question would solve itself. It was not till about the year 1885 that it was recognised to be more urgent than had been supposed, and some Zemstvos perceived that the people might starve before its preparatory education was completed.

Repeated famines pushed the lesson home, and the landed proprietors found their revenues diminished by the fall in the price of grain on the European markets. Thus was raised the cry: "Agriculture in Russia is on the decline! The country has entered on an acute economic crisis! If energetic measures be not taken promptly the people will soon find themselves confronted by starvation!"

To this cry of alarm the Zemstvo was neither deaf nor indifferent.

Recognising that the danger could be averted only by inducing the peasantry to adopt a more intensive system of agriculture, it directed more and more of its attention to agricultural improvements, and tried to get them adopted. It did, in short, all it could, according to its lights and within the limits of its moderate resources. Its available resources were small, unfortunately, for it was forbidden by the Government to increase the rates, and it could not well dismiss doctors and close dispensaries and schools when the people were clamouring for more.

So at least the defenders of the Zemstvo maintain, and they go so far as to contend that it did well not to grapple with the impoverishment of the peasantry at an earlier period, when the real conditions of the problem and the means of solving it were only very imperfectly known: if it had begun at that time it would have made great blunders and spent much money to little purpose.

Vide supra, p. 489.

However this may be, it would certainly be unfair to condemn the Zemstvo for not being greatly in advance of public opinion. If it endeavours strenuously to supply all clearly recognised wants, that is all that can reasonably be expected of it. What it may be more justly reproached with is, in my opinion, that it is, to a certain extent, imbued with that unpractical, pedantic spirit which is commonly supposed to reside exclusively in the Imperial Administration. But here again it simply reflects public opinion and certain intellectual peculiarities of the educated classes.

When a Russian begins to write on a simple everyday subject, he likes to connect it with general principles, philosophy, or history, and begins, perhaps, by expounding his views on the intellectual and social developments of humanity in general and of Russia in particular. If he has sufficient space at his disposal he may even tell you something about the early period of Russian history previous to the Mongol invasion before he gets to the simple matter in hand. In a previous chapter I have described the process of "shedding on a subject the light of science" in Imperial legislation. In Zemstvo activity we often meet with pedantry of a similar kind.

Vide supra, p. 343.

  • 大乘理趣六波罗蜜多经序


  • 歇浦潮


  • 杭俗遗风


  • 究竟大悲经


  • 春阿氏谋夫案


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 九魂狂尊


  • 龙逆御世


  • 秋末的些许微凉


  • 贤者众


  • 血之战,骨之传


  • 我乃主角


  • 美女斗帅哥


  • 丫头与疯丫头


  • 夜行·黄雀


    由藤萍所著的《夜行(黄雀)》内容如下:“唐研”,这个物种所有个体的名字都叫唐研,他们长得一模一样,可以自行分裂,无性繁殖。这个唐研皮肤白皙,穿白衬衫,戴金丝眼镜,斯文温和,总是微笑。 萧安,变形人,可以任意变换形状。自从遇到唐研,自从唐研被警官关崎怀疑成各种怪案凶手,就成了唐研的搭档,还要负责给他弄花生猪脚、水煮肉片什么的。 福伦别墅区地下车库走出一个看不清面目浑身雪白就像长满了羽毛的怪人,他跟一连串死者伤口相同但死状不同的案子有没有关联?而这个案子牵出一个百年前就应该已经死了的人——费婴,他竟活生生出现在众人眼前!