

Under a Mimosa-Tree.

As I travelled across an African plain the sun shone down hotly.Then Idrew my horse up under a mimosa-tree, and I took the saddle from him and left him to feed among the parched bushes.And all to right and to left stretched the brown earth.And I sat down under the tree, because the heat beat fiercely, and all along the horizon the air throbbed.And after a while a heavy drowsiness came over me, and I laid my head down against my saddle, and I fell asleep there.And, in my sleep, I had a curious dream.

I thought I stood on the border of a great desert, and the sand blew about everywhere.And I thought I saw two great figures like beasts of burden of the desert, and one lay upon the sand with its neck stretched out, and one stood by it.And I looked curiously at the one that lay upon the ground, for it had a great burden on its back, and the sand was thick about it, so that it seemed to have piled over it for centuries.

And I looked very curiously at it.And there stood one beside me watching.

And I said to him, "What is this huge creature who lies here on the sand?"And he said, "This is woman; she that bears men in her body."And I said, "Why does she lie here motionless with the sand piled round her?"And he answered, "Listen, I will tell you! Ages and ages long she has lain here, and the wind has blown over her.The oldest, oldest, oldest man living has never seen her move: the oldest, oldest book records that she lay here then, as she lies here now, with the sand about her.But listen!

Older than the oldest book, older than the oldest recorded memory of man, on the Rocks of Language, on the hard-baked clay of Ancient Customs, now crumbling to decay, are found the marks of her footsteps! Side by side with his who stands beside her you may trace them; and you know that she who now lies there once wandered free over the rocks with him."And I said, "Why does she lie there now?"And he said, "I take it, ages ago the Age-of-dominion-of-muscular-force found her, and when she stooped low to give suck to her young, and her back was broad, he put his burden of subjection on to it, and tied it on with the broad band of Inevitable Necessity.Then she looked at the earth and the sky, and knew there was no hope for her; and she lay down on the sand with the burden she could not loosen.Ever since she has lain here.And the ages have come, and the ages have gone, but the band of Inevitable Necessity has not been cut."And I looked and saw in her eyes the terrible patience of the centuries;the ground was wet with her tears, and her nostrils blew up the sand.

And I said, "Has she ever tried to move?"And he said, "Sometimes a limb has quivered.But she is wise; she knows she cannot rise with the burden on her."And I said, "Why does not he who stands by her leave her and go on?"And he said, "He cannot.Look--"

And I saw a broad band passing along the ground from one to the other, and it bound them together.

He said, "While she lies there he must stand and look across the desert."And I said, "Does he know why he cannot move?"And he said, "No."

And I heard a sound of something cracking, and I looked, and I saw the band that bound the burden on to her back broken asunder; and the burden rolled on to the ground.

And I said, "What is this?"

And he said, "The Age-of-muscular-force is dead.The Age-of-nervous-force has killed him with the knife he holds in his hand; and silently and invisibly he has crept up to the woman, and with that knife of Mechanical Invention he has cut the band that bound the burden to her back.The Inevitable Necessity it broken.She might rise now."And I saw that she still lay motionless on the sand, with her eyes open and her neck stretched out.And she seemed to look for something on the far-off border of the desert that never came.And I wondered if she were awake or asleep.And as I looked her body quivered, and a light came into her eyes, like when a sunbeam breaks into a dark room.

I said, "What is it?"

He whispered "Hush! the thought has come to her, 'Might I not rise?'"And I looked.And she raised her head from the sand, and I saw the dent where her neck had lain so long.And she looked at the earth, and she looked at the sky, and she looked at him who stood by her: but he looked out across the desert.

And I saw her body quiver; and she pressed her front knees to the earth, and veins stood out; and I cried; "She is going to rise!"But only her sides heaved, and she lay still where she was.

But her head she held up; she did not lay it down again.And he beside me said, "She is very weak.See, her legs have been crushed under her so long."And I saw the creature struggle: and the drops stood out on her.

And I said, "Surely he who stands beside her will help her?"And he beside me answered, "He cannot help her: she must help herself.

Let her struggle till she is strong."

And I cried, "At least he will not hinder her! See, he moves farther from her, and tightens the cord between them, and he drags her down."And he answered, "He does not understand.When she moves she draws the band that binds them, and hurts him, and he moves farther from her.The day will come when he will understand, and will know what she is doing.

Let her once stagger on to her knees.In that day he will stand close to her, and look into her eyes with sympathy."And she stretched her neck, and the drops fell from her.And the creature rose an inch from the earth and sank back.

And I cried, "Oh, she is too weak! she cannot walk! The long years have taken all her strength from her.Can she never move?"And he answered me, "See the light in her eyes!"And slowly the creature staggered on to its knees.

And I awoke: and all to the east and to the west stretched the barren earth, with the dry bushes on it.The ants ran up and down in the red sand, and the heat beat fiercely.I looked up through the thin branches of the tree at the blue sky overhead.I stretched myself, and I mused over the dream I had had.And I fell asleep again, with my head on my saddle.

And in the fierce heat I had another dream.

  • 唐易州龙兴观道德经碑文


  • 金正希先生文集


  • 金刚三昧经论


  • 历代兵制


  • 洪武圣政记


  • 我为玩家


  • 兔子强吃窝边草


  • 剑破仙穹


  • 成为系统GM以后


  • 东土记


  • 重生凤逆九天:公子请自重


  • 你的怀抱不温暖


  • 福妻驾到


  • 花心使者


  • 净度三昧经

