

Half of that income I have secured to you by will for life contingently on your undertaking the guardianshipthat is, one thousand a year remuneration to yourself, for you will have to give up your life to it, and one hundred a year to pay for the board of the boy.The rest is to accumulate till Leo is twenty-five, so that there may be a sum in hand should he wish to undertake the quest of which Ispoke."

"And suppose I were to die?" I asked.

"Then the boy must become a ward of Chancery and take his chance.Only be careful that the iron chest is passed on to him by your will.Listen, Holly, don't refuse me.Believe me, this is to your advantage.You are not fit to mix with the worldit would only embitter you.In a few weeks you will become a Fellow of your College, and the income that you will derive from that combined with what I have left you will enable you to live a life of learned leisure, alternated with the sport of which you are so fond, such as will exactly suit you."He paused and looked at me anxiously, but I still hesitated.The charge seemed so very strange.

"For my sake, Holly.We have been good friends, and Ihave no time to make other arrangements.""Very well," I said, "I will do it, provided there is nothing in this paper to make me change my mind," and I touched the envelope he had put upon the table by the keys.

"Thank you, Holly, thank you.There is nothing at all.

Swear to me by God that you will be a father to the boy, and follow my directions to the letter.""I swear it," I answered, solemnly.

"Very well, remember that perhaps one day I shall ask for the account of your oath, for though I am dead and forgotten, yet shall I live.There is no such thing as death, Holly, only a change, and, as you may perhaps learn in time to come, I believe that even here that change could under certain circumstances be indefinitely postponed," and again he broke into one of his dreadful fits of coughing.

"There," he said, "I must go; you have the chest, and my will will be found among my papers, under the authority of which the child will be handed over to you.You will be well paid, Holly, and I know that you are honest, but if you betray my trust, by Heaven, Iwill haunt you!"

I said nothing, being, indeed, too bewildered to speak.

He held up the candle, and looked at his own face in the glass, It had been a beautiful face, but disease had wrecked it."Food for the worms," he said.

"Curious to think that in a few hours I shall be stiff and coldthe journey done, the little game played out.Ah me, Holly! life is not worth the trouble of life, except when one is in loveat least, mine has not been; but the boy Leo's may be if he has the courage and the faith.Good-bye, my friend!" and with a sudden excess of tenderness he flung his arm about me and kissed me on the forehead, and then turned to go:

"Look here, Vincey," I said, "if you are as ill as you think, you had better let me fetch a doctor.""No, no," he said, earnestly."Promise me that you won't.I am going to die, and, like a poisoned rat, Iwish to die alone."

"I don't believe that you are going to do anything of the sort," I answered.He smiled, and, with the word "Remember" on his lips, was gone.As for myself, I sat down and rubbed my eyes, wondering if I had been asleep.As this supposition would not bear investigation, I gave it up, and began to think that Vincey must have been drinking.I knew that he was, and had been, very ill, but still it seemed impossible that he could be in such a condition as to be able to know for certain that he would not outlive the night.

Had he been so near dissolution surely he would scarcely have been able to walk, and carry a heavy iron box with him.The whole story, on reflection, seemed to me utterly incredible, for I was not then old enough to be aware how many things happen in this world that the commonsense of the average man would set down as so improbable as to be absolutely impossible.This is a fact that I have only recently mastered.Was it likely that a man would have a son five years of age whom he had never seen since he was a tiny infant? No.Was it likely that he could foretell his own death so accurately? No.Was it likely that he could trace his pedigree for more than three centuries before Christ or that he would suddenly confide the absolute guardianship of his child, and leave half his fortune, to a college friend? Most certainly not.Clearly Vincey was either drunk or mad.That being so, what did it mean? and what was in the sealed iron chest?

The whole thing baffled and puzzled me to such an extent that at last I could stand it no longer, and determined to sleep over it, So I jumped up, and having put the keys and the letter that Vincey had left away into my despatch-box, and stowed the iron chest in a large portmanteau, I turned in, and was soon fast asleep.

As it seemed to me, I had only been asleep for a few minutes when I was awakened by somebody calling me.Isat up and rubbed my eyes; it was broad daylighteight o'clock, in fact.

"Why, what is the matter with you, John?" I asked of the gyp who waited on Vincey and myself."You look as though you had seen a ghost!"'

"Yes, sir, and so I have," he answered, "leastways I've seen a corpse, which is worse.I've been in to call Mr.Vincey, as usual, and there he lies stark and dead!"

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