

"Do you like it?"

"Oh, not very well.You get tired of it after a while."

"I wish I could travel," said the girl, gazing idly out of the window.

"What has become of your friend, Mr.Hurstwood?" she suddenly asked, bethinking herself of the manager, who, from her own observation, seemed to contain promising material.

"He's here in town.What makes you ask about him?"

"Oh, nothing, only he hasn't been here since you got back."

"How did you come to know him?"

"Didn't I take up his name a dozen times in the last month?"

"Get out," said the drummer, lightly."He hasn't called more than half a dozen times since we've been here."

"He hasn't, eh?" said the girl, smiling."That's all you know about it."

Drouet took on a slightly more serious tone.He was uncertain as to whether she was joking or not.

"Tease," he said, "what makes you smile that way?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Have you seen him recently?"

"Not since you came back," she laughed.



"How often?"

"Why, nearly every day."

She was a mischievous newsmonger, and was keenly wondering what the effect of her words would be.

"Who did he come to see?" asked the drummer, incredulously.


He looked rather foolish at this answer, and then attempted to correct himself so as not to appear a dupe.

"Well," he said, "what of it?"

"Nothing," replied the girl, her head cocked coquettishly on one side.

"He's an old friend," he went on, getting deeper into the mire.

He would have gone on further with his little flirtation, but the taste for it was temporarily removed.He was quite relieved when the girl's named was called from below.

"I've got to go," she said, moving away from him airily.

"I'll see you later," he said, with a pretence of disturbance at being interrupted.

When she was gone, he gave freer play to his feelings.His face, never easily controlled by him, expressed all the perplexity and disturbance which he felt.Could it be that Carrie had received so many visits and yet said nothing about them? Was Hurstwood lying? What did the chambermaid mean by it, anyway? He had thought there was something odd about Carrie's manner at the time.Why did she look so disturbed when he had asked her how many times Hurstwood had called? By George! He remembered now.

There was something strange about the whole thing.

He sat down in a rocking-chair to think the better, drawing up one leg on his knee and frowning mightily.His mind ran on at a great rate.

And yet Carrie hadn't acted out of the ordinary.It couldn't be, by George, that she was deceiving him.She hadn't acted that way.Why, even last night she had been as friendly toward him as could be, and Hurstwood too.Look how they acted! He could hardly believe they would try to deceive him.

His thoughts burst into words.

"She did act sort of funny at times.Here she had dressed, and gone out this morning and never said a word."

He scratched his head and prepared to go down town.He was still frowning.As he came into the hall he encountered the girl, who was now looking after another chamber.She had on a white dusting cap, beneath which her chubby face shone good-naturedly.

Drouet almost forgot his worry in the fact that she was smiling on him.He put his hand familiarly on her shoulder, as if only to greet her in passing.

"Got over being mad?" she said, still mischievously inclined.

"I'm not mad," he answered.

"I thought you were," she said, smiling.

"Quit your fooling about that," he said, in an offhand way.

"Were you serious?"

"Certainly," she answered.Then, with an air of one who did not intentionally mean to create trouble, "He came lots of times.I

thought you knew."

The game of deception was up with Drouet.He did not try to simulate indifference further.

"Did he spend the evenings here?" he asked.

"Sometimes.Sometimes they went out."

"In the evening?"

"Yes.You mustn't look so mad, though."

"I'm not," he said."Did any one else see him?"

"Of course," said the girl, as if, after all, it were nothing in particular.

"How long ago was this?"

"Just before you came back."

The drummer pinched his lip nervously.

"Don't say anything, will you?" he asked, giving the girl's arm a gentle squeeze.

"Certainly not," she returned."I wouldn't worry over it."

"All right," he said, passing on, seriously brooding for once, and yet not wholly unconscious of the fact that he was making a most excellent impression upon the chambermaid.

"I'll see her about that," he said to himself, passionately, feeling that he had been unduly wronged."I'll find out, b'George, whether she'll act that way or not."

  • 伤寒论注


  • 刺孟篇


  • 君臣下


  • 十六汤品


  • 散花庵词


  • 青春蜜炼传


  • 我真是大侠


  • 一鸣惊云


  • 千年恋之重逢


  • 离别还会再见


  • 自投狼网:BOSS空降来袭


  • 农女重生:换个老公来爱我


  • 修真聊天


  • 神启之地


  • 遗世为谁独笑

