

It was with a sense of satisfaction, then, that he saw announced one morning the return of the Casino Company, "with Miss Carrie Madenda." He had thought of her often enough in days past.How successful she was--how much money she must have! Even now, however, it took a severe run of ill luck to decide him to appeal to her.He was truly hungry before he said:

"I'll ask her.She won't refuse me a few dollars."

Accordingly, he headed for the Casino one afternoon, passing it several times in an effort to locate the stage entrance.Then he sat in Bryant Park, a block away, waiting."She can't refuse to help me a little," he kept saying to himself.

Beginning with half-past six, he hovered like a shadow about the Thirty-ninth Street entrance, pretending always to be a hurrying pedestrian and yet fearful lest he should miss his object.He was slightly nervous, too, now that the eventful hour had arrived; but being weak and hungry, his ability to suffer was modified.At last he saw that the actors were beginning to arrive, and his nervous tension increased, until it seemed as if he could not stand much more.

Once he thought he saw Carrie coming and moved forward, only to see that he was mistaken.

"She can't be long, now," he said to himself, half fearing to encounter her and equally depressed at the thought that she might have gone in by another way.His stomach was so empty that it ached.

Individual after individual passed him, nearly all well dressed, almost all indifferent.He saw coaches rolling by, gentlemen passing with ladies--the evening's merriment was beginning in this region of theatres and hotels.

Suddenly a coach rolled up and the driver jumped down to open the door.Before Hurstwood could act, two ladies flounced across the broad walk and disappeared in the stage door.He thought he saw Carrie, but it was so unexpected, so elegant and far away, he could hardly tell.He waited a while longer, growing feverish with want, and then seeing that the stage door no longer opened, and that a merry audience was arriving, he concluded it must have been Carrie and turned away.

"Lord," he said, hastening out of the street into which the more fortunate were pouring, "I've got to get something."

At that hour, when Broadway is wont to assume its most interesting aspect, a peculiar individual invariably took his stand at the corner of Twenty-sixth Street and Broadway--a spot which is also intersected by Fifth Avenue.This was the hour when the theatres were just beginning to receive their patrons.

Fire signs announcing the night's amusements blazed on every hand.Cabs and carriages, their lamps gleaming like yellow eyes, pattered by.Couples and parties of three and four freely mingled in the common crowd, which poured by in a thick stream, laughing and jesting.On Fifth Avenue were loungers--a few wealthy strollers, a gentleman in evening dress with his lady on his arm, some club-men passing from one smoking-room to another.

Across the way the great hotels showed a hundred gleaming windows, their cafes and billiard-rooms filled with a comfortable, well-dressed, and pleasure-loving throng.All about was the night, pulsating with the thoughts of pleasure and exhilaration--the curious enthusiasm of a great city bent upon finding joy in a thousand different ways.

This unique individual was no less than an ex-soldier turned religionist, who, having suffered the whips and privations of our peculiar social system, had concluded that his duty to the God which he conceived lay in aiding his fellow-man.The form of aid which he chose to administer was entirely original with himself.

It consisted of securing a bed for all such homeless wayfarers as should apply to him at this particular spot, though he had scarcely the wherewithal to provide a comfortable habitation for himself.Taking his place amid this lightsome atmosphere, he would stand, his stocky figure cloaked in a great cape overcoat, his head protected by a broad slouch hat, awaiting the applicants who had in various ways learned the nature of his charity.For a while he would stand alone, gazing like any idler upon an ever-

fascinating scene.On the evening in question, a policeman passing saluted him as "captain," in a friendly way.An urchin who had frequently seen him before, stopped to gaze.All others took him for nothing out of the ordinary, save in the matter of dress, and conceived of him as a stranger whistling and idling for his own amusement.

As the first half-hour waned, certain characters appeared.Here and there in the passing crowds one might see, now and then, a loiterer edging interestedly near.A slouchy figure crossed the opposite corner and glanced furtively in his direction.Another came down Fifth Avenue to the corner of Twenty-sixth Street, took a general survey, and hobbled off again.Two or three noticeable Bowery types edged along the Fifth Avenue side of Madison Square, but did not venture over.The soldier, in his cape overcoat, walked a short line of ten feet at his corner, to and fro, indifferently whistling.

As nine o'clock approached, some of the hubbub of the earlier hour passed.The atmosphere of the hotels was not so youthful.

The air, too, was colder.On every hand curious figures were moving--watchers and peepers, without an imaginary circle, which they seemed afraid to enter--a dozen in all.Presently, with the arrival of a keener sense of cold, one figure came forward.It crossed Broadway from out the shadow of Twenty-sixth Street, and, in a halting, circuitous way, arrived close to the waiting figure.There was something shamefaced or diffident about the movement, as if the intention were to conceal any idea of stopping until the very last moment.Then suddenly, close to the soldier, came the halt.

The captain looked in recognition, but there was no especial greeting.The newcomer nodded slightly and murmured something like one who waits for gifts.The other simply motioned to-ward the edge of the walk.

  • 重生之蛊妃倾天下


  • 娇俏妻


  • 最强仙天系统


  • 星辰九龙变


  • 浅唱微夏


  • 圣武星尊


  • 刀剑仙


  • 最经典的外国散文


  • 综漫财政部长养成记


  • 七芒星契约

