

It is only strong men, choleric and powerful, thunder-bolts of war, diplomats with olympian heads, or men of genius, who can show this utter confidence, this generous devotion to weakness, this constant protection, this love without jealousy, this easy good humor with a woman.Good heavens! I place the science of the countess's management of her husband as far above the peevish, arid virtues as the satin of a causeuse is superior to the Utrecht velvet of a dirty bourgeois sofa.

My dear fellow, I have spent six days in this delightful country-

house, and I never tire of admiring the beauties of the park, surrounded by forests where pretty wood-paths lead beside the brooks.

Nature and its silence, these tranquil pleasures, this placid life to which she woos me,--all attract.Ah! here is true literature; no fault of style among the meadows.Happiness forgets all things here,--even the Debats! It has rained all the morning; while the countess slept and Montcornet tramped over his domain, I have compelled myself to keep my rash, imprudent promise to write to you.

Until now, though I was born at Alencon, of an old judge and a prefect, so they say, and though I know something of agriculture, I supposed the tale of estates bringing in four or five thousand francs a month to be a fable.Money, to me, meant a couple of dreadful things,--work and a publisher, journalism and politics.When shall we poor fellows come upon a land where gold springs up with the grass?

That is what I desire for you and for me and the rest of us in the name of the theatre, and of the press, and of book-making! Amen!

Will Florine be jealous of the late Mademoiselle Laguerre? Our modern Bourets have no French nobles now to show them how to live; they hire one opera-box among three of them; they subscribe for their pleasures;

they no longer cut down magnificently bound quartos to match the octavos in their library; in fact, they scarcely buy even stitched paper books.What is to become of us?

Adieu; continue to care for Your Blondet.

If this letter, dashed off by the idlest pen of the century, had not by some lucky chance been preserved, it would have been almost impossible to describe Les Aigues; and without this description the history of the horrible events that occurred there would certainly be less interesting.

After that remark some persons will expect to see the flashing of the cuirass of the former colonel of the guard, and the raging of his anger as he falls like a waterspout upon his little wife; so that the end of this present history may be like the end of all modern dramas, --a tragedy of the bed-chamber.Perhaps the fatal scene will take place in that charming room with the blue monochromes, where beautiful ideal birds are painted on the ceilings and the shutters, where Chinese monsters laugh with open jaws on the mantle-shelf, and dragons, green and gold, twist their tails in curious convolutions around rich vases, and Japanese fantasy embroiders its designs of many colors; where sofas and reclining-chairs and consoles and what-nots invite to that contemplative idleness which forbids all action.

No; the drama here to be developed is not one of private life; it concerns things higher, or lower.Expect no scenes of passion; the truth of this history is only too dramatic.And remember, the historian should never forget that his mission is to do justice to all; the poor and the prosperous are equals before his pen; to him the peasant appears in the grandeur of his misery, and the rich in the pettiness of his folly.Moreover, the rich man has passions, the peasant only wants.The peasant is therefore doubly poor; and if, politically, his aggressions must be pitilessly repressed, to the eyes of humanity and religion he is sacred.

  • 六门陀罗尼经


  • 重令


  • 鹿忠节公集


  • 通鉴问疑


  • 坚瓠集


  • 应天路


  • 强娶小辣妻:腹黑总裁太强势


  • 另类穿越之龙吟凤舞【参赛作品】


  • 锦绣山河之连心


  • 神秘总裁不见面


  • 长夜的光


  • 王俊凯承认还爱你


  • 倾绝恋


  • 我要当球星


  • 综合营销策划

