

SCANTLEBURY.[Striking his fist on the arm of his chair.] But Iprotest against this!

EDGAR.Protest as you like, Mr.Scantlebury, it won't alter facts.

ANTHONY.That's enough.

EDGAR.[Facing him angrily.] No, sir.I tell you exactly what Ithink.If we pretend the men are not suffering, it's humbug; and if they're suffering, we know enough of human nature to know the women are suffering more, and as to the children--well--it's damnable!

[SCANTLEBURY rises from his chair.]

I don't say that we meant to be cruel, I don't say anything of the sort; but I do say it's criminal to shut our eyes to the facts.We employ these men, and we can't get out of it.I don't care so much about the men, but I'd sooner resign my position on the Board than go on starving women in this way.]

[All except ANTHONY are now upon their feet, ANTHONY sits grasping the arms of his chair and staring at his son.]

SCANTLEBURY.I don't--I don't like the way you're putting it, young sir.

WANKLIN.You're rather overshooting the mark.

WILDER.I should think so indeed!

EDGAR.[Losing control.] It's no use blinking things! If you want to have the death of women on your hands--I don't!

SCANTLEBURY.Now, now, young man!

WILDER.On our hands? Not on mine, I won't have it!

EDGAR.We are five members of this Board; if we were four against it, why did we let it drift till it came to this? You know perfectly well why--because we hoped we should starve the men out.Well, all we've done is to starve one woman out!

SCANTLEBURY.[Almost hysterically.] I protest, I protest! I'm a humane man--we're all humane men!

EDGAR.[Scornfully.] There's nothing wrong with our humanity.It's our imaginations, Mr.Scantlebury.

WILDER.Nonsense! My imagination's as good as yours.

EDGAR.If so, it is n't good enough.

WILDER.I foresaw this!

EDGAR.Then why didn't you put your foot down!

WILDER.Much good that would have done.

[He looks at ANTHONY.]

EDGAR.If you, and I, and each one of us here who say that our imaginations are so good----SCANTLEBURY.[Flurried.] I never said so.

EDGAR.[Paying no attention.] --had put our feet down, the thing would have been ended long ago, and this poor woman's life wouldn't have been crushed out of her like this.For all we can tell there may be a dozen other starving women.

SCANTLEBURY.For God's sake, sir, don't use that word at a--at a Board meeting; it's--it's monstrous.

EDGAR.I will use it, Mr.Scantlebury.

SCANTLEBURY.Then I shall not listen to you.I shall not listen!

It's painful to me.

[He covers his ears.]

WANKLIN.None of us are opposed to a settlement, except your Father.

EDGAR.I'm certain that if the shareholders knew----WANKLIN.I don't think you'll find their imaginations are any better than ours.Because a woman happens to have a weak heart----EDGAR.A struggle like this finds out the weak spots in everybody.

Any child knows that.If it hadn't been for this cut-throat policy, she need n't have died like this; and there would n't be all this misery that any one who is n't a fool can see is going on.

[Throughout the foregoing ANTHONY has eyed his son; he now moves as though to rise, but stops as EDGAR speaks again.]

I don't defend the men, or myself, or anybody.

WANKLIN.You may have to! A coroner's jury of disinterested sympathisers may say some very nasty things.We mustn't lose sight of our position.

SCANTLEBURY.[Without uncovering his ears.] Coroner's jury! No, no, it's not a case for that!

EDGAR.I 've had enough of cowardice.

WANKLIN.Cowardice is an unpleasant word, Mr.Edgar Anthony.It will look very like cowardice if we suddenly concede the men's demands when a thing like this happens; we must be careful!

WILDER.Of course we must.We've no knowledge of this matter, except a rumour.The proper course is to put the whole thing into the hands of Harness to settle for us; that's natural, that's what we should have come to any way.

SCANTLEBURY.[With dignity.] Exactly! [Turning to EDGAR.] And as to you, young sir, I can't sufficiently express my--my distaste for the way you've treated the whole matter.You ought to withdraw!

Talking of starvation, talking of cowardice! Considering what our views are! Except your own is--is one of goodwill--it's most irregular, it's most improper, and all I can say is it's--it's given me pain----[He places his hand over his heart.]

EDGAR.[Stubbornly.] I withdraw nothing.

[He is about to say mote when SCANTLEBURY once more coveys up his ears.TENCH suddenly makes a demonstration with the minute-book.A sense of having been engaged in the unusual comes over all of them, and one by one they resume their seats.EDGARalone remains on his feet.]

WILDER.[With an air of trying to wipe something out.] I pay no attention to what young Mr.Anthony has said.Coroner's jury! The idea's preposterous.I--I move this amendment to the Chairman's Motion: That the dispute be placed at once in the hands of Mr.Simon Harness for settlement, on the lines indicated by him this morning.

Any one second that?

[TENCH writes in his book.]


WILDER.Very well, then; I ask the Chairman to put it to the Board.

ANTHONY.[With a great sigh-slowly.] We have been made the subject of an attack.[Looking round at WILDER and SCANTLEBURY with ironical contempt.] I take it on my shoulders.I am seventy-six years old.

I have been Chairman of this Company since its inception two-and-thirty years ago.I have seen it pass through good and evil report.

My connection with it began in the year that this young man was born.

[EDGAR bows his head.ANTHONY, gripping his chair, goes on.]

I have had do to with "men" for fifty years; I've always stood up to them; I have never been beaten yet.I have fought the men of this Company four times, and four times I have beaten them.It has been said that I am not the man I was.[He looks at Wilder.] However that may be, I am man enough to stand to my guns.

[His voice grows stronger.The double-doors are opened.ENIDslips in, followed by UNDERWOOD, who restrains her.]

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