

It is five o'clock.In the UNDERWOODS' drawing-room, which is artistically furnished, ENID is sitting on the sofa working at a baby's frock.EDGAR, by a little spindle-legged table in the centre of the room, is fingering a china-box.His eyes are fixed on the double-doors that lead into the dining-room.

EDGAR.[Putting down the china-box, and glancing at his watch.]

Just on five, they're all in there waiting, except Frank.Where's he?

ENID.He's had to go down to Gasgoyne's about a contract.Will you want him?

EDGAR.He can't help us.This is a director's job.[Motioning towards a single door half hidden by a curtain.] Father in his room?


EDGAR.I wish he'd stay there, Enid.

[ENID looks up at him.This is a beastly business, old girl?]

[He takes up the little box again and turns it over and over.]

ENID.I went to the Roberts's this afternoon, Ted.

EDGAR.That was n't very wise.

ENID.He's simply killing his wife.

EDGAR.We are you mean.

ENID.[Suddenly.] Roberts ought to give way!

EDGAR.There's a lot to be said on the men's side.

ENID.I don't feel half so sympathetic with them as I did before Iwent.They just set up class feeling against you.Poor Annie was looking dread fully bad--fire going out, and nothing fit for her to eat.

[EDGAR walks to and fro.]

But she would stand up for Roberts.When you see all this wretchedness going on and feel you can do nothing, you have to shut your eyes to the whole thing.

EDGAR.If you can.

ENID.When I went I was all on their side, but as soon as I got there I began to feel quite different at once.People talk about sympathy with the working classes, they don't know what it means to try and put it into practice.It seems hopeless.

EDGAR.Ah! well.

ENID.It's dreadful going on with the men in this state.I do hope the Dad will make concessions.

EDGAR.He won't.[Gloomily.] It's a sort of religion with him.

Curse it! I know what's coming! He'll be voted down.

ENID.They would n't dare!

EDGAR.They will--they're in a funk.

ENID.[Indignantly.] He'd never stand it!

EDGAR.[With a shrug.] My dear girl, if you're beaten in a vote, you've got to stand it.

ENID.Oh! [She gets up in alarm.] But would he resign?

EDGAR.Of course! It goes to the roots of his beliefs.

ENID.But he's so wrapped up in this company, Ted! There'd be nothing left for him! It'd be dreadful!

[EDGAR shrugs his shoulders.]

Oh, Ted, he's so old now! You must n't let them!

EDGAR.[Hiding his feelings in an outburst.] My sympathies in this strike are all on the side of the men.

ENID.He's been Chairman for more than thirty years! He made the whole thing! And think of the bad times they've had; it's always been he who pulled them through.Oh, Ted, you must!

EDGAR.What is it you want? You said just now you hoped he'd make concessions.Now you want me to back him in not making them.This is n't a game, Enid!

ENID.[Hotly.] It is n't a game to me that the Dad's in danger of losing all he cares about in life.If he won't give way, and he's beaten, it'll simply break him down!

EDGAR.Did n't you say it was dreadful going on with the men in this state?

ENID.But can't you see, Ted, Father'll never get over it! You must stop them somehow.The others are afraid of him.If you back him up----EDGAR.[Putting his hand to his head.] Against my convictions--against yours! The moment it begins to pinch one personally----ENID.It is n't personal, it's the Dad!

EDGAR.Your family or yourself, and over goes the show!

ENID.[Resentfully.] If you don't take it seriously, I do.

EDGAR.I am as fond of him as you are; that's nothing to do with it.

ENID.We can't tell about the men; it's all guess-work.But we know the Dad might have a stroke any day.D' you mean to say that he isn't more to you than----EDGAR.Of course he is.

ENID.I don't understand you then.


ENID.If it were for oneself it would be different, but for our own Father! You don't seem to realise.

EDGAR.I realise perfectly.

ENID.It's your first duty to save him.

EDGAR.I wonder.

ENID.[Imploring.] Oh, Ted? It's the only interest he's got left;it'll be like a death-blow to him!

EDGAR.[Restraining his emotion.] I know.


EDGAR.I'll do what I can.

[He turns to the double-doors.]

[The curtained door is opened, and ANTHONY appears.EDGAR opens the double-doors, and passes through.]

[SCANTLEBURY'S voice is faintly heard: "Past five; we shall never get through--have to eat another dinner at that hotel!"The doors are shut.ANTHONY walks forward.]

ANTHONY.You've been seeing Roberts, I hear.


ANTHONY.Do you know what trying to bridge such a gulf as this is like?

[ENID puts her work on the little table, and faces him.]

Filling a sieve with sand!


ANTHONY.You think with your gloved hands you can cure the trouble of the century.

[He passes on.]


[ANTHONY Stops at the double doors.]

I'm only thinking of you!

ANTHONY.[More softly.] I can take care of myself, my dear.

ENID.Have you thought what'll happen if you're beaten--[she points]--in there?

ANTHONY.I don't mean to be.

ENID.Oh! Father, don't give them a chance.You're not well; need you go to the meeting at all?

ANTHONY.[With a grim smile.] Cut and run?

ENID.But they'll out-vote you!

ANTHONY.[Putting his hand on the doors.] We shall see!

ENID.I beg you, Dad! Won't you?

[ANTHONY looks at her softly.]

[ANTHONY shakes his head.He opens the doors.A buzz of voices comes in.]

SCANTLEBURY.Can one get dinner on that 6.30 train up?

TENCH.No, Sir, I believe not, sir.

WILDER.Well, I shall speak out; I've had enough of this.

EDGAR.[Sharply.] What?

[It ceases instantly.ANTHONY passes through, closing the doors behind him.ENID springs to them with a gesture of dismay.She puts her hand on the knob, and begins turning it; then goes to the fireplace, and taps her foot on the fender.Suddenly she rings the bell.FROST comes in by the door that leads into the hall.]

FROST.Yes, M'm?

ENID.When the men come, Frost, please show them in here; the hall 's cold.

FROST.I could put them in the pantry, M'm.

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