

them! Some don't seem to care no more than that--so long as they get their own.

ENID.I don't see how they can be expected to when they 're suffering like this.[In a changed voice.] But Roberts ought to think of you! It's all terrible----! The kettle's boiling.Shall Imake the tea? [She takes the teapot and, seeing tea there, pours water into it.] Won't you have a cup?

MRS.ROBERTS.No, thank you, M'm.[She is listening, as though for footsteps.] I'd--sooner you did n't see Roberts, M'm, he gets so wild.

ENID.Oh! but I must, Annie; I'll be quite calm, I promise.

MRS.ROBERTS.It's life an' death to him, M'm.

ENID.[Very gently.] I'll get him to talk to me outside, we won't excite you.

MRS.ROBERTS.[Faintly.] No, M'm.

[She gives a violent start.ROBERTS has come in, unseen.]

ROBERTS.[Removing his hat--with subtle mockery.] Beg pardon for coming in; you're engaged with a lady, I see.

ENID.Can I speak to you, Mr.Roberts?

ROBERTS.Whom have I the pleasure of addressing, Ma'am?

ENID.But surely you know me! I 'm Mrs.Underwood.

ROBERTS.[With a bow of malice.] The daughter of our Chairman.

ENID.[Earnestly.] I've come on purpose to speak to you; will you come outside a minute?

[She looks at MRS.ROBERTS.]

ROBERTS.[Hanging up his hat.] I have nothing to say, Ma'am.

ENID.But I must speak to you, please.

[She moves towards the door.]

ROBERTS.[With sudden venom.] I have not the time to listen!


ENID.Mr.Roberts, please!

ROBERTS.[Taking off his overcoat.] I am sorry to disoblige a lady-Mr.Anthony's daughter.

ENID.[Wavering, then with sudden decision.] Mr.Roberts, I know you've another meeting of the men.

[ROBERTS bows.]

I came to appeal to you.Please, please, try to come to some compromise; give way a little, if it's only for your own sakes!

ROBERTS.[Speaking to himself.] The daughter of Mr.Anthony begs me to give way a little, if it's only for our own sakes!

ENID.For everybody's sake; for your wife's sake.

ROBERTS.For my wife's sake, for everybody's sake--for the sake of Mr.Anthony.

ENID.Why are you so bitter against my father? He has never done anything to you.

ROBERTS.Has he not?

ENID.He can't help his views, any more than you can help yours.

ROBERTS.I really did n't know that I had a right to views!

ENID.He's an old man, and you----

[Seeing his eyes fixed on her, she stops.]

ROBERTS.[Without raising his voice.] If I saw Mr.Anthony going to die, and I could save him by lifting my hand, I would not lift the little finger of it.

ENID.You--you---- [She stops again, biting her lips.]

ROBERTS.I would not, and that's flat!

ENID.[Coldly.] You don't mean what you say, and you know it!

ROBERTS.I mean every word of it.

ENID.But why?

ROBERTS.[With a flash.] Mr.Anthony stands for tyranny! That's why!


[MRS.ROBERTS makes a movement as if to rise, but sinks back in her chair.]

ENID.[With an impetuous movement.] Annie!

ROBERTS.Please not to touch my wife!

ENID.[Recoiling with a sort of horror.] I believe--you are mad.

ROBERTS.The house of a madman then is not the fit place for a lady.

ENID.I 'm not afraid of you.

ROBERTS.[Bowing.] I would not expect the daughter of Mr.Anthony to be afraid.Mr.Anthony is not a coward like the rest of them.

ENID.[Suddenly.] I suppose you think it brave, then, to go on with the struggle.

ROBERTS.Does Mr.Anthony think it brave to fight against women and children? Mr.Anthony is a rich man, I believe; does he think it brave to fight against those who have n't a penny? Does he think it brave to set children crying with hunger, an' women shivering with cold?

ENID.[Putting up her hand, as though warding off a blow.] My father is acting on his principles, and you know it!

ROBERTS.And so am I!

ENID.You hate us; and you can't bear to be beaten!

ROBERTS.Neither can Mr.Anthony, for all that he may say.

ENID.At any rate you might have pity on your wife.

[MRS.ROBERTS who has her hand pressed to her heart, takes it away, and tries to calm her breathing.]

ROBERTS.Madam, I have no more to say.

[He takes up the loaf.There is a knock at the door, and UNDERWOOD comes in.He stands looking at them, ENID turns to him, then seems undecided.]


ROBERTS.[Ironically.] Ye were not needing to come for your wife, Mr.Underwood.We are not rowdies.

UNDERWOOD.I know that, Roberts.I hope Mrs.Roberts is better.

[ROBERTS turns away without answering.Come, Enid!]

ENID.I make one more appeal to you, Mr.Roberts, for the sake of your wife.

ROBERTS.[With polite malice.] If I might advise ye, Ma'am--make it for the sake of your husband and your father.

[ENID, suppressing a retort, goes out.UNDERWOOD opens the door for her and follows.ROBERTS, going to the fire, holds out his hands to the dying glow.]

ROBERTS.How goes it, my girl? Feeling better, are you?

[MRS.ROBERTS smiles faintly.He brings his overcoat and wraps it round her.]

[Looking at his watch.] Ten minutes to four! [As though inspired.]

I've seen their faces, there's no fight in them, except for that one old robber.

MRS.ROBERTS.Won't you stop and eat, David? You've 'ad nothing all day!

ROBERTS.[Putting his hand to his throat.] Can't swallow till those old sharks are out o' the town: [He walks up and down.] I shall have a bother with the men--there's no heart in them, the cowards.Blind as bats, they are--can't see a day before their noses.

MRS.ROBERTS.It's the women, David.

ROBERTS.Ah! So they say! They can remember the women when their own bellies speak! The women never stop them from the drink; but from a little suffering to themselves in a sacred cause, the women stop them fast enough.

MRS.ROBERTS.But think o' the children, David.

ROBERTS.Ah! If they will go breeding themselves for slaves, without a thought o' the future o' them they breed----MRS.ROBERTS.[Gasping.] That's enough, David; don't begin to talk of that--I won't--I can't----ROBERTS.[Staring at her.] Now, now, my girl!

MRS.ROBERTS.[Breathlessly.] No, no, David--I won't!

  • 楚韵汉歌


  • 弃女有毒之蛇蝎宠妃


  • 圣焰苍穹


  • 傲慢公主养成记


  • 修仙之证道永恒


  • 塔拉与蒂西珐


  • 石猴陆长生


  • 恺撒(名人传记丛书)


  • 尼姑皇后的春天


  • 水窗春呓

