

I feared that those people would merely comprehend that their courtesies were not wanted, and yet not know exactly why they were not wanted.

I came away feeling that in return for your constant and tireless efforts to secure our bodily comfort and make our visit enjoyable, I had basely repaid you by making you sad and sore-hearted and leaving you so.And the natural result has fallen to me likewise--for a guilty conscience has harassed me ever since, and I have not had one short quarter of an hour of peace to this moment.

You spoke of Middletown.Why not go there and live? Mr.Crane says it is only about a hundred miles this side of New York on the Erie road.

The fact that one or two of you might prefer to live somewhere else is not a valid objection--there are no 4 people who would all choose the same place--so it will be vain to wait for the day when your tastes shall be a unit.I seriously fear that our visit has damaged you in Fredonia, and so I wish you were out of it.

The baby is fat and strong, and Susie the same.Susie was charmed with the donkey and the doll.

Ys affectionately SAML.

P.S.--DEAR MA AND PAMELA--I am mainly grieved because I have been rude to a man who has been kind to you--and if you ever feel a desire to apologize to him for me, you may be sure that I will endorse the apology, no matter how strong it may be.I went to his bank to apologize to him, but my conviction was strong that he was not man enough to know how to take an apology and so I did not make it.

William Dean Howells was in those days writing those vividly realistic, indeed photographic stories which fixed his place among American men of letters.He had already written 'Their Wedding Journey' and 'A Chance Acquaintance' when 'A Foregone Conclusion'

appeared.For the reason that his own work was so different, and perhaps because of his fondness for the author, Clemens always greatly admired the books of Howells.Howells's exact observation and his gift for human detail seemed marvelous to Mark Twain, who with a bigger brush was inclined to record the larger rather than the minute aspects of life.The sincerity of his appreciation of Howells, however, need not be questioned, nor, for that matter, his detestation of Scott.

To W.D.Howells, in Boston:

ELMIRA, Aug.22, 1874.

DEAR HOWELLS,--I have just finished reading the 'Foregone Conclusion' to Mrs.Clemens and we think you have even outdone yourself.I should think that this must be the daintiest, truest, most admirable workmanship that was ever put on a story.The creatures of God do not act out their natures more unerringly than yours do.If your genuine stories can die, I wonder by what right old Walter Scott's artificialities shall continue to live.

I brought Mrs.Clemens back from her trip in a dreadfully broken-down condition--so by the doctor's orders we unpacked the trunks sorrowfully to lie idle here another month instead of going at once to Hartford and proceeding to furnish the new house which is now finished.We hate to have it go longer desolate and tenantless, but cannot help it.

By and by, if the madam gets strong again, we are hoping to have the Grays there, and you and the Aldrich households, and Osgood, down to engage in an orgy with them.

Ys Ever MARK

Howells was editor of the Atlantic by this time, and had been urging Clemens to write something suitable for that magazine.He had done nothing, however, until this summer at Quarry Farm.There, one night in the moonlight, Mrs.Crane's colored cook, who had been a slave, was induced to tell him her story.It was exactly the story to appeal to Mark Twain, and the kind of thing he could write.He set it down next morning, as nearly in her own words and manner as possible, without departing too far from literary requirements.

He decided to send this to Howells.He did not regard it very highly, but he would take the chance.An earlier offering to the magazine had been returned.He sent the "True Story," with a brief note:

To W.D.Howells, in Boston:

ELMIRA, Sept.2, '74.

MY DEAR HOWELLS,--.....I enclose also a "True Story" which has no humor in it.You can pay as lightly as you choose for that, if you want it, for it is rather out of my line.I have not altered the old colored woman's story except to begin at the beginning, instead of the middle, as she did--and traveled both ways.....

Yrs Ever MARK.

But Howells was delighted with it.He referred to its "realest kind of black talk," and in another place added, "This little story delights me more and more.I wish you had about forty of them."Along with the "True Story" Mark Twain had sent the "Fable for Good Old Boys and Girls"; but this Howells returned, not, as he said, because he didn't like it, but because the Atlantic on matters of religion was just in that "Good Lord, Good Devil condition when a little fable like yours wouldn't leave it a single Presbyterian, Baptist, Unitarian, Episcopalian, Methodist, or Millerite paying subscriber, while all the deadheads would stick to it and abuse it in the denominational newspapers!"But the shorter MS.had been only a brief diversion.Mark Twain was bowling along at a book and a play.The book was Tom Sawyer, as already mentioned, and the play a dramatization from The Gilded Age.

Clemens had all along intended to dramatize the story of Colonel Sellers, and was one day thunderstruck to receive word from California that a San Francisco dramatist had appropriated his character in a play written for John T.Raymond.Clemens had taken out dramatic copyright on the book, and immediately stopped the performance by telegraph.A correspondence between the author and the dramatist followed, leading to a friendly arrangement by which the latter agreed to dispose of his version to Mark Twain.A good deal of discussion from time to time having arisen over the authorship of the Sellers play, as presented by Raymond, certain among the letters that follow may be found of special interest.

  • 天凑巧


  • 佛说弥勒来时经


  • 寄浙东韩八评事


  • 灵台经


  • 三国杂事


  • 光明神久辛


  • 暗夜武神


  • 玩转异世:天才宠妃【已完结】


    故宫,一个有几百至上千年历史的古代建筑壮观,雄伟,神秘!嗯,稍微有点神秘过头了吧……参观累了,在古床上小憩片刻,醒来竟已面目全非??这个自然不是说长相,而是环境……人称才女,自诣为天才的她,来到陌生朝代想当然也要发挥其所谓天才的地方,玩转异世宫廷至于怎样的玩法,又会玩出怎样的结果——鬼才知道……【小番外及卷二剧透】第三卷卷二(第四-七卷)在去往遥月国的途中,她邂逅了月若云她生命中另一个重要的男人可是初见时,她却愣住了因为他长得很像那个人……-离开皇宫,远离了深宫争斗却也代表着要卷入另一个不同的世界江湖,是一个会让人忍不住爱上的名字曾经的公主被抓入大牢,阴差阳错的得到一身绝世的武功待知其原委时,竟被任命为江湖中人闻风丧胆的暗杀组织的门主??既然已有此一事,欣然接受并不困难只是——将其身份用于何处,或怎样处理这个组织……就是她自己的事了~~~卷三 (第八,九卷)战场,金戈铁马,硝烟弥漫——多少英雄魂断于此?又有多少故事被埋没其中?宫廷是不见血的,隐晦意义上的战场,她一直都深信不疑可是——当来到真正的战场,她才了解到其之残酷无情,是宫廷争斗永远无法比拟的一场无法阻止的战役,战鼓雷鸣之中的肃杀之声——那曾几何时,在繁华都市中轻松度日,洁白如纸的人也在如此境况中,在手中沾染了鲜血,再无法回到从前……-(-完结卷-第十卷)而面对可以再次回到自己生活时代的机会……她能否挥挥衣袖,走得潇洒?【第十一卷-宠妃总番外】————————————————此文,主线偏向轻松型,也许往后面点会有些看似虐的地方,但绝对不会很过分!因为wo不太习惯写虐文,因此不喜虐的亲可放心看……喜欢虐文的亲们,wo只能说,下次若尝试写虐文,再请你们看吧这次若不介意,不妨看一看《天才宠妃》,也许会有意外收获呢??*****总的来说,本文轻松中带点正经,正经中又带点俏皮?当然,俏皮中也偶有危机!感情上伴随着些许淡淡的忧伤……————————————————
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