If they don't wish to trade for either, send the articles to the Century, without naming a price, and if their check isn't large enough I will call and abuse them when I come.
I signed and mailed the notes yesterday.
Yours S.L.C.
Clemens reached New York on the 3d of April and made a trip to Chicago, but accomplished nothing, except to visit the World's Fair and be laid up with a severe cold.The machine situation had not progressed.The financial stringency of 1893 had brought everything to a standstill.The New York bank would advance Webster & Co.no more money.So disturbed were his affairs, so disordered was everything, that sometimes he felt himself as one walking amid unrealities.A fragment of a letter to Mrs.Crane conveys this:
"I dreamed I was born and grew up and was a pilot on the Mississippi and a miner and a journalist in Nevada and a pilgrim in the Quaker City, and had a wife and children and went to live in a villa at Florence--and this dream goes on and on and sometimes seems so real that I almost believe it is real.I wonder if it is? But there is no way to tell, for if one applies tests they would be part of the dream, too, and so would simply aid the deceit.I wish I knew whether it is a dream or real."He saw Warner, briefly, in America; also Howells, now living in New York, but he had little time for visiting.On May 13th he sailed again for Europe on the Kaiser Wilhelm II.On the night before sailing he sent Howells a good-by word.
To W.D.Howells, in New York City:
DEAR HOWELLS--I am so sorry I missed you.
I am very glad to have that book for sea entertainment, and I thank you ever so much for it.
I've had a little visit with Warner at last; I was getting afraid Iwasn't going to have a chance to see him at all.I forgot to tell you how thoroughly I enjoyed your account of the country printing office, and how true it all was and how intimately recognizable in all its details.
But Warner was full of delight over it, and that reminded me, and I am glad, for I wanted to speak of it.
You have given me a book; Annie Trumbull has sent me her book; I bought a couple of books; Mr.Hall gave me a choice German book; Laflan gave me two bottles of whisky and a box of cigars--I go to sea nobly equipped.
Good-bye and all good fortune attend you and yours--and upon you all Ileave my benediction.
Mention has already been made of the Ross home being very near to Viviani, and the association of the Ross and Clemens families.
There was a fine vegetable garden on the Ross estate, and it was in the interest of it that the next letter was written to the Secretary of Agriculture.
To Hon.J.Sterling Morton, in Washington, D.C.:
Editorial Department Century Magazine, Union Square, NEW YORK, April 6, 1893.
TO THE HON.J.STERLING MORTON,--Dear Sir: Your petitioner, Mark Twain, a poor farmer of Connecticut--indeed, the poorest one there, in the opinion of many-desires a few choice breeds of seed corn (maize), and in return will zealously support the Administration in all ways honorable and otherwise.
To speak by the card, I want these things to hurry to Italy to an English lady.She is a neighbor of mine outside of Florence, and has a great garden and thinks she could raise corn for her table if she had the right ammunition.I myself feel a warm interest in this enterprise, both on patriotic grounds and because I have a key to that garden, which I got made from a wax impression.It is not very good soil, still I think she can grow enough for one table and I am in a position to select the table.
If you are willing to aid and abet a countryman (and Gilder thinks you are,) please find the signature and address of your petitioner below.
Respectfully and truly yours.
MARK TWAIN, 67 Fifth Avenue, New York.
P.S.--A handful of choice (Southern) watermelon seeds would pleasantly add to that lady's employments and give my table a corresponding lift.
His idea of business values had moderated considerably by the time he had returned to Florence.He was not hopeless yet, but he was clearly a good deal disheartened--anxious for freedom.
To Fred J.Hall, in New York:
FLORENCE May 30, '93
DEAR MR.HALL,--You were to cable me if you sold any machine royalties--so I judge you have not succeeded.
This has depressed me.I have been looking over the past year's letters and statements and am depressed still more.
I am terribly tired of business.I am by nature and disposition unfitted for it and I want to get out of it.I am standing on the Mount Morris volcano with help from the machine a long way off--doubtless a long way further off than the Connecticut Co.imagines.
Now here is my idea for getting out.
The firm owes Mrs.Clemens and me--I do not know quite how much, but it is about $170,000 or $175,000, 1 suppose (I make this guess from the documents here, whose technicalities confuse me horribly.)The firm owes other sums, but there is stock and cash assets to cover the entire indebtedness and $116,679.20 over.Is that it? In addition we have the L.A.L.plates and copyright, worth more than $130,000--is that correct?
That is to say, we have property worth about $250,000 above indebtedness, I suppose--or, by one of your estimates, $300,000? The greater part of the first debts to me is in notes paying 6 percent.The rest (the old $70,000 or whatever it is) pays no interest.
Now then, will Harper or Appleton, or Putnam give me $200,000 for those debts and my two-thirds interest in the firm? (The firm of course taking the Mount Morris and all such obligations off my hands and leaving me clear of all responsibility.)I don't want much money.I only want first class notes--$200,000 worth of them at 6 per cent, payable monthly;--yearly notes, renewable annually for 3 years, with $5,000 of the principal payable at the beginning and middle of each year.After that, the notes renewable annually and (perhaps) a larger part of the principal payable semi-annually.