

There are none so very pretty, none so very pleasing.""Are you very sure?" asked the young man, rising and throwing away his cigar-end.

"Upon my word," cried Cecilia, "one would suppose I wished to keep you for myself.Of course I am sure! But as the penalty of your insinuations, I shall invite the plainest and prosiest damsel that can be found, and leave you alone with her."Rowland smiled."Even against her," he said, "I should be sorry to conclude until I had given her my respectful attention."This little profession of ideal chivalry (which closed the conversation) was not quite so fanciful on Mallet's lips as it would have been on those of many another man; as a rapid glance at his antecedents may help to make the reader perceive.

His life had been a singular mixture of the rough and the smooth.

He had sprung from a rigid Puritan stock, and had been brought up to think much more intently of the duties of this life than of its privileges and pleasures.

His progenitors had submitted in the matter of dogmatic theology to the relaxing influences of recent years;but if Rowland's youthful consciousness was not chilled by the menace of long punishment for brief transgression, he had at least been made to feel that there ran through all things a strain of right and of wrong, as different, after all, in their complexions, as the texture, to the spiritual sense, of Sundays and week-days.His father was a chip of the primal Puritan block, a man with an icy smile and a stony frown.

He had always bestowed on his son, on principle, more frowns than smiles, and if the lad had not been turned to stone himself, it was because nature had blessed him, inwardly, with a well of vivifying waters.Mrs.Mallet had been a Miss Rowland, the daughter of a retired sea-captain, once famous on the ships that sailed from Salem and Newburyport.

He had brought to port many a cargo which crowned the edifice of fortunes already almost colossal, but he had also done a little sagacious trading on his own account, and he was able to retire, prematurely for so sea-worthy a maritime organism, upon a pension of his own providing.

He was to be seen for a year on the Salem wharves, smoking the best tobacco and eying the seaward horizon with an inveteracy which superficial minds interpreted as a sign of repentance.

At last, one evening, he disappeared beneath it, as he had often done before; this time, however, not as a commissioned navigator, but simply as an amateur of an observing turn likely to prove oppressive to the officer in command of the vessel.

Five months later his place at home knew him again, and made the acquaintance also of a handsome, blonde young woman, of redundant contours, speaking a foreign tongue.

The foreign tongue proved, after much conflicting research, to be the idiom of Amsterdam, and the young woman, which was stranger still, to be Captain Rowland's wife.

Why he had gone forth so suddenly across the seas to marry her, what had happened between them before, and whether--though it was of questionable propriety for a good citizen to espouse a young person of mysterious origin, who did her hair in fantastically elaborate plaits, and in whose appearance "figure" enjoyed such striking predominance--he would not have had a heavy weight on his conscience if he had remained an irresponsible bachelor;these questions and many others, bearing with varying degrees of immediacy on the subject, were much propounded but scantily answered, and this history need not be charged with resolving them.Mrs.Rowland, for so handsome a woman, proved a tranquil neighbor and an excellent housewife.

Her extremely fresh complexion, however, was always suffused with an air of apathetic homesickness, and she played her part in American society chiefly by having the little squares of brick pavement in front of her dwelling scoured and polished as nearly as possible into the likeness of Dutch tiles.

Rowland Mallet remembered having seen her, as a child--an immensely stout, white-faced lady, wearing a high cap of very stiff tulle, speaking English with a formidable accent, and suffering from dropsy.Captain Rowland was a little bronzed and wizened man, with eccentric opinions.

He advocated the creation of a public promenade along the sea, with arbors and little green tables for the consumption of beer, and a platform, surrounded by Chinese lanterns, for dancing.

He especially desired the town library to be opened on Sundays, though, as he never entered it on week-days, it was easy to turn the proposition into ridicule.If, therefore, Mrs.Mallet was a woman of an exquisite moral tone, it was not that she had inherited her temper from an ancestry with a turn for casuistry.

Jonas Mallet, at the time of his marriage, was conducting with silent shrewdness a small, unpromising business.

Both his shrewdness and his silence increased with his years, and at the close of his life he was an extremely well-dressed, wellbrushed gentleman, with a frigid gray eye, who said little to anybody, but of whom everybody said that he had a very handsome fortune.He was not a sentimental father, and the roughness I just now spoke of in Rowland's life dated from his early boyhood.Mr.Mallet, whenever he looked at his son, felt extreme compunction at having made a fortune.

He remembered that the fruit had not dropped ripe from the tree into his own mouth, and determined it should be no fault of his if the boy was corrupted by luxury.

Rowland, therefore, except for a good deal of expensive instruction in foreign tongues and abstruse sciences, received the education of a poor man's son.His fare was plain, his temper familiar with the discipline of patched trousers, and his habits marked by an exaggerated simplicity which it really cost a good deal of money to preserve unbroken.

He was kept in the country for months together, in the midst of servants who had strict injunctions to see that he suffered no serious harm, but were as strictly forbidden to wait upon him.

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  • 秀野林禅师语录


  • 世界的尽头,会有你吗


  • 青梅竹马之娇妻太神秘


  • EXO之别让灯光迷了眼


  • 势胜学


  • 纨绔千金的千面魔君


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  • 掌控全世界


  • 天元鉴


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