

Rowland had for the second time the feeling that she judged him to be a person of a disagreeably sophisticated tone.He noticed too that the kitchen towel she was hemming was terribly coarse.

And yet his answer had a resonant inward echo, and he repeated to himself, "Yes, on the whole, I prefer ours.""Well, these models," began Mr.Striker."You put them into an attitude, I suppose.""An attitude, exactly."

"And then you sit down and look at them.""You must not sit too long.You must go at your clay and try to build up something that looks like them.""Well, there you are with your model in an attitude on one side, yourself, in an attitude too, I suppose, on the other, and your pile of clay in the middle, building up, as you say.

So you pass the morning.After that I hope you go out and take a walk, and rest from your exertions.""Unquestionably.But to a sculptor who loves his work there is no time lost.

Everything he looks at teaches or suggests something.""That 's a tempting doctrine to young men with a taste for sitting by the hour with the page unturned, watching the flies buzz, or the frost melt on the window-pane.Our young friend, in this way, must have laid up stores of information which I never suspected!""Very likely," said Rowland, with an unresentful smile, "he will prove some day the completer artist for some of those lazy reveries."This theory was apparently very grateful to Mrs.Hudson, who had never had the case put for her son with such ingenious hopefulness, and found herself disrelishing the singular situation of seeming to side against her own flesh and blood with a lawyer whose conversational tone betrayed the habit of cross-questioning.

"My son, then," she ventured to ask, "my son has great--what you would call great powers?"

"To my sense, very great powers."

Poor Mrs.Hudson actually smiled, broadly, gleefully, and glanced at Miss Garland, as if to invite her to do likewise.

But the young girl's face remained serious, like the eastern sky when the opposite sunset is too feeble to make it glow.

"Do you really know?" she asked, looking at Rowland.

"One cannot know in such a matter save after proof, and proof takes time.

But one can believe."

"And you believe?"

"I believe."

But even then Miss Garland vouchsafed no smile.

Her face became graver than ever.

"Well, well," said Mrs.Hudson, "we must hope that it is all for the best."Mr.Striker eyed his old friend for a moment with a look of some displeasure; he saw that this was but a cunning feminine imitation of resignation, and that, through some untraceable process of transition, she was now taking more comfort in the opinions of this insinuating stranger than in his own tough dogmas.

He rose to his feet, without pulling down his waistcoat, but with a wrinkled grin at the inconsistency of women.

"Well, sir, Mr.Roderick's powers are nothing to me," he said, "nor no use he makes of them.Good or bad, he 's no son of mine.

But, in a friendly way, I 'm glad to hear so fine an account of him.

I 'm glad, madam, you 're so satisfied with the prospect.

Affection, sir, you see, must have its guarantees!"He paused a moment, stroking his beard, with his head inclined and one eye half-closed, looking at Rowland.

The look was grotesque, but it was significant, and it puzzled Rowland more than it amused him."I suppose you 're a very brilliant young man," he went on, "very enlightened, very cultivated, quite up to the mark in the fine arts and all that sort of thing.I 'm a plain, practical old boy, content to follow an honorable profession in a free country.

I did n't go off to the Old World to learn my business;no one took me by the hand; I had to grease my wheels myself, and, such as I am, I 'm a self-made man, every inch of me!

Well, if our young friend is booked for fame and fortune, I don't suppose his going to Rome will stop him.

But, mind you, it won't help him such a long way, either.

If you have undertaken to put him through, there 's a thing or two you 'd better remember.The crop we gather depends upon the seed we sow.He may be the biggest genius of the age:

his potatoes won't come up without his hoeing them.

If he takes things so almighty easy as--well, as one or two young fellows of genius I 've had under my eye--his produce will never gain the prize.Take the word for it of a man who has made his way inch by inch, and does n't believe that we 'll wake up to find our work done because we 've lain all night a-dreaming of it; anything worth doing is devilish hard to do!

If your young protajay finds things easy and has a good time and says he likes the life, it 's a sign that--as I may say--you had better step round to the office and look at the books.

That 's all I desire to remark.No offense intended.

I hope you 'll have a first-rate time."

Rowland could honestly reply that this seemed pregnant sense, and he offered Mr.Striker a friendly hand-shake as the latter withdrew.

But Mr.Striker's rather grim view of matters cast a momentary shadow on his companions, and Mrs.Hudson seemed to feel that it necessitated between them some little friendly agreement not to be overawed.

Rowland sat for some time longer, partly because he wished to please the two women and partly because he was strangely pleased himself.

There was something touching in their unworldly fears and diffident hopes, something almost terrible in the way poor little Mrs.Hudson seemed to flutter and quiver with intense maternal passion.

She put forth one timid conversational venture after another, and asked Rowland a number of questions about himself, his age, his family, his occupations, his tastes, his religious opinions.

Rowland had an odd feeling at last that she had begun to consider him very exemplary, and that she might make, later, some perturbing discovery.

He tried, therefore, to invent something that would prepare her to find him fallible.But he could think of nothing.

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