

"That is a specimen," said Mr.Young."You see how it is.You see what a life I lead.A man can't be wise all the time.In a heedless moment Igave my darling No.6--excuse my calling her thus, as her other name has escaped me for the moment--a breast-pin.It was only worth twenty-five dollars--that is, apparently that was its whole cost--but its ultimate cost was inevitably bound to be a good deal more.You yourself have seen it climb up to six hundred and fifty dollars--and alas, even that is not the end! For I have wives all over this Territory of Utah.I have dozens of wives whose numbers, even, I do not know without looking in the family Bible.They are scattered far and wide among the mountains and valleys of my realm.And mark you, every solitary one of them will hear of this wretched breast pin, and every last one of them will have one or die.No.6's breast pin will cost me twenty-five hundred dollars before I see the end of it.And these creatures will compare these pins together, and if one is a shade finer than the rest, they will all be thrown on my hands, and I will have to order a new lot to keep peace in the family.Sir, you probably did not know it, but all the time you were present with my children your every movement was watched by vigilant servitors of mine.If you had offered to give a child a dime, or a stick of candy, or any trifle of the kind, you would have been snatched out of the house instantly, provided it could be done before your gift left your hand.Otherwise it would be absolutely necessary for you to make an exactly similar gift to all my children--and knowing by experience the importance of the thing, I would have stood by and seen to it myself that you did it, and did it thoroughly.Once a gentleman gave one of my children a tin whistle--a veritable invention of Satan, sir, and one which I have an unspeakable horror of, and so would you if you had eighty or ninety children in your house.But the deed was done--the man escaped.I knew what the result was going to be, and I thirsted for vengeance.I ordered out a flock of Destroying Angels, and they hunted the man far into the fastnesses of the Nevada mountains.But they never caught him.I am not cruel, sir--I am not vindictive except when sorely outraged--but if I had caught him, sir, so help me Joseph Smith, I would have locked him into the nursery till the brats whistled him to death.

By the slaughtered body of St.Parley Pratt (whom God assail!) there was never anything on this earth like it! I knew who gave the whistle to the child, but I could, not make those jealous mothers believe me.They believed I did it, and the result was just what any man of reflection could have foreseen: I had to order a hundred and ten whistles--I think we had a hundred and ten children in the house then, but some of them are off at college now--I had to order a hundred and ten of those shrieking things, and I wish I may never speak another word if we didn't have to talk on our fingers entirely, from that time forth until the children got tired of the whistles.And if ever another man gives a whistle to a child of mine and I get my hands on him, I will hang him higher than Haman! That is the word with the bark on it! Shade of Nephi! You don't know anything about married life.I am rich, and everybody knows it.Iam benevolent, and everybody takes advantage of it.I have a strong fatherly instinct and all the foundlings are foisted on me.

Every time a woman wants to do well by her darling, she puzzles her brain to cipher out some scheme for getting it into my hands.Why, sir, a woman came here once with a child of a curious lifeless sort of complexion (and so had the woman), and swore that the child was mine and she my wife--that I had married her at such-and-such a time in such-and-such a place, but she had forgotten her number, and of course I could not remember her name.Well, sir, she called my attention to the fact that the child looked like me, and really it did seem to resemble me--a common thing in the Territory--and, to cut the story short, I put it in my nursery, and she left.And by the ghost of Orson Hyde, when they came to wash the paint off that child it was an Injun! Bless my soul, you don't know anything about married life.It is a perfect dog's life, sir--a perfect dog's life.You can't economize.It isn't possible.I have tried keeping one set of bridal attire for all occasions.But it is of no use.First you'll marry a combination of calico and consumption that's as thin as a rail, and next you'll get a creature that's nothing more than the dropsy in disguise, and then you've got to eke out that bridal dress with an old balloon.That is the way it goes.And think of the wash-bill--(excuse these tears)--nine hundred and eighty-four pieces a week! No, sir, there is no such a thing as economy in a family like mine.Why, just the one item of cradles--think of it! And vermifuge!

Soothing syrup! Teething rings! And 'papa's watches' for the babies to play with! And things to scratch the furniture with! And lucifer matches for them to eat, and pieces of glass to cut themselves with!

The item of glass alone would support your family, I venture to say, sir.

Let me scrimp and squeeze all I can, I still can't get ahead as fast as Ifeel I ought to, with my opportunities.Bless you, sir, at a time when Ihad seventy-two wives in this house, I groaned under the pressure of keeping thousands of dollars tied up in seventy-two bedsteads when the money ought to have been out at interest; and I just sold out the whole stock, sir, at a sacrifice, and built a bedstead seven feet long and ninety-six feet wide.But it was a failure, sir.I could not sleep.

It appeared to me that the whole seventy-two women snored at once.

The roar was deafening.And then the danger of it! That was what I was looking at.They would all draw in their breath at once, and you could actually see the walls of the house suck in--and then they would all exhale their breath at once, and you could see the walls swell out, and strain, and hear the rafters crack, and the shingles grind together.

My friend, take an old man's advice, and don't encumber yourself with a large family--mind, I tell you, don't do it.In a small family, and in a small family only, you will find that comfort and that peace of mind which are the best at last of the blessings this world is able to afford us, and for the lack of which no accumulation of wealth, and no acquisition of fame, power, and greatness can ever compensate us.

Take my word for it, ten or eleven wives is all you need--never go over it."Some instinct or other made me set this Johnson down as being unreliable.

And yet he was a very entertaining person, and I doubt if some of the information he gave us could have been acquired from any other source.

He was a pleasant contrast to those reticent Mormons.

  • 桃花庵鼓词


  • 佛说长阿含经


  • 对床夜语


  • 富克锦舆地略


  • 佛说坚固女经


  • 幻影使者之不灭的永恒城


  • 终归田园


  • 命索


  • 圈爱前妻:总裁好腹黑


  • 嫡妃重生之倾世祸国


  • 顾霜笙卿颜


  • 最强村霸


  • 美人轻狂


  • 有妻嫣然


  • 村民自治与农村治安纠纷

