

Of course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the case with every town and city on the Pacific coast.They are a harmless race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they are as industrious as the day is long.A disorderly Chinaman is rare, and a lazy one does not exist.So long as a Chinaman has strength to use his hands he needs no support from anybody; white men often complain of want of work, but a Chinaman offers no such complaint; he always manages to find something to do.He is a great convenience to everybody--even to the worst class of white men, for he bears the most of their sins, suffering fines for their petty thefts, imprisonment for their robberies, and death for their murders.Any white man can swear a Chinaman's life away in the courts, but no Chinaman can testify against a white man.

Ours is the "land of the free"--nobody denies that--nobody challenges it.

[Maybe it is because we won't let other people testify.] As I write, news comes that in broad daylight in San Francisco, some boys have stoned an inoffensive Chinaman to death, and that although a large crowd witnessed the shameful deed, no one interfered.

There are seventy thousand (and possibly one hundred thousand) Chinamen on the Pacific coast.There were about a thousand in Virginia.They were penned into a "Chinese quarter"--a thing which they do not particularly object to, as they are fond of herding together.Their buildings were of wood; usually only one story high, and set thickly together along streets scarcely wide enough for a wagon to pass through.

Their quarter was a little removed from the rest of the town.The chief employment of Chinamen in towns is to wash clothing.They always send a bill, like this below, pinned to the clothes.It is mere ceremony, for it does not enlighten the customer much.Their price for washing was $2.50 per dozen--rather cheaper than white people could afford to wash for at that time.A very common sign on the Chinese houses was: "See Yup, Washer and Ironer"; "Hong Wo, Washer"; "Sam Sing & Ah Hop, Washing."The house servants, cooks, etc., in California and Nevada, were chiefly Chinamen.There were few white servants and no Chinawomen so employed.

Chinamen make good house servants, being quick, obedient, patient, quick to learn and tirelessly industrious.They do not need to be taught a thing twice, as a general thing.They are imitative.If a Chinaman were to see his master break up a centre table, in a passion, and kindle a fire with it, that Chinaman would be likely to resort to the furniture for fuel forever afterward.

All Chinamen can read, write and cipher with easy facility--pity but all our petted voters could.In California they rent little patches of ground and do a deal of gardening.They will raise surprising crops of vegetables on a sand pile.They waste nothing.What is rubbish to a Christian, a Chinaman carefully preserves and makes useful in one way or another.He gathers up all the old oyster and sardine cans that white people throw away, and procures marketable tin and solder from them by melting.He gathers up old bones and turns them into manure.

In California he gets a living out of old mining claims that white men have abandoned as exhausted and worthless--and then the officers come down on him once a month with an exorbitant swindle to which the legislature has given the broad, general name of "foreign" mining tax, but it is usually inflicted on no foreigners but Chinamen.This swindle has in some cases been repeated once or twice on the same victim in the course of the same month--but the public treasury was no additionally enriched by it, probably.

Chinamen hold their dead in great reverence--they worship their departed ancestors, in fact.Hence, in China, a man's front yard, back yard, or any other part of his premises, is made his family burying ground, in order that he may visit the graves at any and all times.Therefore that huge empire is one mighty cemetery; it is ridged and wringled from its centre to its circumference with graves--and inasmuch as every foot of ground must be made to do its utmost, in China, lest the swarming population suffer for food, the very graves are cultivated and yield a harvest, custom holding this to be no dishonor to the dead.Since the departed are held in such worshipful reverence, a Chinaman cannot bear that any indignity be offered the places where they sleep.

Mr.Burlingame said that herein lay China's bitter opposition to railroads; a road could not be built anywhere in the empire without disturbing the graves of their ancestors or friends.

A Chinaman hardly believes he could enjoy the hereafter except his body lay in his beloved China; also, he desires to receive, himself, after death, that worship with which he has honored his dead that preceded him.

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