

"Radioactive," said Marakinoff."Some liquid that is in-tensely radioactive; but what it is I know not at all.Upon the living skin it acts like radium raised to the nth power and with an element most mysterious added.The solution with which I treated him," he pointed to Huldricksson, "I had prepared before I came here, from certain information Ihad.It is largely salts of radium and its base is Loeb's formula for the neutralization of radium and X-ray burns.

Taking this man at once, before the degeneration had be-come really active, I could negative it.But after two hours I could have done nothing."He paused a moment.

"Next I studied the nature of these luminous walls.Iconcluded that whoever had made them, knew the secret of the Almighty's manufacture of light from the ether itself!

Colossal! Da! But the substance of these blocks confines an atomic--how would you say--atomic manipulation, a conscious arrangement of electrons, light-emitting and per-haps indefinitely so.These blocks are lamps in which oil and wick are electrons drawing light waves from ether itself! APrometheus, indeed, this discoverer! I looked at my watch and that little guardian warned me that it was time to go.

I went.That which comes forth returned--this time empty-handed.

"And the next night I did the same thing.Engrossed in research, I let the moments go by to the danger point, and scarcely was I replaced within the vault when the shining thing raced over the walls, and in its grip the woman and child"Then you came--and that is all.And now--what is it you know?"Very briefly I went over my story.His eyes gleamed now and then, but he did not interrupt me.

"A great secret! A colossal secret!" he muttered, when Ihad ended."We cannot leave it hidden."

"The first thing to do is to try the door," said Larry, mat-ter of fact.

"There is no use, my young friend," assured Marakinoff mildly.

"Nevertheless we'll try," said Larry.We retraced our way through the winding tunnel to the end, but soon even O'Keefe saw that any idea of moving the slab from within was hopeless.We returned to the Chamber of the Pool.The pillars of light were fainter, and we knew that the moon was sinking.On the world outside before long dawn would be breaking.I began to feel thirst--and the blue semblance of water within the silvery rim seemed to glint mockingly as my eyes rested on it.

"Da!" it was Marakinoff, reading my thoughts uncannily.

"Da! We will be thirsty.And it will be very bad for him of us who loses control and drinks of that, my friend.Da!"Larry threw back his shoulders as though shaking a burden from them.

"This place would give an angel of joy the willies," he said."I suggest that we look around and find something that will take us somewhere.You can bet the people that built it had more ways of getting in than that once-a-month family entrance.Doc, you and Olaf take the left wall; the professor and I will take the right."He loosened one of his automatics with a suggestive move-ment.

"After you, Professor," he bowed, politely, to the Russian.

We parted and set forth.

The chamber widened out from the portal in what seemed to be the arc of an immense circle.The shining walls held a perceptible curve, and from this curvature I estimated that the roof was fully three hundred feet above us.

The floor was of smooth, mosaic-fitted blocks of a faintly yellow tinge.They were not light-emitting like the blocks that formed the walls.The radiance from these latter, Inoted, had the peculiar quality of THICKENING a few yards from its source, and it was this that produced the effect of misty, veiled distances.As we walked, the seven columns of rays streaming down from the crystalline globes high above us waned steadily; the glow within the chamber lost its pris-matic shimmer and became an even grey tone somewhat like moonlight in a thin cloud.

Now before us, out from the wall, jutted a low terrace.It was all of a pearly rose-coloured stone, slender, graceful pil-lars of the same hue.The face of the terrace was about ten feet high, and all over it ran a bas-relief of what looked like short-trailing vines, surmounted by five stalks, on the tip of each of which was a flower.

We passed along the terrace.It turned in an abrupt curve.

I heard a hail, and there, fifty feet away, at the curving end of a wall identical with that where we stood, were Larry and Marakinoff.Obviously the left side of the chamber was a duplicate of that we had explored.We joined.In front of us the columned barriers ran back a hundred feet, forming an alcove.The end of this alcove was another wall of the same rose stone, but upon it the design of vines was much heavier.

We took a step forward--there was a gasp of awe from the Norseman, a guttural exclamation from Marakinoff.For on, or rather within, the wall before us, a great oval began to glow, waxed almost to a flame and then shone steadily out as though from behind it a light was streaming through the stone itself!

And within the roseate oval two flame-tipped shadows appeared, stood for a moment, and then seemed to float out upon its surface.The shadows wavered; the tips of flame that nimbused them with flickering points of vermilion pulsed outward, drew back, darted forth again, and once more withdrew themselves--and as they did so the shadows thick-ened--and suddenly there before us stood two figures!

One was a girl--a girl whose great eyes were golden as the fabled lilies of Kwan-Yung that were born of the kiss of the sun upon the amber goddess the demons of Lao-Tz'e carved for him; whose softly curved lips were red as the royal coral, and whose golden-brown hair reached to her knees!

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