

it suggested to me that in meeting here to-night we undertook to represent something of the all-pervading feeling of that crowd, through all its intermediate degrees, from the full-dressed lady, with her diamonds sparkling upon her breast in the proscenium-box, to the half-undressed gentleman; who bides his time to take some refreshment in the back row of the gallery.And I consider, gentlemen, that no one who could possibly be placed in this chair could so well head that comprehensive representation, and could so well give the crowning grace to our festivities, as one whose comprehensive genius has in his various works embraced them all, and who has, in his dramatic genius, enchanted and enthralled them all at once.

Gentlemen, it is not for me here to recall, after what you have heard this night, what I have seen and known in the bygone times of Mr.Macready's management, of the strong friendship of Sir Bulwer Lytton for him, of the association of his pen with his earliest successes, or of Mr.Macready's zealous and untiring services; but it may be permitted me to say what, in any public mention of him Ican never repress, that in the path we both tread I have uniformly found him from the first the most generous of men; quick to encourage, slow to disparage, ever anxious to assert the order of which he is so great an ornament; never condescending to shuffle it off, and leave it outside state rooms, as a Mussulman might leave his slippers outside a mosque.

There is a popular prejudice, a kind of superstition to the effect that authors are not a particularly united body, that they are not invariably and inseparably attached to each other.I am afraid Imust concede half-a-grain or so of truth I to that superstition;but this I know, that there can hardly be - that there hardly can have been - among the followers of literature, a man of more high standing farther above these little grudging jealousies, which do sometimes disparage its brightness, than Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton.

And I have the strongest reason just at present to bear my testimony to his great consideration for those evils which are sometimes unfortunately attendant upon it, though not on him.For, in conjunction with some other gentlemen now present, I have just embarked in a design with Sir Bulwer Lytton, to smoothe the rugged way of young labourers, both in literature and the fine arts, and to soften, but by no eleemosynary means, the declining years of meritorious age.And if that project prosper as I hope it will, and as I know it ought, it will one day be an honour to England where there is now a reproach; originating in his sympathies, being brought into operation by his activity, and endowed from its very cradle by his generosity.There are many among you who will have each his own favourite reason for drinking our chairman's health, resting his claim probably upon some of his diversified successes.

According to the nature of your reading, some of you will connect him with prose, others will connect him with poetry.One will connect him with comedy, and another with the romantic passions of the stage, and his assertion of worthy ambition and earnest struggle against those "twin gaolers of the human heart, Low birth and iron fortune."Again, another's taste will lead him to the contemplation of Rienzi and the streets of Rome; another's to the rebuilt and repeopled streets of Pompeii; another's to the touching history of the fireside where the Caxton family learned how to discipline their natures and tame their wild hopes down.But, however various their feelings and reasons may be, I am sure that with one accord each will help the other, and all will swell the greeting, with which Ishall now propose to you "The Health of our Chairman, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton."

  • 高峰三山来禅师年谱


  • 采石瓜洲毙亮记


  • 竹书纪年


  • 诚求集


  • 谈苑


  • 戏出名门


  • 太岁驾到


  • 月光话缘


  • 福妻驾到


  • 堂东老劝破家子弟


  • 高冷总裁的迷糊弟


    他是洛氏集团的总裁,冰冷无情。他是路边的一个小乞丐,身世不明,懵懂无知。当他遇见了他,会有怎样的火花碰撞?他的身份只是一个小乞丐吗?———————————————————————————————————场景一他拉着洛凌轩的裤脚,小声的说:“能不能收留我?”“为什么?”他冷酷地说他转身离去,只留下一句话:“跟上。”场景二洛小轩躲在他的身后,害怕的看着那个女人。“你这个贱人敢勾引凌轩,看我不弄死你。”洛凌轩额头青筋暴起,抬手给了那女人一巴掌,说:“不许你骂他。”这是第一次写文,写的不好的地方请多多原谅。(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
  • 鬼校诡记


  • 狂少闯荡校园


  • 琳琅劫


  • 梦燃歌

