

For a few moments, the two men sat in meditative silence, which was presently broken by the old man of Torn.

"Priest," he said, "thy ways with my son are, as you know, not to my liking.It were needless that he should have wasted so much precious time from swordplay to learn the useless art of letters.Of what benefit may a knowledge of Latin be to one whose doom looms large before him.It may be years and again it may be but months, but as sure as there be a devil in hell, Norman of Torn will swing from a king's gibbet.And thou knowst it, and he too, as well as I.The things which thou hast taught him be above his station, and the hopes and ambitions they inspire will but make his end the bitterer for him.Of late I have noted that he rides upon the highway with less enthusiasm than was his wont, but he has gone too far ever to go back now; nor is there where to go back to.What has he ever been other than outcast and outlaw ? What hopes could you have engendered in his breast greater than to be hated and feared among his blood enemies ?""I knowst not thy reasons, old man," replied the priest, "for devoting thy life to the ruining of his, and what I guess at be such as I dare not voice; but let us understand each other once and for all.For all thou dost and hast done to blight and curse the nobleness of his nature, I have done and shall continue to do all in my power to controvert.As thou hast been his bad angel, so shall I try to be his good angel, and when all is said and done and Norman of Torn swings from the King's gibbet, as I only too well fear he must, there will be more to mourn his loss than there be to curse him.

"His friends are from the ranks of the lowly, but so too were the friends and followers of our Dear Lord Jesus; so that shall be more greatly to his honor than had he preyed upon the already unfortunate.

"Women have never been his prey; that also will be spoken of to his honor when he is gone, and that he has been cruel to men will be forgotten in the greater glory of his mercy to the weak.

"Whatever be thy object: whether revenge or the natural bent of a cruel and degraded mind, I know not; but if any be curst because of the Outlaw of Torn, it will be thou -- I had almost said, unnatural father; but I do not believe a single drop of thy debased blood flows in the veins of him thou callest son."The grim old man of Torn had sat motionless throughout this indictment, his face, somewhat pale, was drawn into lines of malevolent hatred and rage, but he permitted Father Claude to finish without interruption.

"Thou hast made thyself and thy opinions quite clear," he said bitterly, "but I be glad to know just how thou standeth.In the past there has been peace between us, though no love; now let us both understand that it be war and hate.My life work is cut out for me.Others, like thyself, have stood in my path, yet today I am here, but where are they ? Dost understand me, priest ?" And the old man leaned far across the table so that his eyes, burning with an insane fire of venom, blazed but a few inches from those of the priest.

Father Claude returned the look with calm level gaze.

"I understand," he said, and, rising, left the castle.

Shortly after he had reached his cottage, a loud knock sounded at the door, which immediately swung open without waiting the formality of permission.

Father Claude looked up to see the tall figure of Norman of Torn, and his face lighted with a pleased smile of welcome.

"Greetings, my son," said the priest.

"And to thee, Father," replied the outlaw, "And what may be the news of Torn.I have been absent for several days.Is all well at the castle ?""All be well at the castle," replied Father Claude, "if by that you mean have none been captured or hanged for their murders.Ah, my boy, why wilt thou not give up this wicked life of thine ? It has never been my way to scold or chide thee, yet always hath my heart ached for each crime laid at the door of Norman of Torn.""Come, come, Father," replied the outlaw, "what dost I that I have not good example for from the barons, and the King, and Holy Church.Murder, theft, rapine ! Passeth a day over England which sees not one or all perpetrated in the name of some of these ?

"Be it wicked for Norman of Torn to prey upon the wolf, yet righteous for the wolf to tear the sheep ? Methinks not.Only do I collect from those who have more than they need, from my natural enemies; while they prey upon those who have naught.

"Yet," and his manner suddenly changed, "I do not love it, Father.That thou know.I would that there might be some way out of it, but there is none.

"If I told you why I wished it, you would be surprised indeed, nor can Imyself understand; but, of a verity, my greatest wish to be out of this life is due to the fact that I crave the association of those very enemies I have been taught to hate.But it is too late, Father, there can be but one end and that the lower end of a hempen rope.""No, my son, there is another way, an honorable way," replied the good Father."In some foreign clime there be opportunities abundant for such as thee.France offers a magnificent future to such a soldier as Norman of Torn.In the court of Louis, you would take your place among the highest of the land.You be rich and brave and handsome.Nay do not raise your hand.You be all these and more, for you have learning far beyond the majority of nobles, and you have a good heart and a true chivalry of character.With such wondrous gifts, naught could bar your way to the highest pinnacles of power and glory, while here you have no future beyond the halter.Canst thou hesitate, Norman of Torn ?"The young man stood silent for a moment, then he drew his hand across his eyes as though to brush away a vision.

"There be a reason, Father, why I must remain in England for a time at least, though the picture you put is indeed wondrous alluring."And the reason was Bertrade de Montfort.

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