

The only way of meeting these difficulties, whether under State Socialism or Guild Socialism or Anarchism, seems to be by making it possible for an author to pay for the publication of his book if it is not such as the State or the Guild is willing to print at its own expense.I am aware that this method is contrary to the spirit of Socialism, but I do not see what other way there is of securing freedom.The payment might be made by undertaking to engage for an assigned period in some work of recognizedutility and to hand over such proportion of the earnings as might be necessary.The work undertaken might of course be, as Kropotkin suggests, the manual part of the production of books, but I see no special reason why it should be.It would have to be an absolute rule that no book should be refused, no matter what the nature of its contents might be, if payment for publication were offered at the standard rate.An author who had admirers would be able to secure their help in payment.An unknown author might, it is true, have to suffer a considerable loss of comfort in order to make his payment, but that would give an automatic means of eliminating those whose writing was not the result of any very profound impulse and would be by no means wholly an evil.

Probably some similar method would be desirable as regards the publishing and performing of new music.

What we have been suggesting will, no doubt, be objected to by orthodox Socialists, since they will find something repugnant to their principles in the whole idea of a private person paying to have certain work done.But it is a mistake to be the slave of a system, and every system, if it is applied rigidly, will entail evils which could only be avoided by some concession to the exigencies of special cases.On the whole, a wise form of Socialism might afford infinitely better opportunities for the artist and the man of science than are possible in a capitalist community, but only if the form of Socialism adopted is one which is fitted for this end by means of provisions such as we have been suggesting.

3.Possibility of Appreciation.--This condition is one which is not necessary to all who do creative work, but in the sense in which I mean it the great majority find it very nearly indispensable.I do not mean widespread public recognition, nor that ignorant, half-sincere respect which is commonly accorded to artists who have achieved success.Neither of these serves much purpose.What I mean is rather understanding, and a spontaneous feeling that things of beauty are important.In a thoroughly commercialized society, an artist is respected if he makes money, and because he makes money, but there is no genuine respect for the works of art by which his money has been made.Amillionaire whose fortune has been made in button-hooks or chewing-gum is regarded with awe, but none of this feeling is bestowed on the articles from which his wealth is derived.In a society which measures all things by money the same tends to be true of the artist.If he has become rich he is respected, though of course less than the millionaire, but his pictures or books or music are regarded as the chewing-gum or the button- hooks are regarded, merely as a means to money.In such an atmosphere it is very difficult for the artist to preserve his creative impulse pure: either he is contaminated by his surroundings, or he becomes embittered through lack of appreciation for the object of his endeavor.

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    她从前叫Annie,暴发户富豪老爹风流成性,同父异母的兄弟姐妹们争宠如夺嫡般惨烈。人生得意须尽欢,拿到家产先开个盛大的豪门趴,胜利者Annie一夜狂欢后,再醒来就变成了“安妮”。围观群众请求女主不要装逼:Annie和安妮不就是中英文没切换?一脸懵逼的女主:“……我想静静。”Annie,28岁,超级暴发户正宫之女,秉承“人生如戏全靠演技”的指导思想,成功在争夺家业的战斗中胜出,预计可分到的家产达XX亿,是狂蜂浪蝶们追逐的人生赢家!安妮,18岁,贫民窟美少女。人生经历可略。吃瓜群众很羡慕:年轻了十岁,还貌美!Annie:……年轻十岁有屁用,过十年我的几十亿能自动回来?姐不需要貌美,从前是我用钱包养小白脸,现在难道要靠脸被包养?!这操蛋的穿越!……“叮,恭喜女主成功觉醒天赋技能《人生如戏,全靠演技》,请完成终极任务:成为全民喜爱的女神。任务完成后,女主可以选择回到原本世界继续富豪人生。”等等,你憋走,你说清楚,什么是全民女神??还有,劳资会五国语言,学的是经济贸易,武能斗小三姨娘,文可撕争产的妖艳贱货,所有富家千金该懂的都懂,不该懂的也懂……天赋技能居然只是“演技”?!妈的智障,真要成为全民女神后,姐为啥要选择回去!……这是一个不圣母不纯洁的伪少女,被努力想出人头地的禁欲型经纪人男主捡回去签约,本打算养成个超级巨星,养着养着却和谐的爱情故事。女主从前是富二代,现在是穷N代,努力想重回巅峰做回人民币玩家。男主本来可以当二代,却努力想把自己变成富一代,让自己的老婆可以当人民币玩家。安妮:你居然有老婆?!沈大经纪人:老婆么么哒(づ ̄3 ̄)づPS:女主演技强,能力强,性格很彪,喜欢演戏,演戏赚钱后把钱花掉。男主颜值高,“能力”强,性格高冷,喜欢赚钱和宠老婆,赚到钱后把钱都给老婆花掉。《跳坑前须知:作者是一名外表清纯的污妖王,不要问我男主什么能力强,我还是个宝宝。》
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