In order to understand Marx's doctrine, it is necessary to know something of the influences which formed his outlook.He was born in 1818 at Treves in the Rhine Provinces, his father being a legal official, a Jew who had nominally accepted Christianity.Marx studied jurisprudence, philosophy, political economy and history at various German universities.In philosophy he imbibed the doctrines of Hegel, who was then at the height of his fame, and something of these doctrines dominated his thought throughout his life.Like Hegel, he saw in history the development of an Idea.He conceived the changes in the world as forming a logical development, in which one phase passes by revolution into another, which is its antithesis--a conception which gave to his views a certain hard abstractness, and a belief in revolution rather than evolution.But of Hegel's more definite doctrines Marx retained nothing after his youth.He was recognized as a brilliant student, and might have had a prosperouscareer as a professor or an official, but his interest in politics and his Radical views led him into more arduous paths.Already in 1842 he became editor of a newspaper, which was suppressed by the Prussian Government early in the following year on account of its advanced opinions.This led Marx to go to Paris, where he became known as a Socialist and acquired a knowledge of his French predecessors.[1] Here in the year 1844 began his lifelong friendship with Engels, who had been hitherto in business in Manchester, where he had become acquainted with English Socialism and had in the main adopted its doctrines.[2] In 1845 Marx was expelled from Paris and went with Engels to live in Brussels.There he formed a German Working Men's Association and edited a paper which was their organ.Through his activities in Brussels he became known to the German Communist League in Paris, who, at the end of 1847, invited him and Engels to draw up for them a manifesto, which appeared in January, 1848.This is the famous ``Communist Manifesto,'' in which for the first time Marx's system is set forth.It appeared at a fortunate moment.In the following month, February, the revolution broke out in Paris, and in March it spread to Germany.Fear of the revolution led the Brussels Government to expel Marx from Belgium, but the German revolution made it possible for him to return to his own country.In Germany he again edited a paper, which again led him into a conflict with the authorities, increasing in severity as the reaction gathered force.In June, 1849, his paper was suppressed, and he was expelled from Prussia.He returned to Paris, but was expelled from there also.This led him to settle in England--at that time an asylum for friends of freedom--and in England, with only brief intervals for purposes of agitation, he continued to live until his death in 1883.
[1] Chief among these were Fourier and Saint-Simon, who constructed somewhat fantastic Socialistic ideal commonwealths.Proudhon, with whom Marx had some not wholly friendly relations, is to be regarded as a forerunner of the Anarchists rather than of orthodox Socialism.
[2] Marx mentions the English Socialists with praise in ``The Poverty of Philosophy'' (1847).They, like him, tend to base their arguments upon aRicardian theory of value, but they have not his scope or erudition or scientific breadth.Among them may be mentioned Thomas Hodgskin (1787-1869), originally an officer in the Navy, but dismissed for a pamphlet critical of the methods of naval discipline, author of ``Labour Defended Against the Claims of Capital'' (1825) and other works; William Thompson (1785-1833), author of ``Inquiry into the Principles of Distribution of Wealth Most Conducive to Human Happiness'' (1824), and``Labour Rewarded'' (1825); and Piercy Ravenstone, from whom Hodgskin's ideas are largely derived.Perhaps more important than any of these was Robert Owen.
The bulk of his time was occupied in the composition of his great book, ``Capital.''[3] His other important work during his later years was the formation and spread of the International Working Men's Association.From 1849 onward the greater part of his time was spent in the British Museum, accumulating, with German patience, the materials for his terrific indictment of capitalist society, but he retained his hold on the International Socialist movement.In several countries he had sons-in-law as lieutenants, like Napoleon's brothers, and in the various internal contests that arose his will generally prevailed.
[3] The first and most important volume appeared in 1867; the other two volumes were published posthumously (1885 and 1894).
The most essential of Marx's doctrines may be reduced to three: first, what is called the material- istic interpretation of history; second, the law of the concentration of capital; and, third, the class-war.