

Numerous strikes have been conducted or encouraged by the I.W.W.and the Western Federation of Miners.These strikes illustrate the class- war in a more bitter and extreme form than is to be found in any other part of the world.Both sides are always ready to resort to violence.The employers have armies of their own and are able to call upon the Militia and even, in a crisis, upon the United States Army.What French Syndicalists say about the State as a capitalist institution is peculiarly true in America.In consequence of the scandals thus arising, the Federal Government appointed a Commission on Industrial Relations, whose Report, issued in 1915, reveals a state of affairs such as it would be difficult to imagine in Great Britain.The report states that ``the greatest disorders and most of the outbreaks of violence in connection with industrial `disputes arise from the violation of what are considered to be fundamental rights, and from the perversion or subversion of governmental institutions'' (p.146).It mentions, among such perversions,the subservience of the judiciary to the mili- tary authorities,[33] the fact that during a labor dispute the life and liberty of every man within the State would seem to be at the mercy of the Governor (p.72), and the use of State troops in policing strikes (p.298).At Ludlow (Colorado) in 1914 (April 20) a battle of the militia and the miners took place, in which, as the result of the fire of the militia, a number of women and children were burned to death.[34] Many other instances of pitched battles could be given, but enough has been said to show the peculiar character of labor disputes in the United States.It may, I fear, be presumed that this character will remain so long as a very large proportion of labor consists of recent immigrants.When these difficulties pass away, as they must sooner or later, labor will more and more find its place in the community, and will tend to feel and inspire less of the bitter hostility which renders the more extreme forms of class war possible.Whenthat time comes, the labor movement in America will probably begin to take on forms similar to those of Europe.

[33] Although uniformly held that the writ of habeas corpus can only be suspended by the legislature, in these labor disturbances the executive has in fact suspended or disregarded the writ....In cases arising from labor agitations, the judiciary has uniformly upheld the power exercised by the military, and in no case has there been any protest against the use of such power or any attempt to curtail it, except in Montana, where the conviction of a civilian by military commission was annulled'' (``Final Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations'' (1915) appointed by the United States Congress,'' p.58).

[34] Literary Digest, May 2 and May 16, 1914.

Meanwhile, though the forms are different, the aims are very similar, and industrial unionism, spreading from America, has had a considerable influence in Great Britain--an influence naturally reinforced by that of French Syndicalism.It is clear, I think, that the adoption of industrial rather than craft unionism is absolutely necessary if Trade Unionism is to succeed in playing that part in altering the economic structure of society which its advocates claim for it rather than for the political parties.Industrial unionism organizes men, as craft unionism does not, inaccordance with the enemy whom they have to fight.English unionism is still very far removed from the industrial form, though certain industries, especially the railway men, have gone very far in this direction, and it is notable that the railway men are peculiarly sympathetic to Syndicalism and industrial unionism.

Pure Syndicalism, however, is not very likely to achieve wide popularity in Great Britain.Its spirit is too revolutionary and anarchistic for our temperament.It is in the modified form of Guild Socialism that the ideas derived from the C.G.T.and the I.W.W.are tending to bear fruit.[35] This movement is as yet in its infancy and has no great hold upon the rank and file, but it is being ably advocated by a group of young men, and is rapidly gaining ground among those who will form Labor opinion in years to come.The power of the State has been so much increased during the war that those who naturally dislike things as they are, find it more and more difficult to believe that State omnipotence can be the road to the millennium.Guild Socialists aim at autonomy in industry, with consequent curtailment, but not abolition, of the power of the State.The system which they advocate is, I believe, the best hitherto proposed, and the one most likely to secure liberty without the constant appeals to violence which are to be feared under a purely Anarchist regime.

  • 荒域圣尊


  • 传说的魔幻


  • 满天星盛开时


  • 逆乱风尘


  • 花千骨之沧海月明


  • 总裁大人的离婚妻


  • 旧赎


  • 仙之迹


  • 异鬼之王


  • 起日无衣

