

FEW young couples in the Big-City-of-Bluff began their married existence with greater promise of happiness than did Mr.and Mrs.Claude Turpin.They felt no especial animosity toward each other; they were comfort-ably established in a handsome apartment house that had a name and accommodations like those of a sleeping-car; they were living as expensively as the couple on the next floor above who had twice their income;and their marriage had occurred on a wager, a ferry-boat and first acquaintance, thus securing a sensational newspaper notice with their names attached to pictures of the Queen of Roumania and M.Santos-Dumont.

Turpin's income was $200 per month.On pay day, after calculating the amounts due for rent, instalments on furniture and piano, gas, and bills owed to the florist, confectioner, milliner, tailor, wine merchant and cab company, the Turpins would find that they still had $200left to spend.How to do this is one of the secrets of metropolitan life.

The domestic life of the Turpins was a beautiful picture to see.But you couldn't gaze upon it as you could at an oleograph of "Don't Wake Grandma," or "Brook-lyn by Moonlight."

You had to blink when looked at it; and you heard a fizzing sound just like the machine with a "scope" at the end of it.Yes; there wasn't much repose about the picture of the Turpins' domestic life.It was something like "Spearing Salmon in the Columbia River," or "Jap-anese Artillery in Action."

Every day was just like another; as the days are in New York.In the morning Turpin would take bromo-seltzer, his pocket change from under the clock, his hat, no breakfast and his departure for the office.At noon Mrs.Turpin would get out of bed and humour, put on a kimono, airs, and the water to boil for coffee.

Turpin lunched downtown.He came home at 6to dress for dinner.They always dined out.They strayed from the chop-house to chop-sueydom, from terrace to table d'h魌e, from rathskeller to roadhouse, from caf?to casino, from Maria's to the Martha Wash-ington.Such is domestic life in the great city.Your vine is the mistletoe; your fig tree bears dates.Your household gods are Mercury and John Howard Payne.

For the wedding march you now hear only "Come with the Gypsy Bride." You rarely dine at the same place twice in succession.You tire of the food; and, besides, you want to give them time for the question of that souve-nir silver sugar bowl to blow over.

The Turpins were therefore happy.They made many warm and delightful friends, some of whom they remem-bered the next day.Their home life was an ideal one, according to the rules and regulations of the Book of Bluff.

There came a time when it dawned upon Turpin that his wife was getting away with too much money.

If you belong to the near-swell class in the Big City, and your income is $200 per month, and you find at the end of the month, after looking over the bills for current expenses, that you, yourself, have spent $150, you very naturally wonder what has become of the other $50.

So you suspect your wife.And perhaps you give her a hint that something needs explanation.

"I say, Vivien," said Turpin, one afternoon when they were enjoying in rapt silence the peace and quiet of their cozy apartment, "you've been creating a hiatus big enough for a dog to crawl through in this month's hon-orarium.You haven't been paying your dressmaker anything on account, have you?"There was a moment's silence.No sounds could be heard except the breathing of the fox terrier, and the subdued, monotonous sizzling of Vivien's fulvous locks against the insensate curling irons.Claude Turpin, sitting upon a pillow that he had thoughtfully placed upon the convolutions of the apartment sofa, narrowly watched the riante, lovely face of his wife.

"Claudie, dear," said she, touching her finger to her ruby tongue and testing the unresponsive curling irons, "you do me an injustice.Mme.Toinette has not seen a cent of mine since the day you paid your tailor ten dollars on account."Turpin's suspicions were allayed for the time.But one day soon there came an anonymous letter to him that read:

"Watch your wife.She is blowing in your money secretly.I was a sufferer just as you are.The place is No.345 Blank Street.A word to the wise, etc.


Turpin took this letter to the captain of police of the precinct that he lived in.

"My precinct is as clean as a hound's tooth," said the captain."The lid's shut down as close there as it is over the eye of a Williamsburg girl when she's kissed at a party.But if you think there's anything queer at the address, I'll go there with ye."On the next afternoon at 3, Turpin and the captain crept softly up the stairs of No.345 Blank Street.Adozen plain-clothes men, dressed in full police uniforms, so as to allay suspicion, waited in the hall below.

At the top of the stairs was a door, which was found to be locked.The captain took a key from his pocket and unlocked it.The two men entered.

  • 我和女鬼的契约


  • 毒舌萌妃—腹黑大神追妻难


  • 永世宠婚:各路美男来抢婚


  • 杀手狂妃:魔皇万万岁


  • 绝世神姬


  • 新哥感悟


  • 玉结秦汉缘


  • 洛克王国之光明觉醒


  • 总裁的勾魂情人


  • 五月聊斋

