


"What's that?" exclaimed Mary Nestor, giving such a start as she sat opposite Tom at the restaurant table that she dropped the bill of fare she had been looking over.

A crash had resounded through the room, but it spoke well for the state of Tom's nerves that he gave no indication that he had heard the noise.It was caused by a waiter when he dropped a plate, which was smashed into pieces on the floor.The noise was startling enough to excuse Mary for jumping in her chair, and it seemed to put an end to the strange talk of "Mr.High" and "Mr.Low" back of the screen, for after the crash of china only indistinct murmurs came from there.But Tom Swift did not cease to wonder at the import of the talk about chemicals, fire, and the mention of the name of Josephus Baxter.

"I think I'll try some of those Murolloas, as they call them, Tom," announced Mary, having made her selection of the pastry."And may I have another cup of tea?""Two if you like," answered the young inventor."They say tea is good for the nerves, and you seem to need something, judging by the way you jumped when that plate fell.""Oh, Tom, that isn't fair! After the way we had to come down in your 'plane!" objected Mary.

"That's right!" he conceded."I forgot about that.My fault, entirely!"Mary smiled, and seemed to have regained her composure.Tom glanced at her anxiously, not because of what he thought might be the state of her nerves, but to see if she had sensed anything the two men behind the screen had said.But the girl gave no indication that her mind had been occupied with anything more than the selection of her dessert.

"I wonder who they are, and what they meant by that talk," mused Tom, as the waiter served the Murolloas to him and Mary."Poor Baxter! It looks as if he might have more enemies than the fireworks men he accuses of having taken his valuable formulae.I must see him soon, and have atalk with him.Yes, I must make a special point to see Josephus Baxter.But first I'd like to have a glimpse of these men.

Tom's wish in this respect was soon gratified, for before he and Mary had finished their pastry and tea there was a scraping of chairs back of the sheltering screen, and the two men, "Mr.Low" and "Mr.High," who had finished their meal, came forth.

Tom's judgment as to the statures of the men, based on the quality of their voices, was not exactly borne out.For it was the big man who had the high pitched, squeaky voice, and the little man who had the deep, rumbling tones.

They passed out, without more than a glance at Tom and his companion, but the young inventor peered at them sharply.As far as he could tell he had seen neither of them before, though he had an idea of their identity.

Tom took the chance to make certain this conjecture when Mary left her seat, announcing that she was going to the ladies' parlor to arrange her hair, which the run to escape from the rain had disarranged.

"Some storm," Tom observed to the waiter, who came up when the young inventor indicated that he wanted his check.

"Yes, sir, it came suddenly.Hope you didn't have to change a tire in it, sir.""No, my machine isn't that kind," replied Tom, as he handed out a generous tip."If I need a new tire I generally need a whole new outfit.""Oh, then--" Obviously the man was puzzled.

"We came in an aeroplane," Tom explained."But we had to make a forced landing.Is there a garage near here? I may need some help getting started.""We accommodate a few cars in what was once the barn, and we have a good mechanic, sir.If you'd like to see him--""I would," interrupted Tom."Tell the young lady to wait here for me.I'll see if I can get the Scud to work.If not, I'll have to telephone to town for a taxi.Did those men who just left come in a car?" and he nodded in the direction taken by the two who had dined behind the screen.

"Yes, sir.And they had engine trouble, I believe.Our man fixed uptheir machine."

"Then he's the chap I want to see," thought Tom."I'll have a talk with him." He reasoned that he could get more about the identity of the two mysterious men from the mechanic than from the waiter.Nor was he wrong in this surmise.

"Oh, them two fellers!" exclaimed the mechanician, after he had agreed to go with Tom to where the airship Scud was stalled."They come from over Shopton way.They own a fireworks factory-- or they did, before it burned.""Are they Field and Melling?" asked Tom, trying not to let any excitement betray itself in his voice.

  • 亿万总裁的追妻计划


  • 花千骨之桃花情缘


  • 止战记:五百年


  • 冲虚通妙侍宸王先生家语


  • 尸魔奇缘


  • 风云再起之末世江湖


  • 英雄联盟之王者之师


  • 公主长生


  • 无界巅峰


  • 圣夜公主

