


"IMPOSSIBLE, Ned! It can't be as much as that!""Well, you can prove the additions yourself, Tom, on one of the adding machines.I've been over 'em twice, and get the same result each time.There are the figures.They say figures don't lie, though it doesn't follow that the opposite is true, for those who do not stick closely to the truth do, sometimes, figure.But there you have it; your financial statement for the year," and Ned Newton, business manager for Tom Swift, the talented young inventor, shoved a mass of papers across the table to his friend and chum, as well as employer.

"It doesn't seem possible, Ned, that we have made as much as that this past year.And this, as I understand it, doesn't include what was taken from the wreck of the Pandora?"Tom Swift looked questioningly at Ned Newton, who shook his head in answer.

"You really didn't get anything to speak of out of your undersea search, Tom," replied the young financial manager, "so I didn't include it.But there's enough without that.""I should say so!" exclaimed Tom."Whew!" he whistled, "I didn't think I was worth that much.""Well, you've earned it, every cent, with the inventions of yourself and your father.""And I might add that we wouldn't have half we earn if it wasn't for the shrewd way you look after us, Ned," said Tom, with a warm smile at his friend."I appreciate the way you manage our affairs; for, though I have had some pretty good luck with my searchlight, wizard camera, war tank and other contraptions, I never would have been able to save any of the money they brought in if it hadn't been for you.""Well, that's what I'm here for," remarked Ned modestly.

"I appreciate that," began Tom Swift."And I want to say, Ned--"But Tom did not say what he had started to.He broke off suddenly,and seemed to be listening to some sound outside the room of his home where he and his financial and business manager were going over the year's statement and accounting.

Ned, too, in spite of the fact that he had been busy going over figures, adding up long columns, checking statements, and giving the results to Tom, had been aware, in the last five minutes, of an ever-growing tumult in the street.At first it had been no more than the passage along the thoroughfare of an unusual number of pedestrians.Ned had accounted for it at first by the theory that some moving picture theater had finished the first performance and the people were hurrying home.

But after he had finished his financial labors and had handed Tom the first of a series of statements to look over, the young financial expert began to realize that there was no moving picture house near Tom's home.Consequently the passing throngs could not be accounted for in that way.

Yet the tumult of feet grew in the highway outside.Ned had begun to wonder if there had been an attempted burglary, a fight, or something like that, calling for police action, which had gathered an unusual throng that warm, spring evening.

And then had come Tom's interruption of himself when he broke off in the middle of a sentence to listen intently.

"What is it?" asked Ned.

"I thought I heard Rad or Koku moving around out there," murmured Tom."It may be that my father is not feeling well and wants to speak to me or that some one may have telephoned.I told them not to disturb me while you and I were going over the accounts.But if it is something of importance--"Again Tom paused, for distinctly now in addition to the ever- increasing sounds in the streets could be heard a shuffling and talking in the hall just outside the door.

"G'wan 'way from heah now!" cried the voice of a colored man.

"It is Rad!" exclaimed Tom, meaning thereby Eradicate Sampson, an aged but faithful colored servant.And then the voice of Rad, as he was most often called, went on with:

"G'wan 'way! I'll tell Massa Tom!"

"Me tell! Big thing! Best for big man tell!" broke in another voice; a deep, booming voice that could only proceed from a powerfully built man."Koku!" exclaimed Tom, with a half comical look at Ned."He andRad are at it again!"

Koku was a giant, literally, and he had attached himself to Tom when the latter had made one of many perilous trips.So eager were Eradicate and Koku to serve the young inventor that frequently there were more or less good-natured clashes between them to see who would have the honor.

The discussion and scuffle in the hall at length grew so insistent that Tom, fearing the aged colored man might accidentally be hurt by the giant Koku, opened the door.There stood the two, each endeavoring to push away the other that the victor might, it appeared, knock on the door.Of course Rad was no match for Koku, but the giant, mindful of his great strength, was not using all of it.

"Here! what does this mean?" cried Tom, rather more sternly than he really meant.He had to pretend to be stern at times with his old colored helper and the impulsive and powerful giant."What are you cutting up for outside my door when I told you I must be quiet with Mr.Newton?""No can be quiet!" declared the giant."Too much noise in street--big crowds--much big!"He spoke an English of his own, did Koku.

"What are the crowds doing?" asked Ned."I thought we'd been hearing an ever increasing tumult, Tom," he said to the young inventor.



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  • 冷酷邪神:废材小姐太嚣张


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  • 护心


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