

Failing in many attempts he resolved on a last one.He sent his servant to the ammunition room to "dope" the powder, hoping that, at the next shot, the gun would be mined.Perhaps he hoped to disable Tom.But the plot failed, and the conspirators escaped.They were never heard of again, probably leaving Panama under assumed names and in disguise.

"Well, that explains the mystery," said Tom to Ned a few days later."I guess we won't have to worry any more.""No, and I'm sorry I suspected General Waller.""Oh, well, he'll never know it, so no harm is done.Oh, but I'm glad this is over.It has gotten on my nerves.""I should say so," agreed Ned.

"Bless my pillow sham!" cried Mr.Damon."I think I can get a good night's sleep now.So they have formally accepted your giant cannon, Tom?""Yes.The last tests I gave them, showing how easily it could be manipulated, convinced them.It will be one of the official defense guns of the Panama Canal.""Good! I congratulate you, my boy!" cried the odd man."And now, bless my postage stamp, let's get back to the United States.""Before we go," suggested Ned, "let's go take a look at that island from which Tom blew the top.It must be quite a sight--and thirty-three miles away! We can get a launch and go out."But there was no need.That same day Alec Peterson came to Colon inquiring for Tom.His face showed a new delight.

"Why," cried Tom, "you look as though you had found your opal mine.""I have!" exclaimed the fortune-hunter."Or, rather, Tom, I think I have you to thank for finding it for me.""Me find it?"

"Yes.Did you hear about the top of the island-mountain you blew to pieces?""We did, but--"

"That was my island!" exclaimed Mr.Peterson."The mine was in that mountain, but an earthquake had covered it.I should never have found it but for you.That shot you accidentally fired ripped the mountain apart.My men and I were fortunately at the base of it then, but we sure thought our time had come when that shell struck.It went right over our heads.But it did the business, all right, and opened up the old mine.Tom, your father won't lose his money, we'll all be rich.Oh, that was a lucky shot! I knew it was your cannon that did it.""I'm glad of it!" answered the young inventor, heartily."Glad for your sake, Mr.Peterson.""You must come and see the mine--your mine, Tom, for it never would have been rediscovered had it not been for your giant cannon, that made the longest shot on record, so I'm told.""We will come, Mr.Peterson, just as soon as I close up matters here."It did not take Tom long to do this.His type of cannon was formally accepted as a defense for the Panama Canal, and he received a fine contract to allow that type to be used by the government.His powder and projectiles, too, were adopted.

Then, one day, he and Ned, with Koku and Mr.Damon, visited the scene of the great shot.As Mr.Peterson had said, the whole top of the mountain had been blown off by the explosive shell, opening up the old mine.While it was not quite as rich as Mr.Peterson had glowingly painted, still there was a fortune in it, and Mr.Swift got back a substantial sum for his investment.

"And now for the good old U.S.A.!" cried Tom, as they got ready to go back home."I'm going to take a long rest, and the only thing I'm going to invent for the next six months is a new potato slicer." But whether Tom kept his words can be learned by reading the next volume of this series.

"Bless my hand towel!" cried Mr.Damon."I think you are entitled to a rest, Tom.""That's what I say," agreed Ned.

"I'll take care ob him--I'll take care ob Massa Tom," put in Eradicate, as he cast a quick look at Koku."Giants am all right fo' cannon wuk, but when it comes t' comforts Massa Tom gwine t' 'pend on ole 'Radicate; ain't yo' all, Massa Tom?""I guess so, Rad!" exclaimed the young inventor, with a laugh."Is dinner ready?""It suah am, Massa Tom, an' I 'specially made some oh dat fricasseed chicken yo' all does admire so much.Plenty of it, too, Massa Tom.""That's good, Rad," put in Ned."For we'll all be hungry after that trip to the island.That sure was a great shot Tom--thirty- three miles!""Yes, it went farther than I thought it would," replied Tom.And now, as they are taking a closing meal at Panama, ready to return to the United States, we will take leave of Tom Swift and his friends.

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