"Maybe he hoped to spoil my cannon," remarked Tom, with a laugh that had no mirth in it."My cannon that isn't cast yet.He probably misunderstood Koku's story of the test, and had no idea it was only a miniature, experimental, gun.
"This will have to be looked into.I can't have strangers prowling about here, now that I am going to get to work on a new invention.Koku, I expect you, after this, not to let strangers approach unless I give the word.Eradicate, the same thing applies to you.You didn't see anything of this mysterious man; did you?""No, Massa 'Tom.De only s'picious man I see was mab own cousin sneakin' around mah chicken coop de odder night.I tooks mah ole shot gun, an' sa'ntered out dat way.Den in a little while dere wasn't no s'picious man any mo'.""You didn't shoot him; did you, Rad?" cried Tom, quickly.
"No, Massa Tom--dat is, I didn't shoot on puppose laik.De gun jest natchelly went off by itself accidental-laik, an' it peppered him good an' proper.""Why, Rad!" cried Ned."You didn't tell us about this.""Well, I were 'shamed ob mah cousin, so I was.Anyhow, I only had salt an' pepper in de gun--'stid ob shot.I 'spect mah cousin am pretty well seasoned now.But dat's de only s'picious folks I see, 'ceptin' maybe a peddler what wanted t' gib me a dish pan fo' a pair ob ole shoes; only I didn't hab any.""There are altogether too many strangers coming about here," went on Tom."It must be stopped, if I have to string charged electric wires about the shops as I once did."They hurried back to the shop where the new powder was kept, and Tom at once investigated it.Taking the steel box from where it was stored he carefully removed the several handfuls of excelsior-like explosive.On the bottom of the box, and with some of it clinging to some of the powder threads, was a sort of white powder.It had a peculiar odor.
"Ha!" cried Tom, as soon as he saw it."I know what that is.It's a new form of gun-cotton, very powerful.Whoever gave it to Koku to put on mypowder hoped to blow to atoms any cannon in which it might be used.There's enough here to do a lot of damage.""How is it that it didn't blow your test cylinder to bits?" asked Ned."For the reason that the stuff I use in my powder and this new gun-cotton neutralized one another," the young inventor explained."One weakened the other, instead of making a stronger combination.A chemical change took place, and lucky for us it did.It was just like a man taking an over-dose of poison--it defeated itself.That's why my experiment was a failure.Now to put this stuff where it can do no harm.Is this what that man gave you, Koku?""That's it, Master."
There came a tap on the door of the private room, and instinctively everyone started.Then came the voice of Eradicate, saying:
"Dere's a army gen'men out here to see you.Massa Tom; but I ain't gwine t' let him in lessen as how you says so.""An army gentleman!" repeated Tom.
"Yais, sah! He say he General Waller, an' he come on a motor- cycle." "General Waller!" exclaimed Tom."What can he want out here?""And on a motor-cycle, too!" added Ned."Tom, what's going on, anyhow?"The young inventor shook his head.
"I don't know," he replied; "but I suppose I had better see him.Here.Koku, put this powder away, and then go outside.Mr.Damon, you'll stay; won't you?""If you need me, Tom.Bless my finger nails! But there seems to be something wrong here.""Show him in, Rad!" called Tom.
"Massa Gen'l Herodotus Waller!" exclaimed the colored man in pompous tones, as he opened the door for the officer, clad in khaki, whom Tom had last seen at Sandy Hook.
"Ah, how do you do, Mr.Swift!" exclaimed General Waller, extending his hand."I got your letter inviting me to a test of your new explosive.I hope I am not too late."Tom stared at him in amazement.