This tablet symbolizes the complete materialization of man--man, perfect on the earth and the lord thereof, in so far as material forces are concerned.The storm is the tempest of life, the whirl of the elements of matter in their battle with the spirit.The eight stars, brilliant now (for they are the same stars that were dimly seen in Gemini), show that the conquest of matter is complete, the great fall of spirit finished; the end of involution.And this would bring stagnation and death, if peace now ensued.Thelesson taught is that, not in peace and rest can the soul grow; but amidst the earthquakes that shake thrones, the floods that overwhelm countries, the fires that reduce to ashes, has the strong man-soul grown to its present state and power.So fear not the storm, but the calm; not the unrest, but the quiet; fear not the battle, but the ignoble peace of the coward.
O child of Adam! The astral soul must learn to do and dare.Not over the brave man's grave shall it be written, "Rest in peace," but "I will arise, and go to my father."TABLET THE TWELFTH
A comet, beyond it infinite things, only dreamed of as yet, a world floating in an ocean and in night, beneath are two hands clasped palm to palm.
A REVELATION OF THE TO BE.The comet is the twelfth Avatar, the herald, coming forth from the starry abyss of the infinite, staying with us a little while, and then flashing on his shining way to other worlds than ours, bearing THE DIVINE WORD from sun to planet, as the fiery messenger of God.And here the soul may well ask: "Who? Where?
Whence and Whither?" For behold, he has come, and gone, and"Earth could not answer; nor the seas that mourn In flowing purple, of their Lord forlorn; Nor rolling Heaven, with all his signs revealed And hidden by the sleeve of night and morn."The world floating in the sea of the infinite and resting in night shows the present state of humanity.But, "the blush of dawn" is ready to gladden the soul, and the expectant seer, from his lonely vigil on the hilltop, awaits the sunlight which will soon flood the world anew.
The two clasped hands point to many problems, chiefly soul- matehood, the message of the starry messenger, universal brotherhood, and the Father-Motherhood of God.
O child of Adam! Watch and pray, that a voice of the silence may speak unto you.
Here endeth the four Quadrants of the Tablets of the Twelve Mansions, wherein are revealed the signs and symbols thereof, as faithfully transcribed from the sacred roll in the astral records and called "The Tablets of Aeth." April, 1893.
of The Book which is called
THE TABLETS OF AETH OF THE TEN PLANETARY RULERS PART IIHere beginneth Chapter I of the Second Part of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Aeth," wherein is transcribed the First Trinity of the Planetary Rulers.
"The human heart is the true temple of God; enter ye into your temples and illumine them with good thoughts.The sacred vessels, they are your hands and your eyes.Do I say that which is agreeable to God--doing good to your neighbors? But, first embellish wherein dwells He, who gave you life." ----"How small soever your lamp be, never give away the oil which feeds it, but only the light and flame, which crown it."TABLET THE FIRST
A flaming splendor, a center of light, radiating in all directions.IREFLECTION TABLET THE FIRST
The symbol of all created life, spiritual and material; of all goodness, human or Divine; the center of all thought, from brutal instinct to Deific wisdom; of all creations, from starry systems to man, and from man back again to invisible gas; of all action, from the imperceptible vibrations of nerve energy to the awful destruction of worlds.All creative potency lies within a Sun sphere.Light is life.The planets are but the offspring of light and life.So in this symbol, we read the source of the human Ego, of our own life.We are, as it were, the planets of the spiritual Sun.Our souls are the attributes of the Sun, of the spiritual Ego.Only from the Ego can wereceive life eternal and make immortality a fact.Obeying this spiritual life-force, the human monad is but an attribute, a reflection, of the Divine Ego, and if it fails to awake to a consciousness of this union, it withers and dies like a flower plucked from the parent tree of life.
O child of Adam, in reverence and awe do thou meditate upon this Tablet, for it is a thing of beauty, a being of light, life and love, manifesting its creative mission.It is the Vicegerent of God, flaming forth His splendors in the sky.
Mercury SYMBOL
An elephant, kneeling between two square columns; on one an eagle, on the other a vulture.
At the side a boy, with bow and arrows, standing in doubt which to shoot.
Below these a human face, composed of various flowers, whose roots are snakes, a poppy, forming an eye, which winks.
A vision revealing the earthly drama of the microcosm.The elephant represents the highest expression of intelligence, minus the spirit; kneeling between the square columns of matter, i.e., guarded by them.The external mind is sleeping, or, at most, dreaming of the things of the spirit.Above sleeping mind sit the two birds, who represent spirit and matter, each waiting for the slowly preparing feast.The boy, the soul with its weapons, has a choice.Shall it be the sensuality of the flesh that he shall destroy, or the possibilities of the spiritual life on earth.The problem awaits solution.The eagle sits ready to bear aloft the spirit of the sleeper.The vulture hopes for sleep to end in death, that he may live upon the carrion thereof.The flowers of the external mind have for their roots the snakes; and, in a larger sense, the flowers of immortality have the serpent of wisdom for their roots.And the poppy winks.It knows its own power of illusion, and the double significance of the snake; the necessity of evil in the evolutionof good.It is the Tablet of Wisdom.