The astronomer-priests of the hoary past, when language was figurative, and often pictorial, had recourse to a system of symbols to express abstract truths and ideas.In order to impress the minds of pupils with a true concept of the attributes of the celestial forces, we call planets, they personified their powers, qualities, and attributes.Just as the average mind of to-day cannot conceive of Deity apart from personality, so did primitive man clothe his ideas in actual forms, and in these impersonations, they combined the nature of the celestial orb with that of the zodiacal sign or signs, in which the planet exerted its chief and most potent activities.For instance, the planet Mars, whose chief constellation is Aries, was described as a great warrior, mighty in battle, fierce in anger, fearless, reckless, and destructive; while the mechanical and constructive qualities were personified as Vulcan, who forged the thunderbolts of Jove, built palaces for the gods, and made many useful and beautiful articles.Then, again, we find that Pallas Athene was the goddess of war and wisdom.She sprang from the head of Zeus.Aries rules the head, and represents intelligence.Athene overcame her brother Mars in war, which shows that intelligence is superior to brute force and reckless courage.
Here, we see three different personages employed to express the nature of the powers and phenomena produced.They were called gods and goddesses.This was quite natural, as the planets of our system are reflections of Divine principles.Esoterically, Mars symbolizes strength, victory--attributes of Deity.
Mars is said to have married Venus, teaching us that the union of skilland beauty are essential in all artistic work.
Mythology tells us that the god Mars was supposed to be the father of Romulus, the reputed founder of Rome.Romulus displayed many characteristics of the planet.The mythos is no doubt a parallel to that of Aeneas.Rome was founded when the Sun in his orbit had entered the sign Aries, and Mars was the god most honored by the Romans.In time, with the degeneration of human races and their worship, to the rural mind, the subjects of the mythos became actual personalities, endowed with every human passion and godlike attribute, the former characterizing the discordant influence of the heavenly bodies upon man.
Gai, Rhea and Ceres, or Demeter (Greek), represent the triune attributes of Mother Earth.Gai signifies the Earth as a whole, Rhea the productive powers of the Earth, and Ceres utilizes and distributes the productive forces of Rhea.
In the charming story of Eros (Divine Love), son of Mars and Venus, he (Eros), we are told, brings harmony out of chaos.Here, we see the action of Aries and Taurus, ruled respectively by Mars and Venus.
The beautiful myth of Aphrodite, born of the sea foam, is Venus rising out of the waters of winter, to shine resplendent in the western skies at evening, and typifies the birth of forms, as all organic forms have their origin in water.
In all lands the Sun was known under various names, typical of solar energy, especially in reference to the equinoctial and solstitial colures.
Henry Melville, in his valuable work, "Veritas," says no reliance can be placed upon ancient dates, either of Europe, Asia, or anywhere else, and he conclusively shows that such dates are Astro-Masonic points on the celestial planisphere, the events recorded being, as it were, terrestrial reflections of the celestial symbols.