The simple story of creation begins at midnight, when the Sun has reached the lowest point in the arc--Capricorn.All Nature then is in a state of coma in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter time, solar light and heat are at their lowest ebb; and the various appearances of motion, etc., are the Sun's passage from Capricorn to Pisces, 60 degrees, and from Pisces to Aries, 30 degrees, making 90 degrees, or one quadrant of the circle.Then begin in real earnest the creative powers, it is spring time.The six days are the six signs of the northern arc, beginning with the disruptive fires of Aries.Then, in their order, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo; then Libra, the seventh day and the seventh sign, whose first point is opposite Aries and is the opposite point of the sphere, the point of equilibrium, equal day and equal night, it is autumn.It is the sixth sign from Aries, the first creative action, and so the sixth day following the fiery force, wherein God created the bi-sexual man.See Genesis, 1:5-27: "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them."It is the seventh, or day of the Lord (man), the climax of material creation and Lord of all living things, and be rests in the blissful Garden of Eden.This seventh day and seventh sign is the concealed sacred Libra the perfect union of the sexes.Then comes the fall from Libra, through Scorpio, and banishment from the Garden of Eden.That is the victory of Satan, or Winter, over Summer, etc.It is useless to repeat the same old, old story.The yearly journey of the Sun around the constellated dial of Deity is the Astro basis of all primitive cosmology.
In addition to the creation of the world and the fall of man through sin, we find all people in possession of a grand scheme of redemption, and, like the former, we shall find them all essentially the same.They all require a mediator between the angry God and disobedient man, and they all require that this mediator shall be Divine, or semi-Divine.Nothing less can satisfy Deity's demands; or, rather, let us say man's own carnalimagination.It is simply another turn of our cosmic kaleidoscope, and behold! the actors have changed.Capricorn becomes the stable of the Goat, in the manger of which the young Savior of the world is born.As a type of all, we will take the Gospel Savior.It is again midnight.The Sun enters the sign Capricorn on the twenty- first of December.This is the lowest point of the arc, South, and for three days he is stationary, or in darkness.And now it is Christmas Eve.He (the Sun or Savior) begins to move, and at midnight is born as the celestial Virgo is rising upon the Eastern quadrant of the skies; hence the Sun-God is born of a Virgin.Then comes the flight to escape Kronos, or Saturn (ruling Capricorn), who kills the young babes.There is a period of silence in the God's history while the Sun is in transit through the signs Capricorn and part of Aquarius.That is, he is hidden or obscured by the clouded skies of this period.We hear of him but once again until he, the Sun-God, or Savior, is thirty years old, or has transited thirty degrees of space.He has entered the sign Aquarius (symbolical of the Man.) Now begins the period of miracles.
Let us digress for a space, and refer to our chapter on the constellations.We shall find a perfect analogy between this miracle- working period and the constellations Aquarius and Pisces, as therein given.The first miracle we read of is turning water into wine.This may be seen in a threefold aspect.The Sun-God changes by his life- forces the waters of winter into the rich vintage of the harvest, where the Virgin (Virgo) Mother again appears.Again, the wine becomes the blood--the life offered up on the vernal cross to strengthen, renew and make merry with new life our Earth and its people.The devil (or winter), with his powers of darkness, is defeated and man saved.The final triumph is the crucifixion in Aries, the vernal equinox, about the twenty-first of March, quickly followed by the resurrection, or renewal of life.Then the God rises into heaven, to sit upon the throne at the summer solstice, to bless his people.We read, that, the Savior of mankind was crucified between two thieves.Very good.The equinoctial point is the dividing line between light and darkness, winter and summer.In other words, the Sun is resuming his northern arc, to replenish the Earth with his solar force and preserve his people from death in the coming winter.The life of a Buddha, a Krishna ora Christ, are all found in their completeness in the life of Horus; while the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are Isis, Horus and Osirus.The same trinity, under different names, are found in all nations.It is the Sun, Moon and Human Soul, which is the only true mediator of Man.
There is another version of this celestial crucifixion, wherein the Sun- God-Savior, after the supper of the harvest in Virgo, is crucified at the autumnal equinox upon the equator.We read that he was dying from the sixth to the ninth hours--three hours, three signs, or from the 21st of September to the 21st of December, when he is laid in the tomb.This is the lowest point of the Sun's journey in the southern hemisphere, and darkness holds the balance in our northern hemisphere.The three days in the tomb are the three months, or three signs, before the vernal equinox, or the resurrection, the rising out of the South to bring salvation to the northern portion of our Earth.