The Third House is symbolized by Aquarius.This is the first step of the upward journey, or evolution, from the inert mineral state.The changes are now rapid; the journeys innumerable; through mineral, vegetable, and animal planes, of existence.Here, the Soul Monad brings into actual practice the knowledge gained on its long voyage.The magical powers of the soul are brought into action to effect these changes in form and function, conquering material forces and planes of life, transmuting Nature's elements to its uses and purposes, and writing its history, as it journeys ever onward, step by step.
And further, this house stands in opposition to the Ninth House, symbolized by Leo; longing to expand its (the Ego's) possibilities through trial and suffering; gaining knowledge through bitter experience; yet fearlessly braving all things; guided and sustained by the imperial will of spirit.The recompense promised by that supreme sacrifice has been wonin Aquarius--the Man--consecrated now to a higher existence, baptized in the waters of affliction (experience), ready to be transmuted into actual knowledge.This is Aquarius, and the Third House.
The Second House, signified as Pisces, the House of Wealth, that which has been accumulated on the long and toilsome journey--the wealth of experience, acquired through trials and struggles.And now, with higher, greater possibilities, the soul eagerly awaits the hour when it shall be born again, a conscious, responsible human being, to begin the second round of the Cyclic Ladder; on this second round, to externalize the knowledge gained, to evolve the involved attributes and forces of being,--a creature of will and intellect, to work out its destiny, as the lord of material creation.
Observe, the order of the Zodiac is reversed upon the external human plane.But, Aries is always symbolical of the first angle, and Libra of the seventh, being the point of equilibrium, while the tenth, or South, angle becomes Capricorn and the fourth Cancer.The mission of the soul now is to evolve the positive, spiritual attributes.
Aries rules the brain and the fiery, imperial will.It signifies courage, daring, etc., the first qualities necessary for the battle of life.Ruling the head, the sign and house show us the ability of man to view the field of action, to mark his chart, and arm for the war (which will be incessant); responsible for his acts, a creature of unfolding consciousness, an individual, whose measure of free will enables him to wander so far North or South of his celestial equator, within his orbit, or Zodiac.
The South angle, or Tenth House, now ruled by Capricorn, tells of the honor, position, fame, etc.(or the reverse) acquired by patient labor.The crystallized material gains, the concrete result of ambition, skill, and talent, which will, at the close of his earthly career, become liquefied by the universal resolvent; symbolized by Cancer upon the opposite angle, symbolical of the grave, the end of mundane affairs; when they will be mirrored forth in new forms in that great white sea, according to the manner in which he gained his worldly accumulations and prestige.
The seventh angle is Libra, House of Marriage; that all-important relation which may make or mar a life, the Balance is so easily disturbed in its equilibrium.To preserve its harmony, equality must reign, blendinglove and wisdom.It is the perfect poise of body, mind, and soul, achieved by loving obedience to the higher laws of our being and the true union of intuition and reason.