The sign Aries represents the thinking powers of humanity; in short, the active, intellectual being, the lord of material creation--Man; and in its cosmic relations, as shown under "The Occult Application of the Twelve Signs" (vol.I), we find the same perfect analogy.
"He (Aries) turns and wonders at the mighty Bull (Taurus)."The second constellation of the shining twelve represents the first reaction of spiritual conception.In other words, it is the mind's attention to its own ideas.In the Kabbalah it represents that peculiar state of executive force whereof it is symbolically said: "And the Lord saw that it was good," after each act of creation.
When intelligence first manifests itself form is a matter of necessity,and, as no form can possibly exist without matter, so Taurus is the first emanation of matter in its most etherealized state.Hence it is feminine, Venus the ruler thereof, and it represents the first pure form of the human soul, as it existed in its bright paradise within the angelic spheres of its parents, and reveals to us the first surprise of intelligence in embryo, the first sensation of consciousness, so to say--conscious of its Divine selfhood.Hence "He (the male spirit of pure fire, Aries), glorious in his golden (solar) wool, turns (expressing reaction) and wonders at the mighty bull (or material form)." Thus the first idea of pure intelligence in embryo, the result of action in Aries, becomes objective to its consciousness and is surprised at its own conception.It is the first sensation of pure, Divine love within angelic realms, and it (the male spirit of pure fire) sees that it is good.
Bringing this spiritual reality within our conception, and comparing it with its reflected astrological influx, what a beautiful harmony we find, and yet so simple that verily we cannot refrain from once more quoting our old-time, worn, yet, nevertheless, golden law: "AS IT IS ABOVE, SO IT IS BELOW; AS ON THE EARTH, SO IN THE SKY." Reflecting thatTaurus is an Earthy sign, and a symbol of servitude, we see that matter is ever the servant of spirit, a necessary means for the manifestation of intelligence, again recognized in the fecundating forces of this astrological sign on every plane of its action.And it is ruled by Venus, the love element in Nature, her sympathies ever finding expression in this beautiful sign.What can be clearer, more understandable, than, that the involved principles and Deific attributes, as represented by the shining constellations, when refracted through the human organism, so complex in its constitution, reflects qualities which are the external and parallel expression of the subjective principles, and, further, that form is absolutely necessary for the manifestation of intelligence?
"He (Taurus) bending lies with threatening bead, and calls the Twins (Gemini) to rise.They clasp for fear and mutually embrace."This bright constellation (Castor and Pollux), Gemini, is spiritually representative of the second spiritual action.Hence it is, of course, amasculine sign and positive.We have witnessed act I of the soul's drama, and, as some have said, tragedy, and in this, the third of the shining twelve, we find the opening scene of act II, viz: The evolution of the twin souls, or, more correctly, the differentiation of the Divine soul into its two natural component parts--male and female.
Here we approach one of the most arcane secrets within the wide scope of Occult philosophy, hence must be exact, and at the same time clear, in our statements.Note, then, that after the male spirit of pure, ethereal, divine fire (Aries) bad conceived the first idea, and Taurus, the material envelope, had given that idea objective existence to its (the Ego's) consciousness, we find SENSATION AS THE RESULT.No sooner sensation than aspiration; i.e., longing.This closes the action and the reaction.
Ever, in obedience to the unsatisfied wants of an immortal soul Nature immediately responds.Hence "He bending lies with threatening head, (that is demanding)," and calls the twins (the twin souls) to rise (to appear or evolve forth)," and as a first rude shock caused by their separation, or, rather, by their separate existence as two distinct, yet mutually dependent, forces, we have the context.
"They clasp for fear and mutually embrace."This most impressive scene in the soul's drama is one of profound interest and sublime beauty.
In the Kabbalah we find the same parallel, wherein it is stated: "And so God created man in His own image (the action of Aries and Taurus); in His own image (mind) created He him, male and female created He them." In other words, Aries, Taurus and Gemini are thus spoken of in pure allegory.
The mundane Bible of the Jews, like everything else esteemed sacred, finds its original and perfect expression in the great Astral Bible of the skies.
To the average student the evolution of the Twin Souls is a profound mystery, embracing, as it does, the whole of involution and evolution, seeing that this beautiful constellation represents to us the first recognition, or consciousness, of the Divine Ego of its dual forces, sensation andaspiration, called forth by the action of Aries and Taurus.How beautifully has the poet expressed this first pulsation of Divine love: "They clasp for fear," etc.Evolved by the Divine will of pure intelligence, they must ever remain as separate, yet mutually dependent, forces, positive and negative, male and female, upon whose action and reaction rest the perfect evolvement of the powers and possibilities of the One.