

I and two others escaped; they took to the road, and have, no doubt, been long since broken on the wheel.I, soft soul, would not commit another crime to gain my bread, for Clara was still at my heart with her sweet eyes; so, limiting my rogueries to the theft of a beggar's rags, which I compensated by leaving him my galley attire instead, I begged my way to the town where I left Clara.It was a clear winter's day when I approached the outskirts of the town.I had no fear of detection, for my beard and hair were as good as a mask.Oh, Mother of Mercy! there came across my way a funeral procession! There, now you know it; Ican tell you no more.She had died, perhaps of love, more likely of shame.Can you guess how I spent that night?--I stole a pickaxe from a mason's shed, and all alone and unseen, under the frosty heavens, I dug the fresh mould from the grave; I lifted the coffin, I wrenched the lid, I saw her again--again! Decay had not touched her.She was always pale in life! I could have sworn she lived! It was a blessed thing to see her once more, and all alone too! But then, at dawn, to give her back to the earth,--to close the lid, to throw down the mould, to hear the pebbles rattle on the coffin: that was dreadful! Signor, Inever knew before, and I don't wish to think now, how valuable a thing human life is.At sunrise I was again a wanderer; but now that Clara was gone, my scruples vanished, and again I was at war with my betters.I contrived at last, at O--, to get taken on board a vessel bound to Leghorn, working out my passage.From Leghorn I went to Rome, and stationed myself at the door of the cardinal's palace.Out he came, his gilded coach at the gate.

"'Ho, father!' said I; 'don't you know me?'

"'Who are you?'

"'Your son,' said I, in a whisper.

"The cardinal drew back, looked at me earnestly, and mused a moment.'All men are my sons,' quoth he then, very mildly;'there is gold for thee! To him who begs once, alms are due; to him who begs twice, jails are open.Take the hint and molest me no more.Heaven bless thee!' With that he got into his coach, and drove off to the Vatican.His purse which he had left behind was well supplied.I was grateful and contented, and took my way to Terracina.I had not long passed the marshes when I saw two horsemen approach at a canter.

"'You look poor, friend,' said one of them, halting; 'yet you are strong.'

"'Poor men and strong are both serviceable and dangerous, Signor Cavalier.'

"'Well said; follow us.'

"I obeyed, and became a bandit.I rose by degrees; and as I have always been mild in my calling, and have taken purses without cutting throats, I bear an excellent character, and can eat my macaroni at Naples without any danger to life and limb.For the last two years I have settled in these parts, where I hold sway, and where I have purchased land.I am called a farmer, signor;and I myself now only rob for amusement, and to keep my hand in.

I trust I have satisfied your curiosity.We are within a hundred yards of the castle.""And how," asked the Englishman, whose interest had been much excited by his companion's narrative,--"and how came you acquainted with my host?--and by what means has he so well conciliated the goodwill of yourself and friends?"Maestro Paolo turned his black eyes very gravely towards his questioner."Why, signor," said he, "you must surely know more of the foreign cavalier with the hard name than I do.All I can say is, that about a fortnight ago I chanced to be standing by a booth in the Toledo at Naples, when a sober-looking gentleman touched me by the arm, and said, 'Maestro Paolo, I want to make your acquaintance; do me the favour to come into yonder tavern, and drink a flask of lacrima.' 'Willingly,' said I.So we entered the tavern.When we were seated, my new acquaintance thus accosted me: 'The Count d'O-- has offered to let me hire his old castle near B--.You know the spot?'

"'Extremely well; no one has inhabited it for a century at least;it is half in ruins, signor.A queer place to hire; I hope the rent is not heavy.'

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