

Glyndon paused, somewhat puzzled to define; but at length he said, "Nay, I must wrong you; for you, of all men, I suppose, cannot discredit the doctrine that preaches the infinite improvement of the human species.""You are right; the few in every age improve the many; the many now may be as wise as the few were; but improvement is at a standstill, if you tell me that the many now are as wise as the few ARE.""I comprehend you; you will not allow the law of universal equality!""Law! If the whole world conspired to enforce the falsehood they could not make it LAW.Level all conditions to-day, and you only smooth away all obstacles to tyranny to-morrow.A nation that aspires to EQUALITY is unfit for FREEDOM.Throughout all creation, from the archangel to the worm, from Olympus to the pebble, from the radiant and completed planet to the nebula that hardens through ages of mist and slime into the habitable world, the first law of Nature is inequality.""Harsh doctrine, if applied to states.Are the cruel disparities of life never to be removed?""Disparities of the PHYSICAL life? Oh, let us hope so.But disparities of the INTELLECTUAL and the MORAL, never! Universal equality of intelligence, of mind, of genius, of virtue!--no teacher left to the world! no men wiser, better than others,--were it not an impossible condition, WHAT A HOPELESS PROSPECT FORHUMANITY! No, while the world lasts, the sun will gild the mountain-top before it shines upon the plain.Diffuse all the knowledge the earth contains equally over all mankind to-day, and some men will be wiser than the rest to-morrow.And THIS is not a harsh, but a loving law,--the REAL law of improvement; the wiser the few in one generation, the wiser will be the multitude the next!"As Zanoni thus spoke, they moved on through the smiling gardens, and the beautiful bay lay sparkling in the noontide.A gentle breeze just cooled the sunbeam, and stirred the ocean; and in the inexpressible clearness of the atmosphere there was something that rejoiced the senses.The very soul seemed to grow lighter and purer in that lucid air.

"And these men, to commence their era of improvement and equality, are jealous even of the Creator.They would deny an intelligence,--a God!" said Zanoni, as if involuntarily."Are you an artist, and, looking on the world, can you listen to such a dogma? Between God and genius there is a necessary link,--there is almost a correspondent language.Well said the Pythagorean (Sextus, the Pythagorean.), 'A good intellect is the chorus of divinity.'"Struck and touched with these sentiments, which he little expected to fall from one to whom he ascribed those powers which the superstitions of childhood ascribe to the darker agencies, Glyndon said: "And yet you have confessed that your life, separated from that of others, is one that man should dread to share.Is there, then, a connection between magic and religion?""Magic! And what is magic! When the traveller beholds in Persia the ruins of palaces and temples, the ignorant inhabitants inform him they were the work of magicians.What is beyond their own power, the vulgar cannot comprehend to be lawfully in the power of others.But if by magic you mean a perpetual research amongst all that is more latent and obscure in Nature, I answer, Iprofess that magic, and that he who does so comes but nearer to the fountain of all belief.Knowest thou not that magic was taught in the schools of old? But how, and by whom? As the last and most solemn lesson, by the Priests who ministered to the Temple.(Psellus de Daemon (MS.)) And you, who would be a painter, is not there a magic also in that art you would advance?

Must you not, after long study of the Beautiful that has been, seize upon new and airy combinations of a beauty that is to be?

See you not that the grander art, whether of poet or of painter, ever seeking for the TRUE, abhors the REAL; that you must seize Nature as her master, not lackey her as her slave?

You demand mastery over the past, a conception of the future.

Has not the art that is truly noble for its domain the future and the past? You would conjure the invisible beings to your charm;and what is painting but the fixing into substance the Invisible?

Are you discontented with this world? This world was never meant for genius! To exist, it must create another.What magician can do more; nay, what science can do as much? There are two avenues from the little passions and the drear calamities of earth; both lead to heaven and away from hell,--art and science.But art is more godlike than science; science discovers, art creates.You have faculties that may command art; be contented with your lot.

The astronomer who catalogues the stars cannot add one atom to the universe; the poet can call a universe from the atom; the chemist may heal with his drugs the infirmities of the human form; the painter, or the sculptor, fixes into everlasting youth forms divine, which no disease can ravage, and no years impair.

Renounce those wandering fancies that lead you now to myself, and now to yon orator of the human race; to us two, who are the antipodes of each other! Your pencil is your wand; your canvas may raise Utopias fairer than Condorcet dreams of.I press not yet for your decision; but what man of genius ever asked more to cheer his path to the grave than love and glory?""But," said Glyndon, fixing his eyes earnestly on Zanoni, "if there be a power to baffle the grave itself--"Zanoni's brow darkened."And were this so," he said, after a pause, "would it be so sweet a lot to outlive all you loved, and to recoil from every human tie? Perhaps the fairest immortality on earth is that of a noble name.""You do not answer me,--you equivocate.I have read of the long lives far beyond the date common experience assigns to man,"persisted Glyndon, "which some of the alchemists enjoyed.Is the golden elixir but a fable?""If not, and these men discovered it, they died, because they refused to live! There may be a mournful warning in your conjecture.Turn once more to the easel and the canvas!"So saying, Zanoni waved his hand, and, with downcast eyes and a slow step, bent his way back into the city.

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