

Still he resisted the impulses of his curiosity and his pride, and, to escape from their dictation, he took long rambles on the hills, or amidst the valleys that surrounded the castle,--seeking by bodily fatigue to subdue the unreposing mind.One day suddenly emerging from a dark ravine, he came upon one of those Italian scenes of rural festivity and mirth in which the classic age appears to revive.It was a festival, partly agricultural, partly religious, held yearly by the peasants of that district.

Assembled at the outskirts of a village, animated crowds, just returned from a procession to a neighbouring chapel, were now forming themselves into groups: the old to taste the vintage, the young to dance,--all to be gay and happy.This sudden picture of easy joy and careless ignorance, contrasting so forcibly with the intense studies and that parching desire for wisdom which had so long made up his own life, and burned at his own heart, sensibly affected Glyndon.As he stood aloof and gazing on them, the young man felt once more that he was young.

The memory of all he had been content to sacrifice spoke to him like the sharp voice of remorse.The flitting forms of the women in their picturesque attire, their happy laughter ringing through the cool, still air of the autumn noon, brought back to the heart, or rather perhaps to the senses, the images of his past time, the "golden shepherd hours," when to live was but to enjoy.

He approached nearer and nearer to the scene, and suddenly a noisy group swept round him; and Maestro Paolo, tapping him familiarly on the shoulder, exclaimed in a hearty voice, "Welcome, Excellency!--we are rejoiced to see you amongst us."Glyndon was about to reply to this salutation, when his eyes rested upon the face of a young girl leaning on Paolo's arm, of a beauty so attractive that his colour rose and his heart beat as he encountered her gaze.Her eyes sparkled with a roguish and petulant mirth, her parted lips showed teeth like pearls; as if impatient at the pause of her companion from the revel of the rest, her little foot beat the ground to a measure that she half-hummed, half-chanted.Paolo laughed as he saw the effect the girl had produced upon the young foreigner.

"Will you not dance, Excellency? Come, lay aside your greatness, and be merry, like us poor devils.See how our pretty Fillide is longing for a partner.Take compassion on her."Fillide pouted at this speech, and, disengaging her arm from Paolo's, turned away, but threw over her shoulder a glance half inviting, half defying.Glyndon, almost involuntarily, advanced to her, and addressed her.

Oh, yes; he addresses her! She looks down, and smiles.Paolo leaves them to themselves, sauntering off with a devil-me-carish air.Fillide speaks now, and looks up at the scholar's face with arch invitation.He shakes his head; Fillide laughs, and her laugh is silvery.She points to a gay mountaineer, who is tripping up to her merrily.Why does Glyndon feel jealous? Why, when she speaks again, does he shake his head no more? He offers his hand; Fillide blushes, and takes it with a demure coquetry.

What! is it so, indeed! They whirl into the noisy circle of the revellers.Ha! ha! is not this better than distilling herbs, and breaking thy brains on Pythagorean numbers? How lightly Fillide bounds along! How her lithesome waist supples itself to thy circling arm! Tara-ra-tara, ta-tara, rara-ra! What the devil is in the measure that it makes the blood course like quicksilver through the veins? Was there ever a pair of eyes like Fillide's?

Nothing of the cold stars there! Yet how they twinkle and laugh at thee! And that rosy, pursed-up mouth that will answer so sparingly to thy flatteries, as if words were a waste of time, and kisses were their proper language.Oh, pupil of Mejnour!

Oh, would-be Rosicrucian, Platonist, Magian, I know not what! Iam ashamed of thee! What, in the names of Averroes and Burri and Agrippa and Hermes have become of thy austere contemplations?

Was it for this thou didst resign Viola? I don't think thou hast the smallest recollection of the elixir or the Cabala.Take care! What are you about, sir? Why do you clasp that small hand locked within your own? Why do you--Tara-rara tara-ra tara-rara-ra, rarara, ta-ra, a-ra! Keep your eyes off those slender ankles and that crimson bodice! Tara-rara-ra! There they go again!

And now they rest under the broad trees.The revel has whirled away from them.They hear--or do they not hear--the laughter at the distance? They see--or if they have their eyes about them, they SHOULD see--couple after couple gliding by, love-talking and love-looking.But I will lay a wager, as they sit under that tree, and the round sun goes down behind the mountains, that they see or hear very little except themselves.

"Hollo, Signor Excellency! and how does your partner please you?

Come and join our feast, loiterers; one dances more merrily after wine."Down goes the round sun; up comes the autumn moon.Tara, tara, rarara, rarara, tarara-ra! Dancing again; is it a dance, or some movement gayer, noisier, wilder still? How they glance and gleam through the night shadows, those flitting forms! What confusion!--what order! Ha, that is the Tarantula dance; Maestro Paolo foots it bravely! Diavolo, what fury! the Tarantula has stung them all.Dance or die; it is fury,--the Corybantes, the Maenads, the--Ho, ho! more wine! the Sabbat of the Witches at Benevento is a joke to this! From cloud to cloud wanders the moon,--now shining, now lost.Dimness while the maiden blushes;light when the maiden smiles.

"Fillide, thou art an enchantress!"

"Buona notte, Excellency; you will see me again!""Ah, young man," said an old, decrepit, hollow-eyed octogenarian, leaning on his staff, "make the best of your youth.I, too, once had a Fillide! I was handsomer than you then! Alas! if we could be always young!""Always young!" Glyndon started, as he turned his gaze from the fresh, fair, rosy face of the girl, and saw the eyes dropping rheum, the yellow wrinkled skin, the tottering frame of the old man.

"Ha, ha!" said the decrepit creature, hobbling near to him, and with a malicious laugh."Yet I, too, was young once! Give me a baioccho for a glass of aqua vitae!"Tara, rara, ra-rara, tara, rara-ra! There dances Youth! Wrap thy rags round thee, and totter off, Old Age!

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  • 名家经典散文选:闲情说理趣·随笔卷


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