

"It is true.I was not thinking of it.I don't know where my head is."And Yvette taking up some embroidery, which she called "the public safety," and at which she worked five or six times a year, on dull days, seated herself on a low chair near her mother, while the two young men, astride folding-chairs, smoked their cigars.

The hours passed in a languid conversation.The Marquise fidgety, cast longing glances at Saval, seeking some pretext, some means, of getting rid of her daughter.She finally realized that she would not succeed, and not knowing what ruse to employ, she said to Servigny:

"You know, my dear Duke, that I am going to keep you both this evening.To-morrow we shall breakfast at the Fournaise restaurant, at Chaton."He understood, smiled, and bowed: "I am at your orders, Marquise."The day wore on slowly and painfully under the threatenings of the storm.The hour for dinner gradually approached.The heavy sky was filled with slow and heavy clouds.There was not a breath of air stirring.The evening meal was silent, too.An oppression, an embarrassment, a sort of vague fear, seemed to make the two men and the two women mute.

When the covers were removed, they sat long upon the terrace; only speaking at long intervals.Night fell, a sultry night.Suddenly the horizon was torn by an immense flash of lightning, which illumined with a dazzling and wan light the four faces shrouded in darkness.

Then a far-off sound, heavy and feeble, like the rumbling of a carriage upon a bridge, passed over the earth; and it seemed that the heat of the atmosphere increased, that the air suddenly became more oppressive, and the silence of the evening deeper.

Yvette rose."I am going to bed," she said, "the storm makes me ill."And she offered her brow to the Marquise, gave her hand to the two young men, and withdrew.

As her room was just above the terrace, the leaves of a great chestnut-tree growing before the door soon gleamed with a green hue, and Servigny kept his eyes fixed on this pale light in the foliage, in which at times he thought he saw a shadow pass.But suddenly the light went out.Madame Obardi gave a great sigh.

"My daughter has gone to bed," she said.

Servigny rose, saying: "I am going to do as much, Marquise, if you will permit me." He kissed the hand she held out to him and disappeared in turn.

She was left alone with Saval, in the night.In a moment she was clasped in his arms.Then, although he tried to prevent her, she kneeled before him murmuring: "I want to see you by the lightning flashes."But Yvette, her candle snuffed out, had returned to her balcony, barefoot, gliding like a shadow, and she listened, consumed by an unhappy and confused suspicion.She could not see, as she was above them, on the roof of the terrace.

She heard nothing but a murmur of voices, and her heart beat so fast that she could actually hear its throbbing.A window closed on the floor above her.Servigny, then, must have just gone up to his room.

Her mother was alone with the other man.

A second flash of lightning, clearing the sky; lighted up for a second all the landscape she knew so well, with a startling and sinister gleam, and she saw the great river, with the color of melted lead, as a river appears in dreams in fantastic scenes.

Just then a voice below her uttered the words: "I love you!" And she heard nothing more.A strange shudder passed over her body, and her soul shivered in frightful distress.A heavy, infinite silence, which seemed eternal, hung over the world.She could no longer breathe, her breast oppressed by something unknown and horrible.

Another flash of lightning illumined space, lighting up the horizon for an instant, then another almost immediately came, followed by still others.And the voice, which she had already heard, repeated more loudly: "Oh! how I love you! how I love you!" And Yvette recognized the voice; it was her mother's.

A large drop of warm rain fell upon her brow, and a slight and almost imperceptible motion ran through the leaves, the quivering of the rain which was now beginning.Then a noise came from afar, a confused sound, like that of the wind in the branches: it was the deluge descending in sheets on earth and river and trees.In a few minutes the water poured about her, covering her, drenching her like a shower-bath.She did not move, thinking only of what was happening on the terrace.

She heard them get up and go to their rooms.Doors were closed within the house; and the young girl, yielding to an irresistible desire to learn what was going on, a desire which maddened and tortured her, glided downstairs, softly opened the outer door, and, crossing the lawn under the furious downpour, ran and hid in a clump of trees, to look at the windows.

Only one window was lighted, her mother's.And suddenly two shadows appeared in the luminous square, two shadows, side by side.Then distracted, without reflection, without knowing what she was doing, she screamed with all her might, in a shrill voice: "Mamma!" as a person would cry out to warn people in danger of death.

Her desperate cry was lost in the noise of the rain, but the couple separated, disturbed.And one of the shadows disappeared, while the other tried to discover something, peering through the darkness of the garden.

Fearing to be surprised, or to meet her mother at that moment, Yvette rushed back to the house, ran upstairs, dripping wet, and shut herself in her room, resolved to open her door to no one.

Without taking, off her streaming dress, which clung to her form, she fell on her knees, with clasped hands, in her distress imploring some superhuman protection, the mysterious aid of Heaven, the unknown support which a person seeks in hours of tears and despair.

  • 太上三天正法经


  • 六十种曲白兔记


  • 北斗九皇隐讳经


  • 注十疑论


  • Samantha at Saratoga

    Samantha at Saratoga

  • 和萧侍御监祭白帝城


  • 屠仙计划


  • 璇矶图


  • 我的世界没有1


  • 隐婚是门技术活


  • 舞千心


  • 如果可以从回那年


  • 桓香缘


  • 蚩尤环


  • 倾世璃歌

