

'And I think he is quite right to come here. I am very glad he has come. It shows that he has really something like a heart inside him. Had he not come, or sent, or written, or taken some step before the trial comes on, to make you know that he was thinking of you, I should have said that he was as hard--as hard as any other man I had ever heard of.

Men are so hard! But I don't think he is, now. I am beginning to regard him as the one chevalier sans peur et sans reproche, and to fancy that you ought to go down on your knees before him, and kiss his highness's shoebuckle. In judging of men one's mind vacillates so quickly between the scorn which is due to a false man and the worship which is due to a true man.' Then she was silent for a moment, but Grace said nothing, and Lily continued, 'I tell you fairly, Grace, that I shall expect very much from you now.'

'Much in what way, Lily?'

'In the way of worship. I shall not be content that you should merely love him. If he has come here, as he must have done, to say that the moment of the world's reproach is the moment he has chosen to ask you to be his wife, I think that you will owe him more than love.'

'I shall owe him more than love, and I will pay him more than love,' said Grace. There was something in the tone of her voice as she spoke which made Lily stop her and look up into her face. There was a smile there which Lily had never seen before, and which gave a beauty to her which was wonderful to Lily's eyes. Surely this lover of Grace's must have seen a smile like that, and therefore had loved her and was giving such wonderful proof of his love. 'Yes,' continued Grace, standing and looking at her friend, 'you may stare at me, Lily, but you may be sure that I will do for Major Grantly all the good that I can do for him.'

'Never mind what I mean. You are very imperious in managing your own affairs, and you must let me be so equally in mine.'

'But I tell you everything.'

'Do you suppose that if--if--if in real truth it can possibly be the case that Major Grantly shall have come here to offer me his hand when we all ground down in the dust as we are, do you think that I will let him sacrifice himself? Would you?'

'Certainly. Why not? There will be no sacrifice. He will be asking for that which he wishes to get; and you will be bound to give it to him.'

'If he wants it, where is his nobility? If it be as you say, he will have shown himself noble, and his nobility will have consisted in this, that he has been willing to take that which he does not want, in order that he may succour the one whom he loves. I also will succour one whom I love, as best I know how.' Then she walked on quickly before her friend, and Lily stood for a moment thinking before she followed her.

They were now on a field-path, by which they were enabled to escape the road back to Allington for the greater part of the distance, and Grace had reached a stile, and had clambered over it before Lily had caught her.

'You must not go away by yourself,' said Lily.

'I don't wish to go away by myself.'

'I want you to stop a moment and listen to me. I am sure you are wrong in this--wrong for both your sakes. You believe that he loves you?'

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    儒和道是中国文化中截然不同的两个系统。一个人从事职业的时候去承担责任。认同规则,在社会上积极努力,就更体现儒家色彩。当一个人回到个人角色中。去放松自我,心灵邀游。热爱自然。看到生命本质的欢欣.其实就更接近道家的状态。——于丹 二十一世纪是一个城市的时代。二十一世纪冒与国的竞争。地区与地区的竞争将集中地体现在城市与城市.尤其是中心城市与中心城市之间的竞争。因此我们必将加快我们的城市化进程。——易中天
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