

Major Grantly went back to the inn and saw his horse fed, and smoked a cigar, and then, finding that it was still only just one o'clock, he started off for a walk. He was not careful not to go out of Allington by the road he had entered it, as he had no wish to encounter Grace and her friend on their return to the village; so he crossed a little brook which runs at the bottom of the hill on which the chief street of Allington is built, and turned into a field-path to the left as soon as he had got beyond the houses. Not knowing the geography of the place he did not understand that by taking that path he was making his way back to the squire's house; but it was so; and after sauntering on for about a mile and crossing back again over the stream, of which he took no notice, he found himself leaning across a gate, and looking into a paddock on the other side of which was the high wall of a gentleman's garden. To avoid this he went on a little farther and found himself on a farm road, and before he could retrace his steps so as not to be seen, he met a gentleman whom he presumed to be the owner of the house. It was the squire surveying his home farm, as was his daily custom; but Major Grantly had not perceived that the house must of necessity be Allington House, having been aware that he had passed the entrance to the place, as he entered the village on the other side. 'I'm afraid I'm intruding,' he said, lifting his hat. 'I came up the path yonder, not knowing that it would lead me so close to a gentleman's house.'

'There's a right of way through the fields on to the Guestwick road,' said the squire, 'and therefore you are not trespassing in any sense;but we are not particular about such things down here, and you would be very welcome if there were no right of way. If you are a stranger, perhaps you would like to see the outside of the old house. People think it picturesque.'

Then Major Grantly became aware that this must be the squire, and he was annoyed with himself for his own awkwardness in having thus come upon the house. He would have wished to keep himself altogether unseen if it had been possible--and especially unseen by this old gentleman, to whom, now that he had met him, he was almost bound to introduce himself. But he was not absolutely bound to do so, and he determined that he would still keep his peace. Even if the squire should afterwards hear of his having been there, what would it matter? But to proclaim himself at the present moment would be disagreeable to him. He permitted the squire, however, to lead him to the front of the house, and in a few moments was standing on the terrace hearing an account of the architecture of the mansion.

You can see the date still in the brickwork of one of the chimneys--that is, if your eyes are very good you can see it--1617. It was completed in that year, and very little has been done to it since. We think the chimneys are pretty.'

'They are very pretty,' said the major. 'Indeed, the house altogether is as graceful as it can be.'

'Those trees are old too,' said the squire, pointing to two cedars which stood at the side of the house. 'They say they are older than the house but I don't feel sure of it. There was a mansion here before, very nearly, though not quite, on the same spot.'

'Your own ancestors were living here before that, I suppose?' said Grantly, meaning to be civil.

'Well, yes; two or three hundred years before it, I suppose. If you don't mind coming down to the churchyard, you'll get an excellent view of the house;--by far the best there is. By-the-by, would you like to step in and take a glass of wine?'

'I'm very much obliged,' said the major, 'but indeed I'd rather not.'

Then he followed the squire down to the churchyard, and was shown the church as well as the view of the house, and the vicarage, and a view over to Allington woods from the vicarage gate, of which the squire was very fond, and in this way he was taken back on to the Guestwick side of the village, and even down on the road by which he had entered it, without in the least knowing where he was. He looked at his watch, and saw that it was past two. 'I'm very much obliged to you, sir,' he said again taking off his hat to the squire, 'and if I shall not be intruding, I'll make my way back to the village.'

'What village?'

'To Allington,' said Grantly.

'This is Allington,' said the squire; and as he spoke, Lily Dale and Grace Crawley turned the corner from the Guestwick road and came close upon them. 'Well, girls, I did not expect to see you,' said the squire;'your mamma told me you wouldn't be back till it was nearly dark, Lily.'

'We have come back earlier than we intended,' said Lily. She of course had seen the stranger with her uncle, and knowing the ways of the squire in such matters had expected to be introduced to him. But the reader will be aware that no introduction was possible. It never occurred to Lily that this man could be Major Grantly of whom she and Grace had been talking during the whole length of the walk home. But Grace and her lover had of course known each other at once, and Grantly, though he was abashed and almost dismayed by the meeting, of course came forward and gave his hand to his friend. Grace in taking it did not utter a word.

'Perhaps I ought to have introduced myself to you as Major Grantly,' said he, turning to the squire.

'Major Grantly! Dear me! I had no idea that you were expected in these parts.'

'I have come without being expected.'

'You are very welcome, I'm sure. I hope your father is well? I used to know him some years ago, and I daresay he has not forgotten me.' Then, while the girls stood by in silence, and while Grantly was endeavouring to escape, the squire invited him very warmly to send his portmanteau up to the house. 'We'll have the ladies up from the house below, and make it as little dull for you as possible.' But this would not have suited Grantly--at any rate would not suit him till he should know what answer he was to have. He excused himself therefore, pleading a positive necessity to be at Guestwick that evening, and then, explaining that he had already seen Mrs Dale, he expressed his intention of going back to the Small House in company with the ladies, if they would allow him. The squire, who did not yet quite understand it all, bade him a formal adieu, and Lily led the way home down behind the churchyard wall and through the bottom of the gardens belonging to the Great House. She of course knew now who the stranger was, and did all in her power to relieve Grace of her embarrassment. Grace had hitherto not spoken a single word since she had seen her lover, nor did she say a word to him in their walk to the house. And, in truth, he was not much more communicative than Grace. Lily did all the talking, and with wonderful female skill contrived to have some words ready for use till they all found themselves together in Mrs Dale's drawing-room. 'I have caught a major, mamma, and landed him,' said Lily laughing, 'but I'm afraid, from what I hear, that you had caught him first.'

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