She had sunk down in her clothes, and her sleep was unrefreshing. She wakened up shivery and chill in body, and sorrow-stricken in mind, though she could not at first rightly tell the cause of her depression. She recalled the events of the night before, and still resolved to adhere to the determination she had then formed. But patience seemed a far more difficult virtue this morning. She hastened down-stairs, and in her earnest, sad desire to do right, now took much pains to secure a comfortable though scanty breakfast for her father; and when he dawdled into the room, in an evidently irritable temper, she bore all with the gentleness of penitence, till at last her mild answers turned a way wrath. She loathed the idea of meeting Sally Leadbitter at her daily work; yet it must be done, and she tried to nerve herself for the encounter, and to make it at once understood, that having determined to give up having anything further to do with Mr Carson, she considered the bond of intimacy broken between them. But Sally was not the person to let these resolutions be carried into effect too easily. She soon became aware of the present state of Mary's feelings, but she thought they merely arose from the changeableness of girlhood, and that the time would come when Mary would thank her for almost forcing her to keep up her meetings and communications with her rich lover. So, when two days had passed over in rather too marked avoidance of Sally on Mary's part, and when the former was made aware by Mr Carson's complaints that Mary was not keeping her appointments with him, and that unless he detained her by force, he had no chance of obtaining a word as she passed him in the street on her rapid walk home, she resolved to compel Mary to what she called her own good. She took no notice during the third day of Mary's avoidance as they sat at work; she rather seemed to acquiesce in the coolness of their intercourse.
《唯有孤独恒常如新》收录了毕肖普最为经典的诗歌,包括《失眠》《一种艺术》《旅行的问题》《致纽约》等脍炙人口的名篇。选译于Farrar,Straus and Giroux出版社为纪念毕肖普诞辰100周年出版的两卷本《毕肖普诗歌散文全集》之《诗歌卷》,被《波士顿邮报》评为年度最佳诗集,也是迄今最权威的毕肖普诗歌选本。