
第11章 First Lessons in Climbing(2)

In the first instance we crossed some narrow streets,where we met numerous groups of galley slaves,with particolored trousers,grey and yellow,working under the orders and the sticks of severe taskmasters,and finally reached the Vor-Frelser's-Kirk.

This church exhibited nothing remarkable in itself;in fact,the worthy Professor had only been attracted to it by one circumstance,which was,that its rather elevated steeple started from a circular platform,after which there was an exterior staircase,which wound round to the very summit.

"Let us ascend,"said my uncle.

"But I never could climb church towers,"I cried,"I am subject to dizziness in my head.""The very reason why you should go up.I want to cure you of a bad habit.""But,my good sir-"

"I tell you to come.What is the use of wasting so much valuable time?"It was impossible to dispute the dictatorial commands of my uncle.Iyielded with a groan.On payment of a fee,a verger gave us the key.

He,for one,was not partial to the ascent.My uncle at once showed me the way,running up the steps like a schoolboy.I followed as well as I could,though no sooner was I outside the tower,than my head began to swim.There was nothing of the eagle about me.The earth was enough for me,and no ambitious desire to soar ever entered my mind.Still things did not go badly until I had ascended 150steps,and was near the platform,when I began to feel the rush of cold air.I could scarcely stand,when clutching the railings,I looked upwards.The railing was frail enough,but nothing to those which skirted the terrible winding staircase,that appeared,from where Istood,to ascend to the skies.

"Now then,Henry."

"I can't do it!"I cried,in accents of despair.

"Are you,after all,a coward,sir?"said my uncle in a pitiless tone."Go up,I say!"To this there was no reply possible.And yet the keen air acted violently on my nervous system;sky,earth,all seemed to swim round,while the steeple rocked like a ship.My legs gave way like those of a drunken man.I crawled upon my hands and knees;I hauled myself up slowly,crawling like a snake.Presently I closed my eyes,and allowed myself to be dragged upwards.

"Look around you,"said my uncle in a stern voice,"heaven knows what profound abysses you may have to look down.This is excellent practice."Slowly,and shivering all the while with cold,I opened my eyes.

What then did I see?My first glance was upwards at the cold fleecy clouds,which as by some optical delusion appeared to stand still,while the steeple,the weathercock,and our two selves were carried swiftly along.Far away on one side could be seen the grassy plain,while on the other lay the sea bathed in translucent light.The Sund,or Sound as we call it,could be discovered beyond the point of Elsinore,crowded with white sails,which,at that distance looked like the wings of seagulls;while to the east could be made out the far-off coast of Sweden.The whole appeared a magic panorama.

But faint and bewildered as I was,there was no remedy for it.

Rise and stand up I must.Despite my protestations my first lesson lasted quite an hour.When,nearly two hours later,I reached the bosom of mother earth,I was like a rheumatic old man bent double with pain.

"Enough for one day,"said my uncle,rubbing his hands,"we will begin again tomorrow."There was no remedy.My lessons lasted five days,and at the end of that period,I ascended blithely enough,and found myself able to look down into the depths below without even winking,and with some degree of pleasure.

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