

Why,my dear Doctor,such an opportunity for rhyming Hades with ladies should not be lost.""That just proves what I said,"said Johnson."Any idiot can make ladies rhyme with Hades.It requires absolute genius to avoid the temptation.You are great enough to make Hades rhyme with bicycle if you choose to do it--but no,you succumb to the temptation to be commonplace.Bah!One of these modern drawing-room poets with three sections to his name couldn't do worse.""On general principles,"said Raleigh,"Johnson is right.We invite these people here to see our club-house,not to give them an exhibition of our metrical powers,and I think all exercises of a formal nature should be frowned upon.""Very well,"said Shakespeare."Go ahead.Have your own way about it.Get out your brow and frown.I'm perfectly willing to save myself the trouble of writing a poem.Writing real poetry isn't easy,as you fellows would have discovered for yourselves if you'd ever tried it.""To pass over the arrogant assumption of the gentleman who has just spoken,with the silence due to a proper expression of our contempt therefor,"said Dryden,slowly,"I think in case we do have a ladies'day here we should exercise a most careful supervision over the invitation list.For instance,wouldn't it be awkward for our good friend Henry the Eighth to encounter the various Mrs.Henrys here?

Would it not likewise be awkward for them to meet each other?""Your point is well taken,"said Doctor Johnson."I don't know whether the King's matrimonial ventures are on speaking terms with each other or not,but under any circumstances it would hardly be a pleasing spectacle for Katharine of Arragon to see Henry running his legs off getting cream and cakes for Anne Boleyn;nor would Anne like it much if,on the other hand,Henry chose to behave like a gentleman and a husband to Jane Seymour or Katharine Parr.I think,if the members themselves are to send out the invitations,they should each be limited to two cards,with the express understanding that no member shall be permitted to invite more than one wife.""That's going to be awkward,"said Raleigh,scratching his head thoughtfully."Henry is such a hot-headed fellow that he might resent the stipulation.""I think he would,"said Confucius."I think he'd be as mad as a hatter at your insinuation that he would invite any of his wives,if all I hear of him is true;and what I've heard,Wolsey has told me.""He knew a thing or two about Henry,"said Shakespeare."If you don't believe it,just read that play of mine that Beaumont and Fletcher--er--ah--thought so much of.""You came near giving your secret away that time,William,"said Johnson,with a sly smile,and giving the Avonian a dig between the ribs.

"Secret!I haven't any secret,"said Shakespeare,a little acridly.

"It's the truth I'm telling you.Beaumont and Fletcher DID admire Henry the Eighth.""Thereby showing their conceit,eh?"said Johnson.

"Oh,of course,I didn't write anything,did I?"cried Shakespeare.

"Everybody wrote my plays but me.I'm the only person that had no hand in Shakespeare.It seems to me that joke is about worn out,Doctor.I'm getting a little tired of it myself;but if it amuses you,why,keep it up._I_know who wrote my plays,and whatever you may say cannot affect the facts.Next thing you fellows will be saying that I didn't write my own autographs?""I didn't say that,"said Johnson,quietly."Only there is no internal evidence in your autographs that you knew how to spell your name if you did.A man who signs his name Shixpur one day and Shikespeare the next needn't complain if the Bank of Posterity refuses to honor his check.""They'd honor my check quick enough these days,"retorted Shakespeare."When a man's autograph brings five thousand dollars,or one thousand pounds,in the auction-room,there isn't a bank in the world fool enough to decline to honor any check he'll sign under a thousand dollars,or two hundred pounds.""I fancy you're right,"put in Raleigh."But your checks or your plays have nothing to do with ladies'day.Let's get to some conclusion in this matter.""Yes,"said Confucius."Let's.Ladies'day is becoming a dreadful bore,and if we don't hurry up the billiard-room will be full.""Well,I move we get up a petition to the council to have it,"said Dryden.

"I agree,"said Confucius,"and I'll sign it.If there's one way to avoid having ladies'day in the future,it's to have one now and be done with it.""All right,"said Shakespeare."I'll sign too.""As--er--Shixpur or Shikespeare?"queried Johnson.

"Let him alone,"said Raleigh."He's getting sensitive about that;and what you need to learn more than anything else is that it isn't manners to twit a man on facts.What's bothering you,Dryden?You look like a man with an idea.""It has just occurred to me,"said Dryden,"that while we can safely leave the question of Henry the Eighth and his wives to the wisdom of the council,we ought to pay some attention to the advisability of inviting Lucretia Borgia.I'd hate to eat any supper if she came within a mile of the banqueting-hall.If she comes you'll have to appoint a tasting committee before I'll touch a drop of punch or eat a speck of salad.""We might recommend the appointment of Raleigh to look after the fair Lucretia and see that she has no poison with her,or if she has,to keep her from dropping it into the salads,"said Confucius,with a sidelong glance at Raleigh."He's the especial champion of woman in this club,and no doubt would be proud of the distinction.""I would with most women,"said Raleigh."But I draw the line at Lucretia Borgia."And so a petition was drawn up,signed,and sent to the council,and they,after mature deliberation,decided to have the ladies'day,to which all the ladies in Hades,excepting Lucretia Borgia and Delilah,were to be duly invited,only the date was not specified.Delilah was excluded at the request of Samson,whose convincing muscles,rather than his arguments,completely won over all opposition to his proposition.

  • 木玲之风


  • 凤倾天下:妖娆魔后万万岁


  • 那些年,那些花


  • 纵横天下之梦漠羽


  • 帝的天国


  • 女上司的私有男友


  • 主神兄妹


  • 我是大军师


  • 世纪宠婚:腹黑总裁爱吃醋


  • 南宋中兴四大诗人

