

"I've been up to the city,seem'my wife--that's where I've been."The Colonel smiled,as at a harmless fiction.

"Well,if you weren't here,I don't see what right you've got to complain.I never leave my good Democratic friends on the outside,do I?""That's all right,"replied Mr.Maker,doggedly,"I'm on,I'm here now,and that bill in the Judiciary doesn't pass without me.I guess I can stop it,too.How about a thousand apiece for five of us boys?""You're pretty good at a joke,Jim,"remarked the Colonel,stroking his goatee.

"Maybe you're looking for a little publicity in this here game,"retorted Mr.Maker,darkly."Say,Colonel,ain't we always treated the Railroad on the level?""Jim,"asked the Colonel,gently,"didn't I always take care of you?"He had laid his hand on the shoulder of Mr.Maker,who appeared slightly mollified,and glanced at a massive silver watch.

"Well,I'll be dropping in about eight o'clock,"was his significant reply,as he took his leave.

"I guess we'll have to grease the wheels a little,"the Colonel remarked to me,and gazed at the ceiling....

The telegram apropos of the Ward Five leader was by no means the only cipher message I sent back during my stay.I had not needed to be told that the matter in hand would cost money,but Mr.Watling's parting instruction to me had been to take the Colonel's advice as to specific sums,and obtain confirmation from Fowndes.Nor was it any surprise to me to find Democrats on intimate terms with such a stout Republican as the Colonel.Some statesman is said to have declared that he knew neither Easterners nor Westerners,Northerners nor Southerners,but only Americans;so Colonel Varney recognized neither Democrats nor Republicans;in our legislature party divisions were sunk in a greater loyalty to the Railroad.

At the Colonel's suggestion I had laid in a liberal supply of cigars and whiskey.The scene in his room that evening suggested a session of a sublimated grand lodge of some secret order,such were the mysterious comings and goings,knocks and suspenses.One after another the "important"men duly appeared and were introduced,the Colonel supplying the light touch.

"Why,cuss me if it isn't Billy!Mr.Paret,I want you to shake hands with Mr.Donovan,the floor leader of the 'opposition,'sir.

Mr.Donovan has had the habit of coming up here for a friendly chat ever since he first came down to the legislature.How long is it,Billy?""I guess it's nigh on to fifteen years,Colonel.""Fifteen years!"echoed the Colonel,"and he's so good a Democrat it hasn't changed his politics a particle."Mr.Donovan grinned in appreciation of this thrust,helped himself liberally from the bottle on the mantel,and took a seat on the bed.We had a "friendly chat."Thus I made the acquaintance also of the Hon.Joseph Mecklin,Speaker of the House,who unbent in the most flattering way on learning my identity.

"Mr.Paret's here on that little matter,representing Watling,Fowndes and Ripon,"the Colonel explained.And it appeared that Mr.Mecklin knew all about the "little matter,"and that the mention of the firm of Watling,Fowndes and Ripon had a magical effect in these parts.The President of the Senate,the Hon.Lafe Giddings,went so far as to say that he hoped before long to see Mr.Watling in Washington.By no means the least among our callers was the Hon.Fitch Truesdale,editor of the St.Helen's Messenger,whose editorials were of the trite effectiveness that is taken widely for wisdom,and were assiduously copied every week by other state papers and labeled "Mr.Truesdale's Common Sense."At countless firesides in our state he was known as the spokesman of the plain man,who was blissfully ignorant of the fact that Mr.Truesdale was owned body and carcass by Mr.Cyrus Ridden,the principal manufacturer of St.Helen's and a director in several subsidiary lines of the Railroad.

In the legislature,the Hon.Fitch's function was that of the moderate counsellor and bellwether for new members,hence nothing could have been more fitting than the choice of that gentleman for the honour of moving,on the morrow,that Bill No.709ought to pass.

Mr.Truesdale reluctantly consented to accept a small "loan"that would help to pay the mortgage on his new press....

When the last of the gathering had departed,about one o'clock in the morning,I had added considerably to my experience,gained a pretty accurate idea of who was who in the legislature and politics of the state,and established relationships--as the Colonel reminded me--likely to prove valuable in the future.It seemed only gracious to congratulate him on his management of the affair,--so far.He appeared pleased,and squeezed my hand.

"Well,sir,it did require a little delicacy of touch.And if I do say it myself,it hasn't been botched,"he admitted."There ain't an outsider,as far as I can learn,who has caught on to the nigger in the wood-pile.That's the great thing,to keep 'em ignorant as long as possible.You understand.They yell bloody murder when they do find out,but generally it's too late,if a bill's been handled right."I found myself speculating as to who the "outsiders"might be.No Ribblevale attorneys were on the spot as yet,--of that I was satisfied.

In the absence of these,who were the opposition?It seemed to me as though I had interviewed that day every man in the legislature.

I was very tired.But when I got into bed,it was impossible to sleep.

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