

He was well educated,and from his portrait a shrewd observer might divine in him a genteel taste for literature.The fine features bear witness to the influence of an American environment,yet suggest the intellectual Englishman of Matthew Arnold's time.The face is distinguished,ascetic,the chestnut hair lighter and thinner than my own;the side whiskers are not too obtrusive,the eyes blue-grey.There is a large black cravat crossed and held by a cameo pin,and the coat has odd,narrow lapels.His habits of mind were English,although he harmonized well enough with the manners and traditions of a city whose inheritance was Scotch-Irish;and he invariably drank tea for breakfast.

One of my earliest recollections is of the silver breakfast service and egg-cups which my great-grandfather brought with him from Sheffield to Philadelphia shortly after the Revolution.His son,Dr.Hugh Moreton Paret,after whom I was named,was the best known physician of the city in the decorous,Second Bank days.

My mother was Sarah Breck.Hers was my Scotch-Irish side.Old Benjamin Breck,her grandfather,undaunted by sea or wilderness,had come straight from Belfast to the little log settlement by the great river that mirrored then the mantle of primeval forest on the hills.So much for chance.He kept a store with a side porch and square-paned windows,where hams and sides of bacon and sugar loaves in blue glazed paper hung beside ploughs and calico prints,barrels of flour,of molasses and rum,all of which had been somehow marvellously transported over the passes of those forbidding mountains,--passes we blithely thread to-day in dining cars and compartment sleepers.Behind the store were moored the barges that floated down on the swift current to the Ohio,carrying goods to even remoter settlements in the western wilderness.

Benjamin,in addition to his emigrant's leather box,brought with him some of that pigment that was to dye the locality for generations a deep blue.I refer,of course,to his Presbyterianism.And in order the better to ensure to his progeny the fastness of this dye,he married the granddaughter of a famous divine,celebrated in the annals of New England,--no doubt with some injustice,--as a staunch advocate on the doctrine of infant damnation.My cousin Robert Breck had old Benjamin's portrait,which has since gone to the Kinley's.Heaven knows who painted it,though no great art were needed to suggest on canvas the tough fabric of that sitter,who was more Irish than Scotch.The heavy stick he holds might,with a slight stretch of the imagination,be a blackthorn;his head looks capable of withstanding many blows;his hand of giving many.

And,as I gazed the other day at this picture hanging in the shabby suburban parlour,I could only contrast him with his anaemic descendants who possessed the likeness.Between the children of poor Mary Kinley,--Cousin Robert's daughter,and the hardy stock of the old country there is a gap indeed!

Benjamin Breck made the foundation of a fortune.It was his son who built on the Second Bank the wide,corniced mansion in which to house comfortably his eight children.There,two tiers above the river,lived my paternal grandfather,Dr.Paret,the Breck's physician and friend;the Durretts and the Hambletons,iron-masters;the Hollisters,Sherwins,the McAlerys and Ewanses,--Breck connections,--the Willetts and Ogilvys;in short,everyone of importance in the days between the 'thirties and the Civil War.Theirs were generous houses surrounded by shade trees,with glorious back yards--I have been told--where apricots and pears and peaches and even nectarines grew.

The business of Breck and Company,wholesale grocers,descended to my mother's first cousin,Robert Breck,who lived at Claremore.The very sound of that word once sufficed to give me a shiver of delight;but the Claremore I knew has disappeared as completely as Atlantis,and the place is now a suburb (hateful word!)cut up into building lots and connected with Boyne Street and the business section of the city by trolley lines.

Then it was "the country,"and fairly saturated with romance.Cousin Robert,when he came into town to spend his days at the store,brought with him some of this romance,I had almost said of this aroma.He was no suburbanite,but rural to the backbone,professing a most proper contempt for dwellers in towns.

Every summer day that dawned held Claremore as a possibility.And such was my capacity for joy that my appetite would depart completely when Iheard my mother say,questioningly and with proper wifely respect "If you're really going off on a business trip for a day or two,Mr.

Paret"(she generally addressed my father thus formally),"I think I'll go to Robert's and take Hugh.""Shall I tell Norah to pack,mother,"I would exclaim,starting up.

"We'll see what your father thinks,my dear.""Remain at the table until you are excused,Hugh,"he would say.

Released at length,I would rush to Norah,who always rejoiced with me,and then to the wire fence which marked the boundary of the Peters domain next door,eager,with the refreshing lack of consideration characteristic of youth,to announce to the Peterses--who were to remain at home the news of my good fortune.There would be Tom and Alfred and Russell and Julia and little Myra with her grass-stained knees,faring forth to seek the adventures of a new day in the shady western yard.

Myra was too young not to look wistful at my news,but the others pretended indifference,seeking to lessen my triumph.And it was Julia who invariably retorted "We can go out to Uncle Jake's farm whenever we want to.Can't we,Tom?"...

  • 菩萨戒本疏




  • 经咫




  • 金锁流珠引


  • 名门枭秀


  • 花样追妻:小姐很腹黑


  • 美人计之毒心尤物


  • 良妃倾天下


  • 瓦罗兰征途


  • 暴力神探:夏洛克


  • 穿越甄嬛之我是天子


  • 双龙玉璧 玲珑皇后

    双龙玉璧 玲珑皇后

  • 嫡女策:至尊毒后


  • 初中高中

