
第9章 Chapter 3(3)

"Scholars,"she said,"I am a stranger to you,but I hope you will come to regard me as your friend.I am here to help you acquire an education.

I am sure you all wish to learn.There is a great satisfaction in knowledge,and it will help you,both boys and girls,to become useful men and women,and acquit yourselves creditably in any positions which you may be called upon to fill.I am not so well acquainted with the method of carrying on a country grammar school as most of my predecessors,having myself been educated in the city.I have,therefore,asked Ben Hadley to assist me in organizing the school,and preparing for work."The scholars received the announcement with surprise.It presented Ben to them in a novel character.They waited with interest to see how he would acquit himself in his new office.

Ben accompanied Miss Frost from desk to desk,and greatly facilitated her task by his suggestions.At length the names of all the scholars were taken.

"Now I must arrange the classes,"said Mabel,with increased confidence."Have you any advice to give,Ben?""You'd better ask the first class to come up,"suggested her young assistant."Then you'll know exactly who belong to it.""That will be the best plan,"said Mabel;and she followed his advice.

Ben left her side and took his place in the class.He scanned the class,and then said:"Miss Frost,there's one boy here who belongs in the second class."At this revelation a boy standing next but one to Ben showed signs of perturbation.

"Who is it?"asked the teacher.

"John Cotton."

"Do you belong to this class,John?"

"I ought to;I know enough,"said he sullenly.

"Today you will oblige me by taking your place in the second class.In a few days I can decide whether you are able to go with this class."John retired,discontented,but hopeful.

"I shall be glad when any of you are fit for promotion,"proceeded Mabel.

"At first it will be best for the classes to remain as they were during the last session."So the organization continued.By noon the school was ready for work;lessons had been assigned in grammar,geography,and arithmetic,and the first class had read.

"I think we have done a good morning's work,"said Miss Mabel Frost as the clock struck twelve."I believe our afternoon session commences at one.Ishould like to have you all punctual."

In leaving the schoolroom to go to dinner,Mabel passed Ben Hadley."You have been of great service to me,Ben,"said she with a smile."I really don't know how I should have got along without you."Ben blushed with gratification.It was long since he had felt so proud and well pleased with himself.

"How do you like your new teacher,Ben?"asked his father at the dinner table.

"She's a trump,father,"said Ben,warmly.

"Then you like her?"asked the Squire in some astonishment,for he understood perfectly well Ben's school reputation.Indeed,more than one teacher had come to him to complain of his son and heir's mischievous conduct,and he had had misgivings that Miss Frost would have occasion to do the same thing.

"Yes,I do,"said Ben,emphatically.She knows how to treat a feller.""Then there was no disturbance?"

"Not a speck."

The Squire was greatly surprised.

"I helped organize the school,"proceeded Ben proudly.

"YOU!"exclaimed the Squire,in small capitals.

"Certainly.Why shouldn't I?

"I apprehend that you might need organizing yourself,"said the Squire,smiling at what he considered a witty remark.

"Maybe I do,sometimes,"said Ben,"but I like Miss Frost,and Imean to help her."

"I didn't see much in her,"said Mrs.Hadley,opening her thin lips disapprovingly."In my opinion she dresses too much for a teacher.""I

don't see why she shouldn't if she can afford it,"said Ben,who had constituted himself Mabel's champion.

She can't afford it on her wages,"retorted his mother,"Iguess that's her lookout,"said Ben,hitting the nail on the head.

"Ben's taken an uncommon fancy to the school mistress,"said Squire Hadley,after Ben had returned to school.

"It won't last,"said Mrs.Hadley,shaking her head."He'll soon be up to his old tricks again,take my word for it.I don't believe she'll suit,either.A new broom sweeps clean.Just wait a while.""If it does last --I mean Ben's fancy --it will be surprising,"said the Squire."He's been a thorn in the side of most of the teachers.""It won't last,"said Mrs.Hadley decidedly,and there the conversation dropped.

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