
第22章 Chapter 9(2)

Two days before the picnic Mr.Chester called at Mrs.Kent's and inquired,in a tone of some importance,for Miss Frost.Mabel made her appearance in the parlor without unnecessary delay.

"I hope I see you well,Miss Frost,"said Mr.Chester,with a smile that was meant to be captivating.

"Thank you,Mr.Chester;I have seldom been better.""I hope you are enjoying your summer in Granville.""Indeed I am,"answered Mabel heartily.

"Where were you last summer,Miss Frost?"Mabel hesitated.She did not like to say that she spent the greater part of the season at Newport,since this would probably lead to further questions on the subject,and possibly expose her secret.

"I was in the city part of the time,"she answered evasively.

"It must have been very uncomfortable,"said Mr.Chester,adding complacently:"I have never passed the summer in New York.I should find it quite intolerable.""A rich man can consult his own wishes,"said Mabel."If you were a poor school teacher it would be different."Randolph Chester always enjoyed allusions to his wealth,It gratified him that Mabel seemed aware of his easy circumstances.

"Quite true,Miss Frost,"he answered."I often feel how fortunate I am in my worldly circumstances.You ought to be rich,"he continued."You have accomplishments which would grace a high social position.""I am afraid you flatter me,Mr.Chester."

"Upon my word I do not,"said the bachelor warmly.He was dangerously near declaring himself,but stopped upon the brink.He did not wish to be precipitate.

"Are you going to the picnic on Saturday,Miss Frost?""I believe so.Everybody will go,and I do not want to be out of fashion.""Permit me to offer my escort,"said Randolph Chester gallantly.

"You are too late,Mr.Chester,"said Mabel,with a smile."Some one has already invited me.""Indeed!"said the bachelor stiffly,and looking offended."May I inquire who that somebody is?""Certainly;it is no secret.I have promised to accompany Mr.Allan Thorpe.""Oh!The artist!"

The words were few,but the tone spoke volumes.It expressed disdain,and implied that to be an artist was something exceedingly disreputable.

"Yes,"said Mabel,not unwilling to tease her elderly admirer,"as you say,he is an artist.He paints very clever pictures.Have you ever seen any of them,Mr,Chester?""Can't say I have,"answered Mr.Chester shortly.

"He promises to be eminent some day,"continued Mabel.

"Does he?A good many promises are unfulfilled I don't think much of artists.""How can you say that,Mr.Chester?I thought every man of culture admired the pictures of Titian and Raffaelle.""Of course,"said Mr.Chester,suspecting that he had gone too far.

"They are the old masters,you know.It's the modern daubers of canvas that I was speaking of.""But are not some of the artists of the present day to become eminent?"asked Mabel.

"When they have become so I will admire them.I don't think Mr.Thorpe stands much chance of it if he wastes his time in Granville.""Then you don't know that he is painting a picture here?""I know nothing of the young man's movements,"said Mr.Randolph Chester loftily."Then I shall not have the pleasure of escorting you,Miss Frost?""I fear not.I hope,however,to meet you there.""I am not sure that I shall go,"returned Mr.Chester discontentedly.

"I believe Miss Bassett is unprovided with an escort,Mr.Chester,"suggested Mabel,still bent on teasing him.

"I don't care to escort a Maypole,"said the bachelor quickly."Miss Bassett is not to my taste.""I am afraid you are very fastidious,Mr.Chester.""I admit that I am so.I prefer to leave Miss Clarissa to some one who appreciates her more than I do."Soon after Randolph Chester took his leave.He went from the presence of Mabel in a very uncomfortable frame of mind.His feelings toward the artist were far from cordial.

"Why couldn't he go somewhere else?"soliloquized Mr.Chester.

"I am sure nobody wanted him here."But the idea would intrude itself that perhaps Miss Frost wanted him.He would not entertain it."She is like all the girls,"he reflected."She is trying to bring me to the point.So she is playing off the beggarly artist against me.I wish I could retaliate.If I could find some other to take I might make her jealous."This struck Mr.Chester as a happy thought.But whom could he select?There was Clarissa Bassett;but no girl in her sober senses would think of being jealous of her .Still undecided,Mr.Chester reached the hotel,when,to his satisfaction,he found the Raymonds,of Brooklyn,had arrived to spend a couple of weeks.there for recreation.

The Raymonds included Mrs.Raymond and her two daughters.The elder was a girl of twenty four,not pretty,but with plenty of pretension.The younger,ten years younger,was still a school girl.The family was supposed to occupy a very exalted social position.All that was known on the subject in Granville came from themselves,and surely they ought to know.They were constantly making references to their aristocratic acquaintances and connections,and evidently felt that in visiting Granville they were conferring a marked favor on that obscure place.

Randolph Chester had not a particle of admiration for Clementina Raymond,but he hailed her arrival with great satisfaction.She was quite a different person from Clarissa Bassett.He would invite her to the picnic and pay her marked attention.Thus,he did not doubt,he could arouse the jealousy of Mabel,and punish her for accepting the escort of Allan Thorpe.

"I am delighted to see you,Miss Raymond,"he said.

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