Of the raising of the Price of Moneys by our Neighbours,and the defect of our not raising of our Moneys accordingly.
Both these Causes are assigned of the Rarity of Money,and are indeed the same,and do both stand and fall together,and both are assigned for causes of Exportation of our Gold and Silver,and for Impediments of the importation of these Materials unto us:For if it be true that our Neighbours by the raising of the price of the Moneys of Gold and Silver,do the more abound in Gold and Silver,it is true likewise,that if we do not raise ours in the same Proportion,we shall much less abound in the same Materials:And if it be true,that they by raising theirs do draw a greater quantity of Gold and Silver into their States,it is likewise true,that they do not only thereby withdraw from us that quantity of Gold and Silver,which would otherwise be imported unto us,but they do facilitate the exportation from us,of that whereof we are already possessed:But,on the contrary,if these Positions be not true,then all the Consequences inferred upon them are not true likewise;Now because almost all the deliberations in matters of Money do resort to the one or the other side of this main Question,Whether the raising of the price of Moneys doth really and stably increase the abundance of Money in any State,or if it do increase the quantity,whether that increase be not more prejudicial than beneficial to the Commonwealth?I intend to handle this Question,and all the incidents pertaining to it,as exactly as I can.And First I purpose to set down the benefits that do grow to the State by the raising of the Moneys,and the Prejudices that do grow by the not raising of Moneys:And then I intend to set down the Benefits that do grow by the not raising of Money,and the Prejudices that do grow by the raising of Money:The I purpose to examine,and to answer,or allow the Reasons made on both sides.
And lastly,I intend to set down what Remedies have been propounded for the avoiding of all Inconveniences which may grow to the State either by the raising or not raising of Moneys,or both of them,and to examine the same:And here I must again require an extraordinary Patience and Attention in the Reader,because that upon the hinges of this Question,the whole Mystery of the Government and ordering of Moneys in the Commonwealth is moved,and the question it self is very intricate and perplexed,and the Reasons alledged on both sides are full of Subtilty.