

Ursula held up her finger,that I might not stir.The clock in the corner,and the soft sobbing of the flame on the hearth,were the only sounds in the parlour.She sewed on quietly,to the end of her work;then let it drop on her lap,and sat still.Her cheek leaned itself softly against John's hair,and in her eyes,which seemed so intently contemplating the little frock,I saw large bright tears gather--fall.But her look was serene,nay,happy;as if she thought of these beloved ones,husband and children--her very own--preserved to her in health and peace,--ay,and in that which is better than either,the unity of love.For that priceless blessing,for the comfort of being HIS comfort,for the sweetness of bringing up these his children in the fear of God and in the honour of their father--she,true wife and mother as she was,would not have exchanged the wealth of the whole world.

"What's that?"We all started,as a sudden ring at the bell pealed through the house,waking John,and frightening the very children in their beds.All for a mere letter too,brought by a lacquey of Lord Luxmore's.Having--somewhat indignantly--ascertained this fact,the mother ran upstairs to quiet her little ones.When she came down,John still stood with the letter in his hand.He had not told me what it was;when I chanced to ask he answered in a low tone--"Presently!"On his wife's entrance he gave her the letter without a word.

Well might it startle her into a cry of joy.Truly the dealings of heaven to us were wonderful!

"Mr.John Halifax.

"SIR,"Your wife,Ursula Halifax,having some time since attained the age fixed by her late father as her majority,I will,within a month after date,pay over to your order all moneys,principal and interest,accruing to her,and hitherto left in my hands,as trustee,according to the will of the late Henry March,Esquire.

"I am,sir,"Yours,etc."RICHARD BRITHWOOD.""Wonderful--wonderful!"

It was all I could say.That one bad man,for his own purposes,should influence another bad man to an act of justice--and that their double evil should be made to work out our good!Also,that this should come just in our time of need--when John's strength seemed ready to fail.

"Oh John--John!now you need not work so hard!"That was his wife's first cry,as she clung to him almost in tears.

He too was a good deal agitated.This sudden lifting of the burthen made him feel how heavy it had been--how terrible the responsibility--how sickening the fear.

"Thank God!In any case,you are quite safe now--you and the children!"He sat down,very pale.His wife knelt beside him,and put her arms around his neck--I quietly went out of the room.

When I came in again,they were standing by the fire-side--both cheerful,as two people to whom had happened such unexpected good fortune might naturally be expected to appear.I offered my congratulations in rather a comical vein than otherwise;we all of us had caught John's habit of putting things in a comic light whenever he felt them keenly.

"Yes,he is a rich man now--mind you treat your brother with extra respect,Phineas.""And your sister too.

'For she sall walk in silk attire,And siller hae to spare.'

She's quite young and handsome still--isn't she?How magnificent she'll look in that grey silk gown!""John,you ought to be ashamed of yourself!you--the father of a family!you--that are to be the largest mill-owner at Enderley--"He looked at her fondly,half deprecatingly."Not till I have made you and the children all safe--as I said.""We are safe--quite safe--when we have you.Oh,Phineas!make him see it as I do.Make him understand that it will be the happiest day in his wife's life when she knows him happy in his heart's desire."We sat a little while longer,talking over the strange change in our fortunes--for they wished to make me feel that now,as ever,what was theirs was mine;then Ursula took her candle to depart.

"Love!"John cried,calling her back as she shut the door,and watching her stand there patient--watching with something of the old mischievous twinkle in his eyes."Mrs.Halifax,when shall I have the honour of ordering your long-tailed grey ponies?"

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