HIT'S a gittin' mighty late, w'en de Guinny-hins squall, En you better dance now, of you gwineter dance a tall, Fer by dis time tor-morrer night you can't hardly crawl, Kaze youil hatter take de hoe ag'in en likewise do inaul-Don't you hear dat bay colt a kickin' in his stall?
Stop yo' humpin' up-yo' sho'lders do!
Dat'll never do! Hop light, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!
Hit takes a heap er scrougin' For ter git you thoo-Hop light, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!
Ef you niggers don't watch, you'll sing anudder chune, Fer De sun'll rise'n ketch you ef you don't be mighty soon;
En de stars is gittin' paler, en de ole gray coon Is a settin' inde grape-vine a watchin' fer do moon.
W'en a feller comes a knockin' Des holler-Oh, shoo!
Hoplight, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!
Oh, swing dat yaller gal!
Do, boys, do!
Hoplight, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!
Oh, tu'n me loose! Lemme 'lone! Go way, now!
W'at you speck I come a dancin' fer of I dunno how?
Deze do ve'y kinder footses w'at kicks up a row;
Can't you jump inter do middle en make yo' gal a bow?
Look at dat merlatter man A follerin' up Sue;
Hoplight, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!
De boys ain't a gwine W'en you cry boo hoo-Hop light, ladies, Oh, Miss Loo!