
第63章 CHAPTER 20(3)

`No: I found, indeed, some passages that, taken by themselves, might seem to contradict that opinion; but they will all bear a different construction to that which is commonly given, and in most the only difficulty is in the word which we translate "ever lasting" or "eternal": I don't know the Greek, but I believe it strictly means "for ages," and might signify either "endless" or "long-enduring." And as for the danger of the belief, I would not publish it abroad, if I thought any poor wretch would be likely to presume upon it to his own destruction, but it is a glorious thought to cherish in one's own heart, and I would not part with it for all the world can give!'

Here our conference ended, for it was now high time to prepare for church. Everyone attended the morning service, except my uncle, who hardly ever goes, and Mr Wilmot, who stayed at home with him to enjoy a quiet game of cribbage. In the afternoon Miss Wilmot and Lord Lowborough likewise excused themselves from attending; but Mr Huntingdon vouchsafed to accompany us again. Whether it was to ingratiate himself with my aunt I cannot tell, but, if so, he certainly should have behaved better. I must confess, I did not like his conduct during service at all. Holding his prayer-book upside down, or open at any place but the right, he did nothing but stare about him, unless he happened to catch my aunt's eye or mine, and then he would drop his own on his book, with a puritanical air of mock solemnity that would have been ludicrous, if it had not been too provoking.

Once, during the sermon, after attentively regarding Mr Leighton for a few minutes, he suddenly produced his gold pencil case and snatched up a Bible. Perceiving that I observed the movement, he whispered he was going to make a note of the sermon; but instead of that--as I sat next him--I could not help seeing that he was making a caricature of the preacher, giving to the respectable, pious, elderly gentleman, the air and aspect of a most absurd old hypocrite. And yet, upon his return, he talked to my aunt about the sermon with a degree of modest, serious discrimination that tempted me to believe he had really attended and profited by the discourse.

Just before dinner my uncle called me into the library for the discussion of a very important matter, which was dismissed in few words.

`Now, Nell,' said he, `this young Huntingdon has been asking for you: what must I say about it? Your aunt would answer "No"--but what say you?'

`I say yes, uncle,' replied I, without a moment's hesitation; for I had thoroughly made up my mind on the subject.

`Very good!' cried he. `Now that's a good honest answer--wonderful for a girl!--Well, I'll write to your father tomorrow, He's sure to give his consent; so you may look on the matter as settled. You'd have done a deal better if you'd taken Wilmot, I can tell you; but that you won't believe. At your time of life, it's love that rules the roast: at mine, it's solid, serviceable gold. I suppose now, you'd never dream of looking into the state of your husband's finances, or troubling your head about settlements, or any thing of that sort?'

`I don't think I should.'

`Well, be thankful, then, that you've wiser heads to think for you. I haven't had time, yet, to examine thoroughly into this young rascal's affairs, but I see that a great part of his father's fine property has been squandered away;--but still, I think there's a pretty fair share of it left, and a little careful nursing may make a handsome thing of it yet; and then we must persuade your father to give you a decent fortune, as he has only one besides yourself to care for;--and, if you behave well, who knows but what I may be induced to remember you in my will?' continued be, putting his finger to his nose, with a knowing wink.

`Thanks uncle, for that and all your kindness,' replied I.

`Well, and I questioned this young spark on the matter of settlements,' continued he; and he seemed disposed to be generous enough on that point--'

`I knew he would!' said I. `But pray don't trouble your head--or his, or mine about that; for all I have will be his, and all he has will be mine; and what more could either of us require?' And I was about to make my exit, but he called me back.

`Stop, stop!' cried he--`We haven't mentioned the time yet. When must it be? Your aunt would put it off till the Lord knows when, but he is anxious to be bound as soon as may be: he `won't hear of waiting beyond next month; and you, I guess, will be of the same mind, so--'

`Not at all, uncle; on the contrary, I should like to wait till after Christmas, at least.'

`Oh! pooh, pooh! never tell me that tale--I know better,' cried he; and he persisted in his incredulity. Nevertheless, it is quite true.

I am in no hurry at all. How can I be, when I think of the momentous change that awaits me, and of all I have to leave? It is happiness enough, to know that we are to be united; and that he really loves me, and I may love him as devotedly, and think of him as often as I please.

However, I insisted upon consulting my aunt about the time of the wedding, for I determined her counsels should not be utterly disregarded; and no conclusions on that particular are come to yet.

  • 一块钱的爱情


  • 彼岸花血樱泪殉


  • 我爱的那个少年易烊千玺


  • 斗破苍穹之绝世嫣然


  • 美女特种杀手


  • 三国乱世烽烟


  • 金牌特工,倾世太子妃


  • 火影之宇智波周助


  • 萨科萨科


  • 找个夫君做保镖

